Book of Mormon (The Broadway Musical)


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Has anybody here seen the Broadway Musical titled, "Book of Mormon"? My wife is trying to work it out so that I can go see it in Washington, DC in the next few weeks.

Is it worth my while? It's going to cost me a night's stay in a hotel, the ticket cost, gas and parking/parking tickets.

I am a huge South Park fan and I love all of the songs that I have found on Youtube that come from the Book of Mormon play. This play has been going on for about 4 years or so. I am guessing that means that it is extremely good.

Has anybody here seen the Book of Mormon?
Let's see South Park geniuses put on a show called "Koran" with Mohammed and his wives dancing to show tunes
I have and I must say it was one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. The entire theater was roaring with laughter. I highly recommend this show.
Let's see South Park geniuses put on a show called "Koran" with Mohammed and his wives dancing to show tunes

If you think South Park doesn't make fun of Islam then you've clearly never watched much of the show. Nothing is scared on that show. Nothing.
Has anybody here seen the Broadway Musical titled, "Book of Mormon"? My wife is trying to work it out so that I can go see it in Washington, DC in the next few weeks.

Is it worth my while? It's going to cost me a night's stay in a hotel, the ticket cost, gas and parking/parking tickets.

I am a huge South Park fan and I love all of the songs that I have found on Youtube that come from the Book of Mormon play. This play has been going on for about 4 years or so. I am guessing that means that it is extremely good.

Has anybody here seen the Book of Mormon?

Hoping they make a tv/movie version. Chances of my ever seeing a Broadway play is zero plus 1. :)
Let's see South Park geniuses put on a show called "Koran" with Mohammed and his wives dancing to show tunes

They probably would if they were working independently but Comedy Central wouldn't put up with that. I'm sure they are still under contract with Comedy Central. If Trey Parker and Matt Stone live long enough then they probably will be making something like that. I wouldn't put it past them. They have discussed this issue in many interviews.
The Book Is always better than the play.

I read the Book of Mormon a couple of years ago. It really is a lot more inspiring than the Bible. I am going to try to read it again if my wife works this out for me. That way I will be prepared to laugh harder at the references that only Mormons would understand. I hear that they put a few of those references in the play.

I would highly recommend reading the Book of Mormon to anybody. It isn't a life changing book or a book with an abundance of wisdom like the Bible. It is however a very emotionally uplifting and entertaining work of art. Joseph Smith did a really good job for a rock digger dude from upstate New York.
Hoping they make a tv/movie version. Chances of my ever seeing a Broadway play is zero plus 1. :)

I know. New York City is a long ways away from me. I'm going to see the traveling tour. They are playing in Washington, DC which is 5 and 1/2 hours from me. I'll probably stop by and say hey to my buddy Barrack while I am in town. I doubt that they'll be making this into a movie version. It wouldn't be fair to all those people that paid several hundreds of dollars to see the play. This thing has been on Broadway close to 4 years. It might be longer or shorter than that. I'm just basing that on pure observation. It feels like it has been 4 years.
Hoping they make a tv/movie version. Chances of my ever seeing a Broadway play is zero plus 1. :)

I know. New York City is a long ways away from me. I'm going to see the traveling tour. They are playing in Washington, DC which is 5 and 1/2 hours from me. I'll probably stop by and say hey to my buddy Barrack while I am in town. I doubt that they'll be making this into a movie version. It wouldn't be fair to all those people that paid several hundreds of dollars to see the play. This thing has been on Broadway close to 4 years. It might be longer or shorter than that. I'm just basing that on pure observation. It feels like it has been 4 years.

More a 'plays have been done for thousands of years, let's get with the times and make a movie guys.' :)
Nothing wrong with plays or a good book. Not everything needs to be a movie

I bought my tickets today. I'll be seeing the play on Wednesday night.
You won't be disappointed. Have fun!

The play starts Wednesday June 17, 2015 (tomorrow) at 7:30pm.

