Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.
I'm talking the original 19 th century def.
Did you quote that?
why don't you post it? no confusion then
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.

Sounds like you didn't go back to the 1860s
Snowflake , a person opposed to the abolition of slavery
Used by bullies too.
Just trying to help
The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.

Sounds like you didn't go back to the 1860s
Snowflake , a person opposed to the abolition of slavery
Used by bullies too.
Just trying to help
The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
One of the Left who had no idea how the Electoral College / US Presidential Elections work trying to educate others about something.

And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


If the judge believed that, the ruling will not come down in favour of the government. The judge is asking this question because idiots think that this is what is going on.

Trump has lied to the American people over 3000 times since taking office. The American people deserve better.

His doctor said Trump forced him to lie about Trump’s health. Sarah Huckabee Sanders today said that Trump lies to her. That he tells her what to say. She no longer has credibility.

Trump cannot continue to lie to the American people. Period. If he continues to lie, he’ll be gone.
You're spouting Dim talking points. They have already been dismissed as partisan propaganda.
Dim, hilarious.
And you are a perfect,both sides guy (or woman)?
Ever heard of "projection"
Looked up don the cons lie website yet?
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.

Sounds like you didn't go back to the 1860s
Snowflake , a person opposed to the abolition of slavery
Used by bullies too.
Just trying to help
The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
One of the Left who had no idea how the Electoral College / US Presidential Elections work trying to educate others about something.

I think this issue could be a big problem for Mueller and for

If they don't deliver to this judge he has the power to stop
the prosecution of Manafort in its tracks.

None of that though is the real issue. What is the real issue
would be if the judge does stop it...will they appeal to the SCOTUS?

I believe the last thing Mueller and/or Rosenstein wants is the SCOTUS
anywhere near this special counsel.

If they don't appeal, then it would be in Trumps best interests to petition
the SCOTUS to weigh in on the powers given to the special counsel, because obviously they don't want any part of the SCOTUS. Not Now.
They don't care about impeaching Trump, just screwing up the country
and stopping the progress for the midterms and then they can bring
all future success to a standstill thru 2020. That's there plan. They know
eventually the SCOTUS will be brought in and will rule against them but it
will be too late for the GOP.

This judge is gonna rule against Mueller-Manafort. What Mueller does then
determines how everything should proceed from then on.
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.

Sounds like you didn't go back to the 1860s
Snowflake , a person opposed to the abolition of slavery
Used by bullies too.
Just trying to help
The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
One of the Left who had no idea how the Electoral College / US Presidential Elections work trying to educate others about something.

Just trying to post facts
Why have you switched to electoral college.?
Clear as a bell to me.
Btw are you a corporate millionaire like me who never voted for a dem in my life?
Or prefers self juvenile pics ?
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

It doesn't look that way at all. Keep hoping.
GOP and alt right: Clinton has no influence for you in this election. Middle America does not care.
I think this issue could be a big problem for Mueller and for

If they don't deliver to this judge he has the power to stop
the prosecution of Manafort in its tracks.

None of that though is the real issue. What is the real issue
would be if the judge does stop it...will they appeal to the SCOTUS?

I believe the last thing Mueller and/or Rosenstein wants is the SCOTUS
anywhere near this special counsel.

If they don't appeal, then it would be in Trumps best interests to petition
the SCOTUS to weigh in on the powers given to the special counsel, because obviously they don't want any part of the SCOTUS. Not Now.
They don't care about impeaching Trump, just screwing up the country
and stopping the progress for the midterms and then they can bring
all future success to a standstill thru 2020. That's there plan. They know
eventually the SCOTUS will be brought in and will rule against them but it
will be too late for the GOP.

This judge is gonna rule against Mueller-Manafort. What Mueller does then
determines how everything should proceed from then on.

Such legal expertise on the forum I'm stunned.
Years of legal training/college
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Why did you leave out the complete input from Judge Ellis in your OP? I kind of tarnishes your point,,No?

Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.
I'm talking the original 19 th century def.
Did you quote that?
why don't you post it? no confusion then

The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
Prob won't stop our batman from using it
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Why did you leave out the complete input from Judge Ellis in your OP? I kind of tarnishes your point,,No?

Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
your honor, this dossier we're submitting into evidence was used to start this entire preceding. We would like the prosecutor to explain how we got here since this document is not validated. how did a federal judge get a warrant off of this document? we ask to have the case dismissed.
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


If the judge believed that, the ruling will not come down in favour of the government. The judge is asking this question because idiots think that this is what is going on.

Trump has lied to the American people over 3000 times since taking office. The American people deserve better.

His doctor said Trump forced him to lie about Trump’s health. Sarah Huckabee Sanders today said that Trump lies to her. That he tells her what to say. She no longer has credibility.

Trump cannot continue to lie to the American people. Period. If he continues to lie, he’ll be gone.
You're spouting Dim talking points. They have already been dismissed as partisan propaganda.
Dim, hilarious.
And you are a perfect,both sides guy (or woman)?
Ever heard of "projection"
Looked up don the cons lie website yet?
I have never claimed to be non-partisan. However, I don't mindlessly parrot party talking points in every post.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Mueller’s mandate from Republican DOJ officials allows him to go after any issue that arises from his investigation:

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

Whether it hurts Trump or not is immaterial.

How does that go now, oh BOOM!
Isn't that what Robert was hired for? To look into possible collusion of Rump campaign with Russia? BOOM!!
I think this issue could be a big problem for Mueller and for

If they don't deliver to this judge he has the power to stop
the prosecution of Manafort in its tracks.

None of that though is the real issue. What is the real issue
would be if the judge does stop it...will they appeal to the SCOTUS?

I believe the last thing Mueller and/or Rosenstein wants is the SCOTUS
anywhere near this special counsel.

If they don't appeal, then it would be in Trumps best interests to petition
the SCOTUS to weigh in on the powers given to the special counsel, because obviously they don't want any part of the SCOTUS. Not Now.
They don't care about impeaching Trump, just screwing up the country
and stopping the progress for the midterms and then they can bring
all future success to a standstill thru 2020. That's there plan. They know
eventually the SCOTUS will be brought in and will rule against them but it
will be too late for the GOP.

This judge is gonna rule against Mueller-Manafort. What Mueller does then
determines how everything should proceed from then on.

Such legal expertise on the forum I'm stunned.
Years of legal training/college

Decent Education...

Good Common Sense...

And I'm White.

Sorry for your the Chaplin.
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.
I'm talking the original 19 th century def.
Did you quote that?
why don't you post it? no confusion then

The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
Prob won't stop our batman from using it
so, how does this help your post exactly?

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