Bond Market Braces For $ 1 Trillion Tsunami Of Treasuries This Year

Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

Anyone entertaining the OP's thread should read this. It's even supported by left-leaning SNOPES. I stopped reading the OP by the second paragraph. Problem with the OP is, the better Trump performs the more desperate his rhetoric. FACT CHECK: Has the National Debt Fallen by $102 Billion Since Donald Trump's Inauguration?
Hey dumbass. Check the date on that.

Trump has since added $666 billion to our national debt. We blew past $20 trillion a while ago, and your hack propagandists didn't tell you parroting tards to make a PEEP about it.


See for yourself: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Try to keep up.

Some more fun for the OP: National debt grew more slowly in FY 2017 under Trump
Key words: National debt grew.

Trump had the largest deficit of any American President last year, second only to Obama.

And you think that is something to brag about? Really?
Tip of the iceberg.

Beginning in January next year, there will be automatic cuts to Medicaid and Medicare that are triggered by the explosive deficit this dumb tax plan causes. 60% of all nursing home care is paid by Medicaid. So what does that mean for the middle class? It means make room for mom and dad, because they're going to have to move in. Medicaid also pays for most home care as well, so the nurses and health care workers that visit homes to provide care will lose their jobs and the middle class will have to administer medication, treatment, and therapies on their own.

But don't fret - Bob Corker got a personal tax cut. So there's that.
Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.

Tell us oh wise one......what is our economy based on?
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.

You're a fucking idiot.
Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.


Anyone surprised that morally bankrupt people who adhere to an intellectually bankrupt ideology couldn't govern?
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

This is one of the reasons why we will be in a recession by this time next year.
Yeah. Probably not this year.

But you never know. Someone's derivatives could explode (a la Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers) and light the fuse sooner.
Say what you will about Newt Gingrich, he got this spending shit under control, with a big assist from John Kasich.
Tell us oh wise one......what is our economy based on?
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.

You're a fucking idiot.

Actually you are uneducated.
Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.


Anyone surprised that morally bankrupt people who adhere to an intellectually bankrupt ideology couldn't govern?
I keep waiting for the Tard Herd to realize they were massively hoaxed.

What will it take???
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.

This is one of the reasons why we will be in a recession by this time next year.
Yeah. Probably not this year.

But you never know. Someone's derivatives could explode (a la Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers) and light the fuse sooner.

Yup. Reagan and Bush the Dumber's chief economist just said the other day that the market is primed for a collapse. Like, now. I don't think the market and economy can handle this erratic, inconsistent, bankrupt governance by the GOP. I think it's only gonna take one bad event to fuck the entire economy up.
Tell us oh wise one......what is our economy based on?
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.

You're a fucking idiot.


  1. used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action: "
Most accurate screen name ever :)
Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.


Anyone surprised that morally bankrupt people who adhere to an intellectually bankrupt ideology couldn't govern?
I keep waiting for the Tard Herd to realize they were massively hoaxed.

What will it take???

They will never admit it. They would rather die than give anyone the satisfaction. That's how childish and petty they are. The only hope is that enough sensible people can turn out the vote to drown them out. That's the only way to get rid of them.
The gigantic Ponzi scheme that is our economy will crash eventually. But our children and grandchildren will be more impacted by the disastrous consequences of climate change, which is largely created by the greed that sustains the scheme.
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.

You're a fucking idiot.

Actually you are uneducated.

It's clear you're not a very serious person, and don't really take things that seriously. Which is fine...but when those Medicare and Medicaid cuts start, and it affects you personally, we'll be over here with a fence up saying "I told you so, and no, you're not allowed a seat at the table".

Don't say we didn't warn you.
Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.


Anyone surprised that morally bankrupt people who adhere to an intellectually bankrupt ideology couldn't govern?
I keep waiting for the Tard Herd to realize they were massively hoaxed.

What will it take???

They will never admit it. They would rather die than give anyone the satisfaction. That's how childish and petty they are. The only hope is that enough sensible people can turn out the vote to drown them out. That's the only way to get rid of them.
Get rid of them...and replace them with who, exactly?

It's not like the Democrats are thrifty!
OP says debt grew by 666 billion. Gee, all in spite the hurricanes and kicking ISIS's ass..... Check these numbers. OP is just having fun:

Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.


Anyone surprised that morally bankrupt people who adhere to an intellectually bankrupt ideology couldn't govern?
I keep waiting for the Tard Herd to realize they were massively hoaxed.

What will it take???

They will never admit it. They would rather die than give anyone the satisfaction. That's how childish and petty they are. The only hope is that enough sensible people can turn out the vote to drown them out. That's the only way to get rid of them.
Get rid of them...and replace them with who, exactly?

It's not like the Democrats are thrifty!

The Democrats have proven they can at least govern competently. You and I may disagree on whether or not the goals are sustainable or achievable, but there exists absolutely no comparison between them and the current collection of dung beetles that control DC. They are objectively fit to lead compared to the GOP.
OP says debt grew by 666 billion. Gee, all in spite the hurricanes and kicking ISIS's ass..... Check these numbers. OP is just having fun:

So...unable to refute anything I said, you retreated to that old standby, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" :lol::lol::lol:
It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.

You're a fucking idiot.

Actually you are uneducated.

It's clear you're not a very serious person, and don't really take things that seriously. Which is fine...but when those Medicare and Medicaid cuts start, and it affects you personally, we'll be over here with a fence up saying "I told you so, and no, you're not allowed a seat at the table".

Don't say we didn't warn you.

My observation stands, you are not an educated person. Medicare is what I do boy ;) You have zero historical knowledge, I can point you in the right direction but you'd be too lazy to follow up on it. By "seriousness" you mean I won't listen to you? Color me guilty.
Try to find any President other than Obama who had a deficit bigger than Trump's $666 billion.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here. :lol:

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