Bond Market Braces For $ 1 Trillion Tsunami Of Treasuries This Year

Bonds are more and more expensive as interest rates drop.

Bonds are cheaper as interest rates rise.

So if you bought a bond when interest rates were low, and then interest rates rise, your bond is now underwater, just like the housing market in the Great Recession.
Did you have this much concern about the debt when Obama went on his tear adding nearly 70% of new debt to the 11 Trillion that Bush left us?
Yes I did. Ever since coming to this forum, I have posted literally HUNDREDS of times how we can and should lower our debt.

Nice try.

Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

Anyone entertaining the OP's thread should read this. It's even supported by left-leaning SNOPES. I stopped reading the OP by the second paragraph. Problem with the OP is, the better Trump performs the more desperate his rhetoric. FACT CHECK: Has the National Debt Fallen by $102 Billion Since Donald Trump's Inauguration?
LOL, he, like every other Prez works for the Bankers. He will do what the Fed tells him to do.
The Fed did not tell the GOP and Trump to overspend. The American people did. The pseudocons CHEERED when Trump overspent on tax "reform".

You are talking out of your ass.

Dope speaks fluent shit, no big surprise

"Dope" regularly kicks your ass, sucks to be you.

pretend I give a fuck what you yammer about - then pretend you grew up.

LOL, you poor little boy. Tell me son what is the detriment of fractional reserve monetary policy? Either that or shut the fuck up.
Oooooohhhh...the tard has watched The Money Masters and thinks he knows something. :lol:
Did you have this much concern about the debt when Obama went on his tear adding nearly 70% of new debt to the 11 Trillion that Bush left us?
Yes I did. Ever since coming to this forum, I have posted literally HUNDREDS of times how we can and should lower our debt.

Nice try.


Sure, by doing ANYTHING but cutting spending. Dumbass.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

Anyone entertaining the OP's thread should read this. It's even supported by left-leaning SNOPES. I stopped reading the OP by the second paragraph. Problem with the OP is, the better Trump performs the more desperate his rhetoric. FACT CHECK: Has the National Debt Fallen by $102 Billion Since Donald Trump's Inauguration?
Hey dumbass. Check the date on that.

Trump has since added $666 billion to our national debt. We blew past $20 trillion a while ago, and your hack propagandists didn't tell you parroting tards to make a PEEP about it.


See for yourself: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Try to keep up.
Did you have this much concern about the debt when Obama went on his tear adding nearly 70% of new debt to the 11 Trillion that Bush left us?
Yes I did. Ever since coming to this forum, I have posted literally HUNDREDS of times how we can and should lower our debt.

Nice try.


Sure, by doing ANYTHING but cutting spending. Dumbass.
I have proposed $1.4 trillion in spending cuts, liar.

The Fed did not tell the GOP and Trump to overspend. The American people did. The pseudocons CHEERED when Trump overspent on tax "reform".

You are talking out of your ass.

Dope speaks fluent shit, no big surprise

"Dope" regularly kicks your ass, sucks to be you.

pretend I give a fuck what you yammer about - then pretend you grew up.

LOL, you poor little boy. Tell me son what is the detriment of fractional reserve monetary policy? Either that or shut the fuck up.
Oooooohhhh...the tard has watched The Money Masters and thinks he knows something. :lol:

(smile) You poor kid, you're just not the Legend you think you are. Your lack of any real knowledge is astounding. I am however beginning to understand you, you need to be relevant, you need the approval of others. What happens when there is more debt than currency?
Did you have this much concern about the debt when Obama went on his tear adding nearly 70% of new debt to the 11 Trillion that Bush left us?
Yes I did. Ever since coming to this forum, I have posted literally HUNDREDS of times how we can and should lower our debt.

Nice try.


Sure, by doing ANYTHING but cutting spending. Dumbass.
I have proposed $1.4 trillion in spending cuts, liar.


LOL, Tax increases are not "spending cuts" little man. Taking more of MY money is NOT a spending cut ;) I own you kid.
Did you have this much concern about the debt when Obama went on his tear adding nearly 70% of new debt to the 11 Trillion that Bush left us?
Yes I did. Ever since coming to this forum, I have posted literally HUNDREDS of times how we can and should lower our debt.

Nice try.


