Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

Yeah, I thought the same. I liked him too. He probably did that when he was on heroin before he got sober and went into recovery. But No matter how drunk I ever got or cannabis high I have never raped anyone. He should be held accountable if proven true.
So, you are going to change the way you feel about him on mere allegations? You are brainwashed, dude. You are nothing but a Pavlovian dog.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
They’re allegations, but I’m certain you’re all-in on the guilty-until-proven-innocent judgment when it comes to a right-leaning voice, fake conservative.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
If you're a Trump supporter, you should be delighted that Brand is so much like Trump. A kindred spirit of sexual abuse.
Trump has never been shown to have raped anyone. In fact, not even that dingbat who sued him for defamation is alleging rape. She just said he finger-fucked her.
You sure are an ignorant SOB. Oral penetration is rape.
You are brainwashed, dude. You are nothing but a Pavlovian dog.
I actually never cared much about Russell Brand the person, however, I liked his podcast and topics. In this case, I do know Russell has stated he has had sex and drug addiction in the past. He was a heroin addict. It's not a stretch. If he did it he should make amends as part of his recovery and not deny it. But because of legalities that probably won't happen. As far as some of his political views I would still agree with those points of view. I don't need Russell Brand to podcast them to me though. It's not a need.

He does deserve a trial and to speak for himself and the accusers need to prove it.

Your reaction to my point of view tells me that you are brainwashed you are a Pavlovian dog, and you react right on cue without any substance.

"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses."

Carl Jung
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
The fact WEF shillbots are launching an all out assault on Brand leads me to believe this is all BS.

What happened till innocent till proven guilty?

Why didn't WEF/Democrats cancel Bribin after Tera Read came out. Her accusations are creditable, but Bribin is treated much differently. Hmmm
I actually never cared much about Russell Brand the person, however, I liked his podcast and topics. In this case, I do know Russell has stated he has had sex and drug addiction in the past. He was a heroin addict. It's not a stretch. If he did it he should make amends as part of his recovery and not deny it. But because of legalities that probably won't happen. As far as some of his political views I would still agree with those points of view. I don't need Russell Brand to podcast them to me though. It's not a need.

He does deserve a trial and to speak for himself and the accusers need to prove it.

Your reaction to my point of view tells me that you are brainwashed you are a Pavlovian dog, and you react right on cue without any substance.

"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses."

Carl Jung
Ah, the old "I know you are but what am I" defense. Nice! I have not seen that displayed since back in the 1970s in elementary school.

Sex additional and being a druggie is a long cry from rape. I used to be a horny drunk but I never raped or assaulted anybody. There are plenty of consenting skanks out there.

Since we are merely engaging in conjecture, perhaps the starlets were banging brand to further their careers. Today nobody knows who they are, so why not go for the gusto and play the Wheel of Lawsuits?

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