Boohoo Trump

Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.
now show me one Sarah Huckabee wrote.

I saw your name and I was considering not even looking at what you had written. But I looked, and then I realized why I shouldn't have.
your entire post was about Trump and Wolf's was on Huckabee. So post her insults up that warranted that abuse. Again, even dems in the room hated it. In a way, she made Sarah look like a Queen.

Dude, I gave examples. You can't follow the point of the thread. That's not my problem. My problem is whether to just ignore what you wrote because it's complete crap, or whether to ignore everything you write.
Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.

Michelle isn't apologizing. Kathy Griffin has taken back her apology for the theatrical image she posted a year ago. The days of Little Donald and his lepers screaming people down is over. He is now getting the shit thrown back at him instead. Get used to it conservative snowflakes, if you are too weak to take it like your dear leader Trump then better for you to hide behind your auntie's apron strings and tune the world out. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Kathy Griffin should be behind bars and a traitor to the country for threatening to cut off the head of the President of the US.

Name one insult Sarah Huckabee made.
For the record, Griffin never threatened to cut off the head of the President. She displayed a piece of controversial alleged art of a decapitated Trump head. Claims of poor taste and insensitivity are valid opinions, but no threat was made and using ones free speech to display and convey political sentiment is not even close to being treason, no matter how much it offends you.
Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.
Trump hit's his target. Every time. You people just seem to be random with nothing but hate and anyone you can find to vent your rage on.
And Michelle hit her target and the trumpanzees are crying.
What is he supposed to do just give everyone a pass because he's president?
What is he supposed to do — be the adult in the room? Umm yeah
why cause that's your schtick? hahahahaha so only your rules apply? hahahaahaha
What are you flapping your cock-holster about, you old piece of shit? If you’re saying Trump should base his standards off of mine, then you’re even more dumb than I previously thought, and I already consider you one of the top three dumbest posters on USMB.
Why not? What is he supposed to do just give everyone a pass because he's president? That's dumb. And the only people pissed off about it would never vote for him anyway.

No, he's not supposed to give everyone a pass, he's supposed to do thing INTELLIGENTLY.

You have 330 million Americans and the presidency should be one of the best of them. Not someone who acts like he's down near the bottom.

He's supposed to uphold the principles of the Constitution, Trump doesn't seems to know or care what those are.

He's supposed to be diplomatic, Trump seems to be like a bull in a china shop.

Our last three were bottom of the barrel.

Well, the previous one had been president of the Harvard Law Review, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia University.

I'm not saying he was the best choice for the job. But he certainly wasn't scraping the barrel.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Had circumstances been different, he might have graduated from Oxford. He did however graduate from Yale.

Bush Dubya graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School.

Trump graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Certainly Clinton was a bright spark, so too was Obama.

Bush and Trump both came from money. Chances they'd have made it to an Ivy League University without money isn't very high.
bill gates says "you funny". so does david karp, richard branson, kirk kerkorian, and many others who didn't even make it through high school yet have done very well.

your use of standards seems to coincide with supporting your narrow view of what should be success today.

There's a difference between being a successful businessman or woman, and being a successful administrator of a country.
and he was a shady businessman Had every lawyer in DC or NY working for him one time or another A real sleeze
Why not? What is he supposed to do just give everyone a pass because he's president? That's dumb. And the only people pissed off about it would never vote for him anyway.

No, he's not supposed to give everyone a pass, he's supposed to do thing INTELLIGENTLY.

You have 330 million Americans and the presidency should be one of the best of them. Not someone who acts like he's down near the bottom.

He's supposed to uphold the principles of the Constitution, Trump doesn't seems to know or care what those are.

He's supposed to be diplomatic, Trump seems to be like a bull in a china shop.

Our last three were bottom of the barrel.

Well, the previous one had been president of the Harvard Law Review, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia University.

I'm not saying he was the best choice for the job. But he certainly wasn't scraping the barrel.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Had circumstances been different, he might have graduated from Oxford. He did however graduate from Yale.

Bush Dubya graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School.

Trump graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Certainly Clinton was a bright spark, so too was Obama.

Bush and Trump both came from money. Chances they'd have made it to an Ivy League University without money isn't very high.
bill gates says "you funny". so does david karp, richard branson, kirk kerkorian, and many others who didn't even make it through high school yet have done very well.

your use of standards seems to coincide with supporting your narrow view of what should be success today.

There's a difference between being a successful businessman or woman, and being a successful administrator of a country.
Either way he's living rent free in your head.
Does anyone remember being taught by your parents that ''If you don't have something 'nice' to say, then don't say it''?

Those were the good ole days....

Those were the politically correct days....

Those were the days of long past! :(
Does anyone remember being taught by your parents that ''If you don't have something 'nice' to say, then don't say it''?

Those were the good ole days....

Those were the politically correct days....

