Book of Mormon (The Broadway Musical)

1. We have at least two appearance of Christ.after his ascension recorded in the Bible. One when Stephen saw the Father and the Son. Once when Paul was converted on the road to Damascus. So let's not pretend the Bible prohibits Him from making other appearances. He is the Lord and can do and appear to whomever He wants, whenever He wants.

2. Covered in point one.

3. Straw man. No one claimed forgiveness was dependent on the Book of Mormon. In fact, if you read the Book of Mormon you would know that it clearly testifies that forgiveness comes through Christ. The beauty of it all is you don't need to take my word for Tim you can study it yourself.

4. Again, if you read it, you will see otherwise.

5. Then why are you afraid to read it and take the challenge? Do you think the Holy Spirit will lie to you?
1. We have at least two appearance of Christ.after his ascension recorded in the Bible. One when Stephen saw the Father and the Son. Once when Paul was converted on the road to Damascus. So let's not pretend the Bible prohibits Him from making other appearances. He is the Lord and can do and appear to whomever He wants, whenever He wants.

2. Covered in point one.

3. Straw man. No one claimed forgiveness was dependent on the Book of Mormon. In fact, if you read the Book of Mormon you would know that it clearly testifies that forgiveness comes through Christ. The beauty of it all is you don't need to take my word for Tim you can study it yourself.

4. Again, if you read it, you will see otherwise.

5. Then why are you afraid to read it and take the challenge? Do you think the Holy Spirit will lie to you?

I saw the play and I am home safely.

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