Bond Market Braces For $ 1 Trillion Tsunami Of Treasuries This Year

Tell us oh wise one......what is our economy based on?
At the moment, leveraged insanity.

It's a debt based Economy. Hence every admins drunken spending.

It only became a debt based economy recently to the last 38 years. Since the start of Conservatism and trickle down.


Bush the Dumber's economy was built entirely on debt; specifically people using their homes as ATMs


Nope, it started with the Fed.
Actually, it was under Slick that people started refinancing homes with lower interest to buy shit from overseas and visit Disneyworld. But public debt did decline before the boomers started aging into Soc Sec ... and more and more of us keep working as we collect it.

The Feds job is to keep interest rates low when there's no inflation. W's tax cuts didn't make any sense because we essentially goosed paper growth to keep the good times rolling.

And no one really knows why we had and continue to have little inflation. That question is really the key to the gop gamble: can we goose real growth with US corps hiring Americans by increasing debt without inflation. THAT is the QUESTION at the heart of G5000 prediction. I really don't have a clear idea what will happen
My observation stands, you are not an educated person. Medicare is what I do boy

So then you know about the cuts that will start next January. So what impact will those cuts have on Medicare? You say it's what you do...fine...put your money where your fat mouth is.'re just saying "Medicare is what you do" because you have nothing in the form of evidence to support whatever dumb position you have. Which is what I suspect.

You have zero historical knowledge, I can point you in the right direction but you'd be too lazy to follow up on it. By "seriousness" you mean I won't listen to you? Color me guilty.

Like I said, you're not a serious person. What does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the automatic cuts that start in January next year because you blew up the deficit to over $1T?
Try to find any President other than Obama who had a deficit bigger than Trump's $666 billion.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here. :lol:

Well, you could argue that Bush's last deficit was the highest ever.

Obama reduced that deficit by about 2/3. He and Clinton are the only Presidents over the last 38 years to leave office with a deficit lower than the one they inherited.
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.
Try to find any President other than Obama who had a deficit bigger than Trump's $666 billion.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here. :lol:

Well, you could argue that Bush's last deficit was the highest ever.

Good point.

The last time the GOP controlled both houses of Congress, they doubled our national debt.

I am convinced the pseudocons don't give a flying fuck about debt. I don't think they are capable of independent thought. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.
My observation stands, you are not an educated person. Medicare is what I do boy

So then you know about the cuts that will start next January. So what impact will those cuts have on Medicare? You say it's what you do...fine...put your money where your fat mouth is.'re just saying "Medicare is what you do" because you have nothing in the form of evidence to support whatever dumb position you have. Which is what I suspect.

You have zero historical knowledge, I can point you in the right direction but you'd be too lazy to follow up on it. By "seriousness" you mean I won't listen to you? Color me guilty.

Like I said, you're not a serious person. What does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the automatic cuts that start in January next year because you blew up the deficit to over $1T?

Son Medicare is the 3rd rail of politics. There will be no cuts, none. In fact, you're going to see that our entire system will become a Medicare type system. Now you go ahead and show me CNBC or MSNBC estimates, or FOX for that matter, I'll just laugh at you. The fact is you have NEVER been worried about any "deficits" Obama Boy. I can tell you where to research boy, do you want to know?
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.
When Doc says Medicare is what he does, he just means he bills the government. He doesn't know fuck-all about the government.
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.

No cuts "boy", none.
Try to find any President other than Obama who had a deficit bigger than Trump's $666 billion.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here. :lol:

Well, you could argue that Bush's last deficit was the highest ever.

Good point.

The last time the GOP controlled both houses of Congress, they doubled our national debt.

I am convinced the pseudocons don't give a flying fuck about debt. I don't think they are capable of independent thought. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.

They never cared about the debt. It was always debt peacocking with them. They think fretting about the debt makes them sound credible and thoughtful. It doesn't. Not when they don't really give a shit about it when they're in charge.
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.
When Doc says Medicare is what he does, he just means he bills the government. He doesn't know fuck-all about the government.

Sure thing "Tax Cuts" are "expenditures" boy.
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.
Paygo. TrumpTax triggered it. So yeah, Congress is going to have to scramble to prevent automatic cuts to Medicare.

That's the GOP's base. Old people.