Those were the days of long past! :(

Only radical loons wish for politically correct, every one feels good, days.
Neither candidate Trump nor President Trump has an obligation to be totally unbiased. It's not hard to find hoards of democrats who think they have been insulted because President Trump disagrees with the Iran nuclear treaty or his stance on border security or his America first attitude or his respect for the Flag but that's business as usual. The media, however, has an obligation to be fair and balanced and unbiased and they have shown that they have become the sleazy propaganda arm of anti-Americans and the fringe hate filled part of the democrat party by hiring a vulgar unfunny comedian to be their representative at a party that was supposed to celebrate the 1st Amendment. It's the end of civil discourse in the mainstream media and it only makes President Trump look stronger.
Last edited:
Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.
now show me one Sarah Huckabee wrote.

I saw your name and I was considering not even looking at what you had written. But I looked, and then I realized why I shouldn't have.
your entire post was about Trump and Wolf's was on Huckabee. So post her insults up that warranted that abuse. Again, even dems in the room hated it. In a way, she made Sarah look like a Queen.

Dude, I gave examples. You can't follow the point of the thread. That's not my problem. My problem is whether to just ignore what you wrote because it's complete crap, or whether to ignore everything you write.
no, no you gave trump's insults, now post up Sarah's. You know, the ones that would have justified an all out assault at her womanhood.
Does anyone remember being taught by your parents that ''If you don't have something 'nice' to say, then don't say it''?

Those were the good ole days....

Those were the politically correct days....

Those were the days of long past! :(

Only radical loons wish for politically correct, every one feels good, days.
Actually, it's quite the opposite....

When our tongues weren't loose, there was civility among men, less hatred, less making oneself....the only one that matters....

And the ones that did have loose tongues, who stood out...among all, were the lacking in self control....

and Comedians...

Which made Comedians funny.

Now, everyone goes LOW, on message boards, social media, and in their real lives....

To stand out Comedians haven't found their sea legs yet... and trying to go even lower than those who sliver in this 'NON Political correctness' daily, is just not working for these Comedians, imo....

The Bible teaches that your Word is sacred...a gift, and should be used cautiously...mind your tongue... be politically correct.... your way of loose as a goose which you praise, is the way of the devil! :eek: :D
Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.
now show me one Sarah Huckabee wrote.

I saw your name and I was considering not even looking at what you had written. But I looked, and then I realized why I shouldn't have.
your entire post was about Trump and Wolf's was on Huckabee. So post her insults up that warranted that abuse. Again, even dems in the room hated it. In a way, she made Sarah look like a Queen.

Dude, I gave examples. You can't follow the point of the thread. That's not my problem. My problem is whether to just ignore what you wrote because it's complete crap, or whether to ignore everything you write.
the only point of any thread you create is you hate trump.
Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.

Michelle isn't apologizing. Kathy Griffin has taken back her apology for the theatrical image she posted a year ago. The days of Little Donald and his lepers screaming people down is over. He is now getting the shit thrown back at him instead. Get used to it conservative snowflakes, if you are too weak to take it like your dear leader Trump then better for you to hide behind your auntie's apron strings and tune the world out. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Kathy Griffin should be behind bars and a traitor to the country for threatening to cut off the head of the President of the US.

Name one insult Sarah Huckabee made.
For the record, Griffin never threatened to cut off the head of the President. She displayed a piece of controversial alleged art of a decapitated Trump head. Claims of poor taste and insensitivity are valid opinions, but no threat was made and using ones free speech to display and convey political sentiment is not even close to being treason, no matter how much it offends you.
Sure it was a threat, it was a pose what she wanted to do!
Does anyone remember being taught by your parents that ''If you don't have something 'nice' to say, then don't say it''?

Those were the good ole days....

Those were the politically correct days....

Those were the days of long past! :(
I agree with if you don’t have anything nice to say quote, but far from politically correct days. That started in the 90’s
No, he's not supposed to give everyone a pass, he's supposed to do thing INTELLIGENTLY.

You have 330 million Americans and the presidency should be one of the best of them. Not someone who acts like he's down near the bottom.

He's supposed to uphold the principles of the Constitution, Trump doesn't seems to know or care what those are.

He's supposed to be diplomatic, Trump seems to be like a bull in a china shop.

Our last three were bottom of the barrel.

Well, the previous one had been president of the Harvard Law Review, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia University.

I'm not saying he was the best choice for the job. But he certainly wasn't scraping the barrel.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Had circumstances been different, he might have graduated from Oxford. He did however graduate from Yale.

Bush Dubya graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School.

Trump graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Certainly Clinton was a bright spark, so too was Obama.

Bush and Trump both came from money. Chances they'd have made it to an Ivy League University without money isn't very high.
bill gates says "you funny". so does david karp, richard branson, kirk kerkorian, and many others who didn't even make it through high school yet have done very well.

your use of standards seems to coincide with supporting your narrow view of what should be success today.

There's a difference between being a successful businessman or woman, and being a successful administrator of a country.
and he was a shady businessman Had every lawyer in DC or NY working for him one time or another A real sleeze
You know nothing about him
Does anyone remember being taught by your parents that ''If you don't have something 'nice' to say, then don't say it''?

Those were the good ole days....

Those were the politically correct days....

Those were the days of long past! :(

Only radical loons wish for politically correct, every one feels good, days.
Actually, it's quite the opposite....

