Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

It is odd how a public figure can affect someone. There are actors that I like or dislike for no special reason, just feeling. Brand is one who, inexplicably, rubs me the wrong way. I don't like him and my view is difficult to explain. That does not change the fact that he is innocent in my mind at this time. I had hoped that the insanity of "instant conviction upon accusation" was in the past. How wearisome to see it is still so active. Again, shame on any and all who participate in and propagate such prejudice.
I have never liked Russell Brand. However, the dragging out of the bimbo brigade against everyone displeasing the left is tiresome. It's become routine.
Nope. It's ongoing.

But go ahead and accuse a bunch of women of lying. It's your image to ruin.
It's ongoing....yes it is, and that's why they needn't have waited 10 years.

I just find it strange that once he changed his political leanings
is when they came out.

Reminds me too much of the Kavanagh gals coming out and
accusing him of similar violations, only to be found lying.

You have your opinion, FFI,
Weird that the 4 of them came out 10 years later, not days or months, or even a year.
not cuckoo
Oh some allegations are a minimum of 15 years old.

Rape is an extremely difficult thing to prosecute with only 60% resulting in jail time if the reported rape is actually prosecuted. The vast majority of rapes go unreported and not prosecuted. (According to statistics).

Considering that rape is about power and domination of another person...and the number of psychologists who readily vouch for Russel Brand...I'm leaning towards believing that this is a case of consent withdrawn AFTER THE FACT. (Which is allowed in UK)

I do not believe this to be genuine cases of assault and perpetrated harm....and more than likely some sexually aggressive women trying to gain some of Russell's money.
It's ongoing....yes it is, and that's why they needn't have waited 10 years.

I just find it strange that once he changed his political leanings
is when they came out.

Reminds me too much of the Kavanagh gals coming out and
accusing him of similar violations, only to be found lying.

You have your opinion, FFI,
Funny how that works. Huh?

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.

Ben Shapiro discusses the Russell Brand allegations....over the last few years they have become friends and he goes through the controversy....


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