More spending! More borrowing!
Try to find any President other than Obama who had a deficit bigger than Trump's $666 billion.

Go ahead.

I'll wait here. :lol:

Well, you could argue that Bush's last deficit was the highest ever.

Good point.

The last time the GOP controlled both houses of Congress, they doubled our national debt.

I am convinced the pseudocons don't give a flying fuck about debt. I don't think they are capable of independent thought. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.

They never cared about the debt. It was always debt peacocking with them. They think fretting about the debt makes them sound credible and thoughtful. It doesn't. Not when they don't really give a shit about it when they're in charge.

Your problem is that I'm not "one of them". I am outside the system because the system is rigged. YOU are mired in the two party paradigm. It isn't real.
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.
When Doc says Medicare is what he does, he just means he bills the government. He doesn't know fuck-all about the government.

Sure thing "Tax Cuts" are "expenditures" boy.
Spending which raises tax rates. Yep. Spending which steals from every taxpayer to pay for it. Spending which is so excessive, we can't raise tax rates high enough to pay for it without a revolution and so we have to borrow the rest from our enemies.

Econ 101, tard.
Son Medicare is the 3rd rail of politics. There will be no cuts, none

You're a fucking idiot and here's why; the cuts to Medicare and Medicaid would have started this January, had Trump not waived the PayGo rule for them. But he can only do that once.

But what does that have to do with you "doing" Medicare? Nothing. You interjected that small fake personal detail for no other reason than to lend your argument fake credibility it doesn't have. And because you lied about that, it casts doubt on everything you say.

In fact, you're going to see that our entire system will become a Medicare type system. Now you go ahead and show me CNBC or MSNBC estimates, or FOX for that matter, I'll just laugh at you. The fact is you have NEVER been worried about any "deficits" Obama Boy. I can tell you where to research boy, do you want to know?

I think you feign outrage about the deficit because you can't repeal the programs you're ideologically opposed to via traditional legislation. So you peacock over the debt. Now you're strangely silent about the debt you screeched like a barnyard animal about during Obama's 8 years.

No one believes your shit anymore.
The debt has to do with spending. NOT Tax Cuts or
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.
When Doc says Medicare is what he does, he just means he bills the government. He doesn't know fuck-all about the government.

Sure thing "Tax Cuts" are "expenditures" boy.
Spending which raises tax rates. Yep. Spending which steals from every taxpayer to pay for it.

Econ 101, tard.

Tax Cuts =Spending, yes or no boy.
Medicare is what I do boy

So this is a really easy way to tell a troll. My reference to Medicare and Medicaid was purely along the lines of the cuts they will face beginning in January next year. So this troll here just interjects a non-sequitur, one he knows he cannot prove, as some sort of counter-argument to the fact that the tax plan he supports increases the deficit so much that automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are triggered.

Rather than just not respond, his compulsion is to make everything about himself. We all see how poorly that works out for his argument.

So what does you "doing" Medicare have to do with the cuts to the program your dumb tax plan causes? Nothing. So why respond at all? Ego.

Eat some Tide Pods and go away.

No cuts "boy", none.


The legislation explodes the deficit which triggers automatic PayGo cuts. Trump waived them this past December, but he can't do that again.

You are revealing yourself to be the uneducated one.
Three years they have controlled the purse strings, and the GOP can't write a budget, much less balance one.


Anyone surprised that morally bankrupt people who adhere to an intellectually bankrupt ideology couldn't govern?
I keep waiting for the Tard Herd to realize they were massively hoaxed.

What will it take???

They will never admit it. They would rather die than give anyone the satisfaction. That's how childish and petty they are. The only hope is that enough sensible people can turn out the vote to drown them out. That's the only way to get rid of them.
Get rid of them...and replace them with who, exactly?

It's not like the Democrats are thrifty!
With two parties and two term limits on the potus we are locked into a weird Kubuki dance of shifting power every 8 years ... unless there's some anomaly of Gary Hart imploding, with the one possible variation of the gop stealing Fla in 2000 by illegally purging blacks.

So we're locked into "earthshaking" debates of whether to pay for healcare for uninsured by socking it to those of us with insurance or raising some taxes on medical personnel and individuals, and whether the Dreamers get to stay.

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