When our tongues weren't loose, there was civility among men, less hatred, less making oneself....the only one that matters....

And the ones that did have loose tongues, who stood out...among all, were the lacking in self control....

and Comedians...

Which made Comedians funny.

Now, everyone goes LOW, on message boards, social media, and in their real lives....

To stand out Comedians haven't found their sea legs yet... and trying to go even lower than those who sliver in this 'NON Political correctness' daily, is just not working for these Comedians, imo....

The Bible teaches that your Word is sacred...a gift, and should be used cautiously...mind your tongue... be politically correct.... your way of loose as a goose which you praise, is the way of the devil! :eek: :D

The hatred and division becomes worse as time passes. Being politically correct and shying away from the truth is not biblically scriptural either. I agree with you that the discourse has gone to the gutter but that has nothing to do with political correctness.
Our last three were bottom of the barrel.

Well, the previous one had been president of the Harvard Law Review, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia University.

I'm not saying he was the best choice for the job. But he certainly wasn't scraping the barrel.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Had circumstances been different, he might have graduated from Oxford. He did however graduate from Yale.

Bush Dubya graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School.

Trump graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Certainly Clinton was a bright spark, so too was Obama.

Bush and Trump both came from money. Chances they'd have made it to an Ivy League University without money isn't very high.
bill gates says "you funny". so does david karp, richard branson, kirk kerkorian, and many others who didn't even make it through high school yet have done very well.

your use of standards seems to coincide with supporting your narrow view of what should be success today.

There's a difference between being a successful businessman or woman, and being a successful administrator of a country.
and he was a shady businessman Had every lawyer in DC or NY working for him one time or another A real sleeze
You know nothing about him
I can write a book about him ,,,, Call it ""The King of Slime"
Trump loves to insult. He did it through the election campaign and he's kept doing it since.

The 459 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Trump said of Mark Halperin
“Sleepy Eyes”
“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”

Trump said of Hew Hewitt
“just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!”
“Very low ratings”

Trump said of Ana Navarro
“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”
“has no talent, no TV persona”

I could go on and on and on. These are just three easy to find examples.

Then, then, then someone insults Trump.

Michelle Wolf says something Trump doesn't like and he goes ape shit.

Michelle Wolf Sets Off a Furor at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

"She called Ivanka Trump “as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” "

"She labeled Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, an inveterate liar, and asked: “If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?”"

"“It was personally offensive,” Brian Kilmeade, a co-host of “Fox & Friends,” said in the ballroom, minutes after Ms. Wolf ended her set."

I wonder how many times Brian Kilmeade has said this about Trump. Or about himself.

Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment | HuffPost

"Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist “Pure Species” Comment"

Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back"

"Fox's Brian Kilmeade defends Trump's attacks on the FBI and CIA: “He has every right to fight back""

Yes, when Trump does it, he has the right, when someone else does it to Trump, it's offensive.

I see how this works.

Who cares? Just a dumb new broad spouting shit.
Well, the previous one had been president of the Harvard Law Review, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia University.

I'm not saying he was the best choice for the job. But he certainly wasn't scraping the barrel.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Had circumstances been different, he might have graduated from Oxford. He did however graduate from Yale.

Bush Dubya graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School.

Trump graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Certainly Clinton was a bright spark, so too was Obama.

Bush and Trump both came from money. Chances they'd have made it to an Ivy League University without money isn't very high.
bill gates says "you funny". so does david karp, richard branson, kirk kerkorian, and many others who didn't even make it through high school yet have done very well.

your use of standards seems to coincide with supporting your narrow view of what should be success today.

There's a difference between being a successful businessman or woman, and being a successful administrator of a country.
and he was a shady businessman Had every lawyer in DC or NY working for him one time or another A real sleeze
You know nothing about him
I can write a book about him ,,,, Call it ""The King of Slime"
go for it, you'll get sued. I'll laugh.
Does anyone remember being taught by your parents that ''If you don't have something 'nice' to say, then don't say it''?

Those were the good ole days....

Those were the politically correct days....

Those were the days of long past! :(

Only radical loons wish for politically correct, every one feels good, days.
Actually, it's quite the opposite....

When our tongues weren't loose, there was civility among men, less hatred, less making oneself....the only one that matters....

And the ones that did have loose tongues, who stood out...among all, were the lacking in self control....

and Comedians...

Which made Comedians funny.

Now, everyone goes LOW, on message boards, social media, and in their real lives....

To stand out Comedians haven't found their sea legs yet... and trying to go even lower than those who sliver in this 'NON Political correctness' daily, is just not working for these Comedians, imo....

The Bible teaches that your Word is sacred...a gift, and should be used cautiously...mind your tongue... be politically correct.... your way of loose as a goose which you praise, is the way of the devil! :eek: :D

The hatred and division becomes worse as time passes. Being politically correct and shying away from the truth is not biblically scriptural either. I agree with you that the discourse has gone to the gutter but that has nothing to do with political correctness.
the left shaming the right repeatedly for 50 years is what has led us to the place we are today. the right has finally decided to push back at the bullies thanks to trump. And now the bullies cry like babies daily.

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