I'm leaving really early in the morning and heading to Washington, DC. You guys won't be hearing from me for a couple of days. I won't be back until sometime on Thursday evening.

Who is going to be in charge while I am gone?

It seems like tomorrow is a Latter Day.
Heavenly Father is good!!!!
When you get back into town let me know what you think of the show. Have fun and safe travels!
The Book Is always better than the play.

I read the Book of Mormon a couple of years ago. It really is a lot more inspiring than the Bible. I am going to try to read it again if my wife works this out for me. That way I will be prepared to laugh harder at the references that only Mormons would understand. I hear that they put a few of those references in the play.

I would highly recommend reading the Book of Mormon to anybody. It isn't a life changing book or a book with an abundance of wisdom like the Bible. It is however a very emotionally uplifting and entertaining work of art. Joseph Smith did a really good job for a rock digger dude from upstate New York.
It's a fine piece of fiction. It's when people claim it really happened and that it's God's word that it turns into an ugly thing.
The Book Is always better than the play.

I read the Book of Mormon a couple of years ago. It really is a lot more inspiring than the Bible. I am going to try to read it again if my wife works this out for me. That way I will be prepared to laugh harder at the references that only Mormons would understand. I hear that they put a few of those references in the play.

I would highly recommend reading the Book of Mormon to anybody. It isn't a life changing book or a book with an abundance of wisdom like the Bible. It is however a very emotionally uplifting and entertaining work of art. Joseph Smith did a really good job for a rock digger dude from upstate New York.
It's a fine piece of fiction. It's when people claim it really happened and that it's God's word that it turns into an ugly thing.

Except it's not fiction. The risen Lord appeared them. They were taught the fullness of the gospel. And anyone who studies it and asks God for themselves will know it's true by the power of the Holy Ghost.

It proves God is real. That Jesus is the Christ. That man can rely on God to fulfill His covenants.

And that scares sinners.
The Book Is always better than the play.

I read the Book of Mormon a couple of years ago. It really is a lot more inspiring than the Bible. I am going to try to read it again if my wife works this out for me. That way I will be prepared to laugh harder at the references that only Mormons would understand. I hear that they put a few of those references in the play.

I would highly recommend reading the Book of Mormon to anybody. It isn't a life changing book or a book with an abundance of wisdom like the Bible. It is however a very emotionally uplifting and entertaining work of art. Joseph Smith did a really good job for a rock digger dude from upstate New York.
It's a fine piece of fiction. It's when people claim it really happened and that it's God's word that it turns into an ugly thing.

Except it's not fiction. The risen Lord appeared them. They were taught the fullness of the gospel. And anyone who studies it and asks God for themselves will know it's true by the power of the Holy Ghost.

It proves God is real. That Jesus is the Christ. That man can rely on God to fulfill His covenants.

And that scares sinners.


1. The risen Lord appeared to a crowd of hundreds in the book of Acts and then ascended into heaven, not to return until the appointed time fixed by the Father to gather by all believers and bring judgment to the world. In the mean time, He has sent us the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Comforter, to guide us into truth.

2. The fullness of the gospel was taught to the world by the followers of Christ, as Christ intended before he rose to heaven, NEVER TO RETURN UNTIL THE APPOINTED TIME FIXED BY THE FATHER. "And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

3. Forgiveness does not depend on the Book of Mormon, but on the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ who shed his blood for the remission of sins. When we gather in eucharistic feast, we share in his body and in his blood and our sins are forgiven.

4. The Book of Mormon doesn't prove God is real, it proves that Joseph Smith was an evil fraud taking advantage of sincere religious people and leading them astray by a book of fiction and his peculiar sexual fixations. God has been proven real to his people for 6000 years without a flimsy book and God continues to be revealed through the instrument of revelation he left behind, the holy, apostolic Church.

5. Sinners aren't scared by the Book of Mormon. In fact, they find it as silly as I do.

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