Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

We see that insisting upon an accused person's innocence is now transposed into accusing the accusers of lying.
Logic gets turned on its head so often that which way is up becomes problematic.
That really isn't the issue. Common sense says there is something
else going on.

l was looking for the smoking gun:

He speaks to those who feel life is harder, not easier, in 2023.

It is a far cry from a shallow life as a drug-addicted Hollywood movie star using women for sexual gratification; a time in which he thought “the world was an amusement park made out of orgasms.”
Before American TV producers were fully aware of his fearlessness he was invited onto chat shows where he dropped uncomfortable truth bombs with shocking force. On CNN’s Bill Maher show he whipped out a piece of paper and despite Maher trying to silence him, breathlessly intoned facts about Moderna and Pfizer making “$100 million of profit in 2022…When it came to the profits they took the profits,” he looks to the audience, “when it came to the funding you paid for it. All I’m querying is this: if you have an economic system where the pharmaceutical companies benefit from medical emergencies, where a military industrial complex benefits from war; where energy companies benefit from energy crises you are going to generate states of perpetual crisis where the interests of ordinary people separate from the interests of the elite.”
He has a powerful group of similarly outcast allies in Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and Vandana Shiva.
So unless you have followed Brand’s remarkable online journey to expose corruption, it is too easy to write him off as a rapist, turn the page of the newspaper and wait for the next celebrity sex scandal to come along.

Beverley Turner UK, always “gets into trouble” for daring to express her views.

After his views on Covid, the vaccine, lockdowns, masks, etc, it was “off with his head”.
Better stop making sense, they will delete you!
It's not so much about "whataboutism" as it is that it demonstrates a clear targeted campaign to silence intelligent discussion.
Where I personally do not agree with all the opinions Russell puts forth and often he is only very close to the truth...that is the problem of some very powerful "bad actors " in the world. They do not wish to be exposed for their obvious market/global manipulation.

Russell Brand has some very odd political viewpoints...but his exposure of corporate corruption and greed is usually well documented and extremely also covers both sides of the political spectrum. So to have a smear campaign levied against him is sort of to be expected because he has no allies in positions of power anymore.

And these Social Media platforms could have been reigned in a long time ago...but the senate investigating committee members were obviously bought and paid for long before the committee was even formed. The mock investigation was concluded before the first question was made. They only paused to verify the questions were not too difficult/probing before they were asked.
Brand isnt particularly political. Why would you say that ?

I watch him sometimes on Rumble. He frequently talks about politics, but he understands that the Uniparty rules. There is no functional difference between Donkeys and Elephants.

By what experience do you describe him as 'not political'? Are you judging a book by its cover?

He is non-partisan, but very aware of what's going on in the world around him. One of those truth tellers. Maybe that's why you don't like him?
I watch him sometimes on Rumble. He frequently talks about politics, but he understands that the Uniparty rules. There is no functional difference between Donkeys and Elephants.

By what experience do you describe him as 'not political'? Are you judging a book by its cover?

He is non-partisan, but very aware of what's going on in the world around him. One of those truth tellers. Maybe that's why you don't like him?
Im not fa,i;iat with his current gig. I just remember him from 20 years ago. most of his show was about himself. Still is by the sound of it,


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I'm just amazed to have watched the liberal left of my youth transform into the illiberal, authoritarian left of today.

None of these stupid pro-censorship leftists would recognize liberalism if it smacked them alongside the head.

This issue isn’t about the rapes etc. We knew all about that anyway. It’s a secondary reason to go after him for opening his mouth about ‘sensitive’ issues. Like vaccines, for instance.

As if we haven’t seen it all before. :rolleyes:
This issue isn’t about the rapes etc. We knew all about that anyway. It’s a secondary reason to go after him for opening his mouth about ‘sensitive’ issues. Like vaccines, for instance.

As if we haven’t seen it all before. :rolleyes:
Of course.

Only the brainwashed proles fail to see that.
Of course.

Only the brainwashed proles fail to see that.

And this came to mind:

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate. ~Noam Chomsky.​

Too many people think they are free thinkers.

I'm just amazed to have watched the liberal left of my youth transform into the illiberal, authoritarian left of today.

None of these stupid pro-censorship leftists would recognize liberalism if it smacked them alongside the head.

I've said this for years, they came out supposedly against the 'authoritarian right' in the 60's and beyond, but apparently they learned that it's better to join them than to fight them. They've become that on steroids, and only getting more and more authoritarian as they go. That's why I believe that their 'movement' was never about 'freedom of expression', it was about turning our culture into a hyper sexualized one and the total degradation of morals in order to achieve their own take over. And they've been very successful in that endeavor to this day.
Even though he has proof of innocence he might still get expelled from school. This is whT the problem is.


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