Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

A decent review.
The similarities with the Saville case are striking.Saville operated in full sight.. All the signs were there.
Brand is another player like Weinstein and Epstein. Its the abuse of power dor sexual favours, It isnt going away. It will be happening today in organisations where individuals wield power.

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.
For some reason, and I don't know what it is, this doesn't surprise me at all. He seems so erratic.
As if. You can't read my mind, swampy.

Brand is being set up. It's straight from the Prog-Authoritarian handbook.
I don't need to read your mind. Cultists are very simple. You don't even believe it. It's just what you think you're supposed to say.
In what way is believing that a Republican or a Christian is being set up by the left crazy?

We see it happening all the time.

Let's make a list of all of the people that the left has tried to destroy using the METoo movement, shall we?

And "J6 Insurrectionist", "Anti-Vaxxr Misinformationist" and "RACISTS" - the Lefties have destroyed a lot of folks with these false accusations.
Well he used to be quite left wing but wasnt considered a great political thinker. He obviously found it more profitable to adopt certain opinions to further his career.
He wont be the first. tucker comes to mind.

Does your side ever get tired of being wrong? Or played like the sheep you are? Just curious

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.
First of all todays Mainstream media { especially the AP }
are by all means NOT to be trusted.They deserve Nothing short
of utter disdain for their willingness to Do the opposite of what
Journalism was once entrusted.
To ensure news is reported and written about with due dilligence
and honesty.One reason for the Journalist award or George Polk
award.Which David Corn got and exploited for all it was worth.
Got him the infamous - 47 % story -.Which helped sink Mitt
Romney in 2012.Plus Pulitzers at the N.Y.Times for fawlty and
lazy lies concerning Trump and - Russian Collusion -.
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Does your side ever get tired of being wrong? Or played like the sheep you are? Just curious
Like eventually People will talk and or Wise-up.
A nefarious elixir combining Lies with a pack mentality till the
cows come home.That's it in a nutshell.
Git as many in the MSM to lie and twist and distort as
there are hours in a day.Actually no different than
how American prisoners were treated at the Hanoi Hilton.
She isnt underage now. Do I think he should of been thrown in jail at the time? Absolutely. I think if you were to attempt to imprison him nowt now, the victim should have their say as well. Statute of limitations might be in effect though.
Statute of limitations does not apply. Polansky was tried and convicted. He escaped prior to serving his sentence.

The victim was heavily drugged at the time and has no memory of what happened.

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