Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


You missing the point. It doesn't matter what the judge said during the proceedings. The question before the court is whether the Mueller charges against Manafort are within the scope of the investigation....and they obviously are.

Manafort will lose again.
you just make shit up? would seem so.

"You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud," Ellis said. "You really care about what information he might give you about Mr. Trump and what might lead to his impeachment or prosecution."

the judges quote, not mine. the point is the judge sees this as a reach around to try and get to trump via any means necessary. in this case -

"Ellis said he's concerned Mueller is only pursuing charges against Manafort (and presumably other individuals) to pressure them into turning on Trump. The Judge added that the charges brought against Manafort didn't appear to stem from Mueller's collusion probe. Instead, they appeared to be the work of an older investigation into Manafort that was eventually dropped."

I'd be hilarious if Trump told Manafort not to worry.....
And deposited 10 million in his account.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Mueller’s mandate from Republican DOJ officials allows him to go after any issue that arises from his investigation:

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

Whether it hurts Trump or not is immaterial.
As predicted. Trump will be charged with a late car registration in 1984.

It's bigger than that and much more serious
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
....And? You are crying....why?
Whether it hurts Trump or not is immaterial.
the judge isn't claiming it as material or immaterial because it may or may not hurt trump, he is pointing out that the real motives of the prosecution are not the ones he [and now you] are pointing think all those overreaching decisions by all those judges ruling against trump wasn't going to have major blow back for the left?...wait till it is your turn to feel the wrath of judges who legislate from the bench, you will wish you could return to the days of when you approved of such actions because the system was rigged in your favor.

That shouldn't be happening, period. When did it get like this?
"Ellis said he's concerned Mueller is only pursuing charges against Manafort (and presumably other individuals) to pressure them into turning on Trump. The Judge added that the charges brought against Manafort didn't appear to stem from Mueller's collusion probe. Instead, they appeared to be the work of an older investigation into Manafort that was eventually dropped."

This judge just lost any chance of ever becoming a 9th Circuit Court Judge. :p
Not as long as the Republicans are in the majority in the Senate.
Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Which is something everyone who isn't a fucking retard already knows.

This is worse than a "witch hunt". Actual witch hunts were just because of ignorance.

These assholes KNOW Trump did nothing to deserve this inquisition, they're deliberately persecuting him out of politics and hatred. They're far worse than stupid people in the 1600's. They're treasonous sociopaths who should be in prison themselves.


Poor little Trumpie. Everybody is being so mean to him.

Ain't it the truth, the biggest snowflakes around are Trumbots!

And there is this


Well talk about derp, exactly where did I say I did not except the results of the election. Be specific there bed wetter, I will be waiting BOOM!
I didn't say you did. I was showing who the snowflakes really are. who hasn't accepted the election?
Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Why did you leave out the complete input from Judge Ellis in your OP? I kind of tarnishes your point,,No?

Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
your honor, this dossier we're submitting into evidence was used to start this entire preceding. We would like the prosecutor to explain how we got here since this document is not validated. how did a federal judge get a warrant off of this document? we ask to have the case dismissed.
^ Truly dopey.
That is not within the purview of the case before the judge even if it were true. you want to bring up PURVIEW...with Mueller...LOL, dumbass.
All the liberal hate-driven snowflakes who continue to parrot the LIE about non-existent illegal trump-Russian collusion day after day - demanding Trump be Impeached - without any evidence to support their claims, who continuously defend the Democrats behind the witch hunt who have been proven by existing evidence have committed crimes...THESE are the 2016 election-deniers.

Mueller was given 1 task: 'UN-ELECT' the President. By-pass Congress and usurp powers you do not Constitutionally have in order to remove the President elected in our democratic process, denying the citizens of their choice. 'Un-do' the election so many still claim Hillary won because she won the 'Popularity Contest'.
That shouldn't be happening, period. When did it get like this?
It happened over the course of the early and mid 20th century, peaked during FDR [actually soared or zoomed or exploded would be better terms] to put friendly judges in place to give feminism a boost and undo the laws that led to the great depression, [a good thing]
after the fifties the judges and the media provided cover for rioters that allowed communist infiltration into the education system and culminating with the 68 campus riots where the communist wing took the democratic party by force and has yet to relinquish its hold...
if you really want to understand things that make you scratch your head, just know that white liberals are employing "divide and conquer" tactics with you and the minority community, they keep you and minorities constantly fighting with one another and keep advancing their cause in small steps...
the way to defeat them is if you just make white liberals the focus of your ire like you do here and keep going at this by calling them out every single time something goes down that pits white America against the white liberals minority du jour in any given discussion it will level the playing field and expose the reason they need to call Americans racist,[because it is all they have] but by not blaming white liberals you aid them in dividing us.
All the liberal hate-driven snowflakes who continue to parrot the LIE about non-existent illegal trump-Russian collusion day after day - demanding Trump be Impeached - without any evidence to support their claims, who continuously defend the Democrats behind the witch hunt who have been proven by existing evidence have committed crimes...THESE are the 2016 election-deniers.

Mueller was given 1 task: 'UN-ELECT' the President. By-pass Congress and usurp powers you do not Constitutionally have in order to remove the President elected in our democratic process, denying the citizens of their choice. 'Un-do' the election so many still claim Hillary won because she won the 'Popularity Contest'.

Odd, but that's not what the letter apointing him said.
Why did you leave out the complete input from Judge Ellis in your OP? I kind of tarnishes your point,,No?

Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
your honor, this dossier we're submitting into evidence was used to start this entire preceding. We would like the prosecutor to explain how we got here since this document is not validated. how did a federal judge get a warrant off of this document? we ask to have the case dismissed.
^ Truly dopey.
That is not within the purview of the case before the judge even if it were true.
sure they can. The judge can say get out of here. but they are able to submit it until that happens.
The best reason for J. Ellis to be holding Mueller to the fire to get this prosecution on the road is to shit can this bogus argument of probable cause and an invalid warrant.
That shouldn't be happening, period. When did it get like this?
It happened over the course of the early and mid 20th century, peaked during FDR [actually soared or zoomed or exploded would be better terms] to put friendly judges in place to give feminism a boost and undo the laws that led to the great depression, [a good thing]
after the fifties the judges and the media provided cover for rioters that allowed communist infiltration into the education system and culminating with the 68 campus riots where the communist wing took the democratic party by force and has yet to relinquish its hold...
if you really want to understand things that make you scratch your head, just know that white liberals are employing "divide and conquer" tactics with you and the minority community, they keep you and minorities constantly fighting with one another and keep advancing their cause in small steps...
the way to defeat them is if you just make white liberals the focus of your ire like you do here and keep going at this by calling them out every single time something goes down that pits white America against the white liberals minority du jour in any given discussion it will level the playing field and expose the reason they need to call Americans racist,[because it is all they have] but by not blaming white liberals you aid them in dividing us.
Dang, that is all freakish and embarrassing... What an embarrassing pile of bullshit...
That shouldn't be happening, period. When did it get like this?
It happened over the course of the early and mid 20th century, peaked during FDR [actually soared or zoomed or exploded would be better terms] to put friendly judges in place to give feminism a boost and undo the laws that led to the great depression, [a good thing]
after the fifties the judges and the media provided cover for rioters that allowed communist infiltration into the education system and culminating with the 68 campus riots where the communist wing took the democratic party by force and has yet to relinquish its hold...
if you really want to understand things that make you scratch your head, just know that white liberals are employing "divide and conquer" tactics with you and the minority community, they keep you and minorities constantly fighting with one another and keep advancing their cause in small steps...
the way to defeat them is if you just make white liberals the focus of your ire like you do here and keep going at this by calling them out every single time something goes down that pits white America against the white liberals minority du jour in any given discussion it will level the playing field and expose the reason they need to call Americans racist,[because it is all they have] but by not blaming white liberals you aid them in dividing us.

Pulling out John Birch Society propaganda, aren't you?
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


You missing the point. It doesn't matter what the judge said during the proceedings. The question before the court is whether the Mueller charges against Manafort are within the scope of the investigation....and they obviously are.

Manafort will lose again.
you just make shit up? would seem so.

"You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud," Ellis said. "You really care about what information he might give you about Mr. Trump and what might lead to his impeachment or prosecution."

the judges quote, not mine. the point is the judge sees this as a reach around to try and get to trump via any means necessary. in this case -

"Ellis said he's concerned Mueller is only pursuing charges against Manafort (and presumably other individuals) to pressure them into turning on Trump. The Judge added that the charges brought against Manafort didn't appear to stem from Mueller's collusion probe. Instead, they appeared to be the work of an older investigation into Manafort that was eventually dropped."

I'd be hilarious if Trump told Manafort not to worry.....
And deposited 10 million in his account.

That would be great! The Mueller finds out and adds it to Obstruction of Justice evidence....influencing a witness.
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


You missing the point. It doesn't matter what the judge said during the proceedings. The question before the court is whether the Mueller charges against Manafort are within the scope of the investigation....and they obviously are.

Manafort will lose again.
you just make shit up? would seem so.

"You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud," Ellis said. "You really care about what information he might give you about Mr. Trump and what might lead to his impeachment or prosecution."

the judges quote, not mine. the point is the judge sees this as a reach around to try and get to trump via any means necessary. in this case -

"Ellis said he's concerned Mueller is only pursuing charges against Manafort (and presumably other individuals) to pressure them into turning on Trump. The Judge added that the charges brought against Manafort didn't appear to stem from Mueller's collusion probe. Instead, they appeared to be the work of an older investigation into Manafort that was eventually dropped."

I'd be hilarious if Trump told Manafort not to worry.....
And deposited 10 million in his account.
I'm sure promises have already been made.
The judge is a partisan Reagan appointed. He will read Mueller's order and he will probably reduce it to lesser charges. There is some overlap.

Manafort is still in deep doodoo.
Which is something everyone who isn't a fucking retard already knows.

This is worse than a "witch hunt". Actual witch hunts were just because of ignorance.

These assholes KNOW Trump did nothing to deserve this inquisition, they're deliberately persecuting him out of politics and hatred. They're far worse than stupid people in the 1600's. They're treasonous sociopaths who should be in prison themselves.


Poor little Trumpie. Everybody is being so mean to him.

Ain't it the truth, the biggest snowflakes around are Trumbots!

And there is this


Well talk about derp, exactly where did I say I did not except the results of the election. Be specific there bed wetter, I will be waiting BOOM!
I didn't say you did. I was showing who the snowflakes really are. who hasn't accepted the election?

Then why the meme pepe?
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation
and? wasn't the link given?
The OP and the topic title are a classic lie of omission.

It's what pseuedocons like you and the topic starter are very good at.

If you can't be bothered to open the link, your thoughts aren't worth reading. Go sell pencils on a street corner.

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