Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

I’m commenting on the topic and the topic is Russell Brand, try to keep up.
Yes on Russell Brand and his rape allegations. It’s right there in the heading. Do do try to keep up.

You know, even for a retard, you exhibit a certain level of dumbness that is rare. Thoughts & Prayers. :itsok:
Well he used to be quite left wing but wasnt considered a great political thinker. He obviously found it more profitable to adopt certain opinions to further his career.
He wont be the first. tucker comes to mind.
Tucker has always been right minded. Have you ever heard of him before he guested on O'riley
16 is legal in the UK ? That is too young. How in the world did y'all come up with that age, otherwise as being appropriate to be treated like an adult when it comes to sexual relations ? Well at least it appears that you disagree with it. Good for you.

Groomer ? How do you know as to who came on to who ? Depending on the family that the girl is from, she may have known more than he did about things like that, but it still doesn't excuse his behavior if he went for it. That's on him.
16 is around the time most kids start having sex. Not with dirty old men like brand though.
His YouTube videos trashing democrats were getting too popular.

So of course the Nazi left have to shut him down.

This shit is sickeningly obvious.
One thing about it, and that is that anyone casting a stone shouldn't be surprised if one fly's back sooner or later, otherwise if they are casting one in a hypocritical way.

Lauren Boebert just got a huge taste of carma.... Unbelievable was that situation Wow. Not sure if she was on something (drunk, drinking), or what ?

Now everyone goes through life experiences of course, otherwise where it is said that everyone was once a child, and then as children (whatever number that might be up to in their age in life), of course they do those childish things, but once they become adults (whatever age that might be), they are supposed to have put away those childish things..

They are to become wiser due to their actions after moving on from their mistakes, and they are to simply give warning by way of their testimony to others so they don't hopefully make those same mistakes if at all possible in their lives.

If the mistakes people make are just content/testimony followed up in the aftermath, and it is used to warn others about, otherwise after they've moved on from those mistakes in a better light, then their testimony or warning is given in the hopes that other's heed those warnings (if they see other's heading for the same trap's), that they may have fell in too once upon a time.

So it is that many are just conveying a message or giving out a warning, instead of engaging in hypocrisy or even letting hypocrisy be entertained in the situations, because they know that they aren't perfect either, but they do hope to help others.

However, the devil is the accuser of the brethren, so he looks at everything as if there is no statue of limitations or forgiveness in as far as he sees it, but he can only come at those who are actively involved in the very things that they are condemning, otherwise being a hypocrite.

So if it be that one is without sin, then pick up the stone and cast it sayeth the Lord.

All one heard was the stones hitting the dirt when Jesus spoke. At this point a warning was all that any of them could give if they wanted too, otherwise in hopes that the person would go and sin no more.

People being a hypocrite if doing such a thing by accusing another of the very thing that one is currently doing, does make that person being a hypocrite vulnerable and easier targets because they are being hypocritical in their ways.

People should check themselves daily, and say to themselves "are we warning people" in order to help them or just hating on people as a hypocrite would do, otherwise because we are currently doing the same things that they currently are ???
Yes on Russell Brand and his rape allegations. It’s right there in the heading. Do do try to keep up.

You know, even for a retard, you exhibit a certain level of dumbness that is rare. Thoughts & Prayers. :itsok:
Coming from a brainless asshole, that is a compliment, sorry I made you cry. :itsok:
Coming from a brainless asshole, that is a compliment, sorry I made you cry. :itsok:
So, have you figured out this thread is about or are you still confused?

Take your time. I know thinking is hard for you, retards. :itsok:

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