Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

Vorden is harmless enough.
Brand needs the US because any sort of shit gets excused if you are on the right side.
Cordon is rude, obnoxious, difficult to work with and his humor comes at the expense of others. No one like to work with him, I wouldn’t watch his ugly trap if you were to pay me. Just don’t like his boorish behavior.

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.

The left hates him because he asks to many questions and normie ladies are watching him..

They've called him Gateway drug to the alt right lol

It is odd how a public figure can affect someone. There are actors that I like or dislike for no special reason, just feeling. Brand is one who, inexplicably, rubs me the wrong way. I don't like him and my view is difficult to explain. That does not change the fact that he is innocent in my mind at this time. I had hoped that the insanity of "instant conviction upon accusation" was in the past. How wearisome to see it is still so active. Again, shame on any and all who participate in and propagate such prejudice.
It is odd how a public figure can affect someone. There are actors that I like or dislike for no special reason, just feeling. Brand is one who, inexplicably, rubs me the wrong way. I don't like him and my view is difficult to explain. That does not change the fact that he is innocent in my mind at this time. I had hoped that the insanity of "instant conviction upon accusation" was in the past. How wearisome to see it is still so active. Again, shame on any and all who participate in and propagate such prejudice.

I don’t care for him, never have. I‘m not that interested in him. But everything seems hysterical, in relation to his unimportance, as though these are secondary reasons for some other underlying reason.

They did the same to Tommy Robinson, when he was saying things the Establishment didn’t like.
I don’t care for him, never have. I‘m not that interested in him. But everything seems hysterical, in relation to his unimportance, as though these are secondary reasons for some other underlying reason.

They did the same to Tommy Robinson, when he was saying things the Establishment didn’t like.
No decent people liked lennon.
Cordon is rude, obnoxious, difficult to work with and his humor comes at the expense of others. No one like to work with him, I wouldn’t watch his ugly trap if you were to pay me. Just don’t like his boorish behavior.
Corden starred in Gavin and Stacey and was very funny in it. He doesnt get much air time over here now he works in the US.
I disagree with your statement. He is very political, and when I do see him
on the television, he's talking politics. Stated he jumped from being a liberal to a conservative.
That's political, Tommie.
Only in the US. It doesnt bother me what he does for a living over there.
Corden starred in Gavin and Stacey and was very funny in it. He doesnt get much air time over here now he works in the US.
He maybe funny, but he is rude and obnoxious, which is two personality traits I am not fond of, that is one of my big issues with Trump and why I never supported him.
It doesn't bother me either, what does bother me is, why 'now'?
10 years, or more has passed, and now that he changed his 'coat',
they all come out.
It just seems strange, and possibly contrived.
I think that you are over thinking it. It doesnt discredit ny of his positions and he never was seen as a good guy.
People dont think all antivaxxers are rapists, that would be daft.
I suspect that it takes some time to come out with this sort of thing. The enqiry took 5 years. The abuse that these women are facing now sort of explains it.

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.

This is actually a good look at these accusations....

Where do I stand on this?

Hell, I don’t know.

I have no idea.

The only people who know are the alleged victims and Brand. What I do know is that my opinion on this stuff has been and will always be the same: innocent until proven guilty. Our current climate, with its openly fascistic “Believe All Women” mantra, appalls and sickens me. The kangaroo court of public opinion is still a kangaroo court, and I will have nothing to do with destroying and punishing a fellow human being without proof. I will have nothing to do with a public lynching of a fellow human being’s reputation and livelihood without a jury verdict. The whole thing is grotesque.

Further, why should we believe the corporate media this time?

Why should we believe these people this time…?

So, yeah, I have questions…

The first question is, why now…?

The #MeToo movement is more than six years old. Why now?

These allegations of wrongdoing are said to have occurred between 2006 and 2013. Why now?

Based on Brand’s wild public behavior, these media investigations began only four years ago? In 2017? Only after Brand began his political and personal conversion?

And let’s not forget this…

We all saw just how far the corporate media were willing to go to destroy Brett Kavananaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Christine Blasey Ford, an obvious liar who couldn’t even remember where and when her alleged assault happened, was treated like Rosa Parks. The media then pummeled us with one phony Kavanaugh claim after another, including rape gangs!

I simply cannot trust that this same media would not do whatever it takes to destroy an apostate like Russell Brand, a guy with 6.5 million YouTube subscribers.


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