Book by Journalist: Former GOP Senator says the repub party has become a Cult

You mean of trump, by trump, and for trump

Another quite from the book about trump:

"This guy is so full of himself that he would overturn every kind of rule of law or Constitutional process because of his own ego, which is twisted," he added.
Kudos to The Atlantic' staff archeologist for digging up this fossil.

From Ogden Nash:

At midnight in the museum hall
The fossils gathered for a ball
There were no drums or saxophones
But just the clatter of their bones
A rolling, rattling, carefree circus
Of mammoth polkas and mazurkas
Pterodactyls and brontosauruses
Sang ghostly prehistoric choruses
Amid the mastodonic wassail
I caught the eye of one small fossil
"Cheer up, sad world," he said, and winked.
"It's kind of fun to be extinct."

Simpson was one of the most respected Senators in DC. His word matters. A quote from the book"

President Donald Trump has "poisoned our democracy,"

^^^Look everyone, the guy flying the flag of a country where being gay is illegal wants to talk about cults!

Boy, that word "cult" sure is popular these days. Meaningless, but popular.

I've personally heard it applied to --- all of Buddhism.

I have a rule of thumb about whether something is a cult. It has to have an elephant. New converts get to wash the elephant. Like the Moonies.

No elephant, not a cult.
Boy, that word "cult" sure is popular these days. Meaningless, but popular.

I've personally heard it applied to --- all of Buddhism.

I have a rule of thumb about whether something is a cult. It has to have an elephant. New converts get to wash the elephant. Like the Moonies.

No elephant, not a cult.
The repubs have an elephant....and a King.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . . you may have a point about the elephant and the GOP!
Pachyderms Loaded With Stacks of PACs

Again from Ogden Nash's lyrics for Saint-Saens's Carnival of the Animals:

Elephants are useful friends
Equipped with handles at both ends
They have a wrinkled moth-proof hide
Their teeth are upside-down, outside
If you think the elephant preposterous
You've probably never seen a rhinosterous

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