Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

I've said this for years, they came out supposedly against the 'authoritarian right' in the 60's and beyond, but apparently they learned that it's better to join them than to fight them. They've become that on steroids, and only getting more and more authoritarian as they go. That's why I believe that their 'movement' was never about 'freedom of expression', it was about turning our culture into a hyper sexualized one and the total degradation of morals in order to achieve their own take over. And they've been very successful in that endeavor to this day.
Well, the one thing I do know is that the left of today no longer believes in questioning authority, the left no longer believes in do your own thing and the left REALLY does not believe in peace, love and understanding.
Well, the one thing I do know is that the left of today no longer believes in questioning authority, the left no longer believes in do your own thing and the left REALLY does not believe in peace, love and understanding.

You nailed it, I always just wonder what's in it for them? I just don't get it, they're simply pawns to those that will benefit. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess. I have no other explanation.
If this plays all the way through (Reddit), it quickly explains why the Powers That Be are pissed off at Russel.

Too much truth, even for Bill Maher. Russel dropped a Truth Bomb, and Bill was squirming.
Well, the one thing I do know is that the left of today no longer believes in questioning authority, the left no longer believes in do your own thing and the left REALLY does not believe in peace, love and understanding.
I agree with you, true Liberals and true Conservatives are few and far between. Not sure why this has happened. I remember Oregon had a Governor named Tom McCall, he was a Republican and Progressive. He was responsible for the first bottle bill; the Oregon Beach Bill, that made all Oregon Beaches public property. Truly an innovative governor and a great leader, today he would just piss both sides off.
Pay attention to any given poster's propensity for using the term "we" when discussing politics.

Such use is inversely proportional to their ability to think freely.

Well, the one thing I do know is that the left of today no longer believes in questioning authority, the left no longer believes in do your own thing and the left REALLY does not believe in peace, love and understanding.

Remember when they went after Judge Kavanaugh? Christine Blasey Ford couldn’t even remember when her alleged assault took place, yet was elevated to Joan of Arc status.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.

Brand is, and has always been, a leftist.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
1) 16 = Age of consent in England.
2) Still unnerving
3) He admitted he was a sex and drug addict back then and since then has turned his life around
4) Only reason this came out now is because he turned on the Libs who protected him during the time of his addictions and misdeeds.
5) He isn’t being sued criminally. This is a hit piece.

Doesn’t make it right or kosher but we need to put out all the facts.
1) 16 = Age of consent in England.
2) Still unnerving
3) He admitted he was a sex and drug addict back then and since then has turned his life around
4) Only reason this came out now is because he turned on the Libs who protected him during the time of his addictions and misdeeds.
5) He isn’t being sued criminally. This is a hit piece.

Doesn’t make it right or kosher but we need to put out all the facts.

In 31 states, the age of consent is 16. In 8 it is 17...
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
You're full of crap.

Are you really this easy to manipulate?

I bet that if the media were to tell you that President George Washington raped your daughter you'd believe them.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
Why don't you just say you believe whatever you are told by a proven corrupt media?
Maybe Donald should give him some legal expertise.
Maybe you should talk to Barack and Michael......they're experts on rape.
42 incidents reported by the police in 5 years at the Obama residence in Martha's Vineyard before the body of their chef was discovered floating in the bay.

Why would there be 42, now 43 incidents reported to the cops at Obama's Summer home?
Maybe you should talk to Barack and Michael......they're experts on rape.
42 incidents reported by the police in 5 years at the Obama residence in Martha's Vineyard before the body of their chef was discovered floating in the bay.

Why would there be 42, now 43 incidents reported to the cops at Obama's Summer home?

Some people can't live their lives without being disruptive and dangerous.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
Yeah, I thought the same. I liked him too. He probably did that when he was on heroin before he got sober and went into recovery. But No matter how drunk I ever got or cannabis high I have never raped anyone. He should be held accountable if proven true.
Russell Brand socks it to liberals. That’s why I liked him. But that was before the rape allegations last week. that is too much for me.
And as of raping any woman wasn’t enough, he’s accused by a 16-year-old included. That’s just sick. I’m very disappointed in Russell Brand.
Brand has not been convicted of anything. All there is are allegations. Contrary to the thread titles, there were no rapes revealed. There were only allegations, and the timing is quite suspect.

You are one fascist motherfucker!
Maybe Donald should give him some legal expertise.
Trump has never been shown to have raped anyone. In fact, not even that dingbat who sued him for defamation is alleging rape. She just said he finger-fucked her.

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