Sure, by doing ANYTHING but cutting spending. Dumbass.
I have proposed $1.4 trillion in spending cuts, liar.


LOL, Tax increases are not "spending cuts" little man. Taking more of MY money is NOT a spending cut ;) I own you kid.
So you decided to make shit up, and then argue against your own made up shit.

Interesting tactic! :lol:
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

This is one of the reasons why we will be in a recession by this time next year.
With the $1.4 trillion in spending cuts I have proposed, I have always said it could allow us to LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE and be used to pay down the debt. And when our debt is paid off, we can LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

I have posted that god knows how many times.

Doc1 has a weird sex thing for me. He thinks pulling my hair will make me like him. :lol:
So, tell me again....why are we giving billions in foreign aid each year? Better question is, how are we giving billions in foreign aid each year? With borrowed money....

We have no economy, except for the one we pretend exists. We are owned by other countries whom we are indebted to. Wealth is a lie. Since our money is no longer backed by gold, it's worth is based on what? It has no value other than the fact that we still use it as legal tender and it's just the way things have been done for so long, nobody thinks about it anymore.

The Fed creates money out of thin air, loans it to the treasury with interest, interest that has to be paid back by borrowing more money.....with interest.

The debt is unplayable, it's impossible. There will always be more debt than money in circulation.

It's really quite amazing when you think about it. The world thinks we're wealthy because we convinced them we are, in truth, we are broke. Everything we have is borrowed. Kind of like someone living off of credit cards.

The question is, is it fixable? I tend to think not. We'll just keep plodding along until other countries decide to cash in, and we.wont have anything to pay them with, except our land.....
I would not analogize the situation to 2008. Prior to the bond crash, there was an insatiable appetite for US real estate bonds, which were perceived as as safe a bet as there was. In large part because we bought so much cheap shit overseas and ran up personal debt to buy the shit.

Today the equity rise is at least partially due to cheap interest with low rates, so people (mostly the very rich) borrow to buy stocks. When interest rates go up (and at sometime they will go up because it's like the sunrise), there's downside for equities.

The gop tax cut has always been a gamble. If the % of growth outstrips the % rise in new debt, then there's downward pressure on how much the US has to offer in interest to get people to but gummt debt. If the gamble doesn't work, then interest rates will rise on our debt, and we will have no choice to but cut defense or soc sec/medicare. The cynical part of me says the gop is fine with either outcome ... gambling we'll cut domestic spending and not defense.
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Tell us oh wise one......what is our economy based on?
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs

Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

Anyone entertaining the OP's thread should read this. It's even supported by left-leaning SNOPES. I stopped reading the OP by the second paragraph. Problem with the OP is, the better Trump performs the more desperate his rhetoric. FACT CHECK: Has the National Debt Fallen by $102 Billion Since Donald Trump's Inauguration?
Hey dumbass. Check the date on that.

Trump has since added $666 billion to our national debt. We blew past $20 trillion a while ago, and your hack propagandists didn't tell you parroting tards to make a PEEP about it.


See for yourself: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Try to keep up.

Some more fun for the OP: National debt grew more slowly in FY 2017 under Trump
So, tell me again....why are we giving billions in foreign aid each year?

That's a tiny drop in the bucket.

Our foreign aid is used to fight terrorism, drug cartels, and keep the sea lanes open. It is money well spent.

You are obsessing over a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of the budget when we are spending $1.4 trillion each year on government gifts which are a massive wealth redistribution scheme, interfere in the free market, and attempt to control the behavior of the American people.
Did you have this much concern about the debt when Obama went on his tear adding nearly 70% of new debt to the 11 Trillion that Bush left us?
Yes I did. Ever since coming to this forum, I have posted literally HUNDREDS of times how we can and should lower our debt.

Nice try.


Sure, by doing ANYTHING but cutting spending. Dumbass.
I have proposed $1.4 trillion in spending cuts, liar.


LOL, Tax increases are not "spending cuts" little man. Taking more of MY money is NOT a spending cut ;) I own you kid.
So you decided to make shit up, and then argue against your own made up shit.

Interesting tactic! :lol:

LOL, run little man run. You are on record all over this forum claiming the Tax Cuts are expenditures. If Tax Cuts are expenditures, raising Taxes are spending cuts. You're a fraud kid.
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Tell us oh wise one......what is our economy based on?
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.

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