Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You donā€™t really care about Mr. Manafortā€™s bank fraud,ā€ Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. ā€œYou really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.ā€
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
ā€œIā€™m not saying itā€™s illegitimate,ā€ Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


If the judge believed that, the ruling will not come down in favour of the government. The judge is asking this question because idiots think that this is what is going on.

Trump has lied to the American people over 3000 times since taking office. The American people deserve better.

His doctor said Trump forced him to lie about Trumpā€™s health. Sarah Huckabee Sanders today said that Trump lies to her. That he tells her what to say. She no longer has credibility.

Trump cannot continue to lie to the American people. Period. If he continues to lie, heā€™ll be gone.
You're spouting Dim talking points. They have already been dismissed as partisan propaganda.
Dim, hilarious.
And you are a perfect,both sides guy (or woman)?
Ever heard of "projection"
Looked up don the cons lie website yet?
I have never claimed to be non-partisan. However, I don't mindlessly parrot party talking points in every post.
Can you list a talking point?
The original def of snowflake for instance
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.

Sounds like you didn't go back to the 1860s
Snowflake , a person opposed to the abolition of slavery
Used by bullies too.
Just trying to help
The surprising history of ā€˜snowflakeā€™ as a political insult
One of the Left who had no idea how the Electoral College / US Presidential Elections work trying to educate others about something.

Just trying to post facts
Why have you switched to electoral college.?
Clear as a bell to me.
Btw are you a corporate millionaire like me who never voted for a dem in my life?
Or prefers self juvenile pics ?
Oh, so I guess you are going to claim now that you aren't one of the Hillary worshippers declaring Hillary won because she won the 'popularity Contest' and had no clue what the hail the 'electoral college' was?

No matter - Hillary had no clue, just more example of how she was the worst candidate in US history and part of why she lost.
Mueller's too experienced to not have considered passing the charges onto a DOJ office for filing a complaint, as was done on Cohen. Manafort's been in the DOJ's cross-hairs for a long time. Report: FBI, DOJ looking at Manafort in Ukraine investigation

But Mueller must think there's a nexus or common ground between Manafort's being a fixer for Ukraine's pro-Russian Yanukovych and any contacts between Russia and Trump. Obviously Mueller doesn't want to disclose what contacts he knows about, and Trump supporters complain none is shown.

But perhaps the Judge will make Mueller say why it should be his "jackboot" (-: on Manafort's neck rather than some other federal prosecutor's "jack boot." (-:

Don't you find it odd that the Podesta group worked for the same Ukrainian clients as Manafort and didn't register as foreign agents either. BUT only freaking Manafort is charged but not the Podesta group?

OR that during the election the Podesta group actually worked for the state bank of Russia to lift sanctions but there is no investigation of a direct Russian link to the Clinton campaign?
Under Mueller Scrutiny, Democratic Donor Tony Podesta Resigns From Lobbying Firm

Resigning after the fact doesnt give him immunity from prosecution.
Still haven't looked up the def of snowflake??

Sure I have, and I have posted the definition and background on it many times...every time one of you snowflakes get easily offended by the term, acts like you have Alzheimer's, and pops off about it again.

The DEMOCRATS adopted this term to call OTHER DEMOCRATS who were 'easily offended' about EVERYTHING this....Democrats who had turned into 'PCP' - Political Correct Pu$$es.
I'm talking the original 19 th century def.
Did you quote that?
why don't you post it? no confusion then

The surprising history of ā€˜snowflakeā€™ as a political insult
Prob won't stop our batman from using it
Sorry, as I posted before DEMOCRATS explained DEMOCRATS adopted the term to describe DEMOCRATS who were easily offended PC flowers.

...and snowflakes today are proving they have earned the nickname....refusing to / being unable to accept the results of the 2016 Presidential election...


How does it feel to see your felon 'deity' tell you that YOU are a 'danger to our democracy', snowflake?
Judge questions Mueller's powers in Manafort case...

Accuses team of 'lying,' targeting president...

Only interested in 'prosecution or impeachment'...

...all that being said, the prosecutor still has to present his specific case based off of the specific charges supported by the specific evidence.

Good on the Judge for seeing through Mueller's BS to the reason why Mueller is doing what he is doing. Manafort is 'collateral damage' in the witch hunt intended to take Trump down. Manafort is Mueller's 'Scooter Libby', and the Judge just called him on it.

all the judges in the counry arent privy to the evidence in the investigation ... F them too
sure they are. how is it they can stop a sitting president then?

sure theyre not idiot.
sure they are. dude we can do this all day or just accept I posted it.
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You donā€™t really care about Mr. Manafortā€™s bank fraud,ā€ Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. ā€œYou really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.ā€
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
ā€œIā€™m not saying itā€™s illegitimate,ā€ Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Why did you leave out the complete input from Judge Ellis in your OP? I kind of tarnishes your point,,No?

Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
your honor, this dossier we're submitting into evidence was used to start this entire preceding. We would like the prosecutor to explain how we got here since this document is not validated. how did a federal judge get a warrant off of this document? we ask to have the case dismissed.
^ Truly dopey.
That is not within the purview of the case before the judge even if it were true.
Mueller's too experienced to not have considered passing the charges onto a DOJ office for filing a complaint, as was done on Cohen. Manafort's been in the DOJ's cross-hairs for a long time. Report: FBI, DOJ looking at Manafort in Ukraine investigation

But Mueller must think there's a nexus or common ground between Manafort's being a fixer for Ukraine's pro-Russian Yanukovych and any contacts between Russia and Trump. Obviously Mueller doesn't want to disclose what contacts he knows about, and Trump supporters complain none is shown.

But perhaps the Judge will make Mueller say why it should be his "jackboot" (-: on Manafort's neck rather than some other federal prosecutor's "jack boot." (-:

Don't you find it odd that the Podesta group worked for the same Ukrainian clients as Manafort and didn't register as foreign agents either. BUT only freaking Manafort is charged but not the Podesta group?

OR that during the election the Podesta group actually worked for the state bank of Russia to lift sanctions but there is no investigation of a direct Russian link to the Clinton campaign?
Did Russia intervene to sabotage the election in Clintonā€™s favor? No? Well thereā€™s your answer.

And still no collusion. O also intervened to sabotage israel' election. You had no problem with that.
No because it was in Americaā€™s interests. If I were Russian, Iā€™d be pretty happy about Putin humiliating the stupid Americans.

Hillary better turn over those servers so we can get to the bottom of this heinous crime.
Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Why did you leave out the complete input from Judge Ellis in your OP? I kind of tarnishes your point,,No?

Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
your honor, this dossier we're submitting into evidence was used to start this entire preceding. We would like the prosecutor to explain how we got here since this document is not validated. how did a federal judge get a warrant off of this document? we ask to have the case dismissed.
^ Truly dopey.
That is not within the purview of the case before the judge even if it were true.
sure they can. The judge can say get out of here. but they are able to submit it until that happens.
Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Which is something everyone who isn't a fucking retard already knows.

This is worse than a "witch hunt". Actual witch hunts were just because of ignorance.

These assholes KNOW Trump did nothing to deserve this inquisition, they're deliberately persecuting him out of politics and hatred. They're far worse than stupid people in the 1600's. They're treasonous sociopaths who should be in prison themselves.


Poor little Trumpie. Everybody is being so mean to him.

Ain't it the truth, the biggest snowflakes around are Trumbots!
All of this treasonous foolishness could have been avoided if snowflakes would have simply accepted the results of the 2016 election. instead, they chose to be 'a danger to our democracy'...

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Which is something everyone who isn't a fucking retard already knows.

This is worse than a "witch hunt". Actual witch hunts were just because of ignorance.

These assholes KNOW Trump did nothing to deserve this inquisition, they're deliberately persecuting him out of politics and hatred. They're far worse than stupid people in the 1600's. They're treasonous sociopaths who should be in prison themselves.


Poor little Trumpie. Everybody is being so mean to him.

Ain't it the truth, the biggest snowflakes around are Trumbots!

And there is this

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


Which is something everyone who isn't a fucking retard already knows.

This is worse than a "witch hunt". Actual witch hunts were just because of ignorance.

These assholes KNOW Trump did nothing to deserve this inquisition, they're deliberately persecuting him out of politics and hatred. They're far worse than stupid people in the 1600's. They're treasonous sociopaths who should be in prison themselves.


Poor little Trumpie. Everybody is being so mean to him.

Ain't it the truth, the biggest snowflakes around are Trumbots!

And there is this


Well talk about derp, exactly where did I say I did not except the results of the election. Be specific there bed wetter, I will be waiting BOOM!
Mueller's Team refused to give the Judge the un-redacted ā€œscope memoā€, so the Judge told them they have 2 weeks to present it to him 'or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesnā€™t pertain to Manafort'.

The Judge responded by telling Mueller's Team: ā€œIā€™ll be the judge of that.ā€ :p

The judge quickly et Mueller's team know this was HIS court, not theirs, and they would obey HIS commands, not attempt to bully and run rough shod over everyone like they have tried to do with their reported bullying tactics so far.


"The special counsel argues that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein granted them broad authority in his May 2, 2017 letter appointing Mueller to this investigation. But after the revelation that the team is using information from the earlier DOJ probe, Ellis said that information did not ā€œariseā€ out of the special counsel probe ā€“ and therefore may not be within the scope of that investigation."


"Muellerā€™s team says its authorities are laid out in documents including the August 2017 scope memo ā€“ and that some powers are actually secret because they involve ongoing investigations and national security matters that cannot be publicly disclosed.

Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.

He summed up the argument of the Special Counselā€™s Office as, "We said this was what [the] investigation was about, but we are not bound by it and we were lying."

It is disturbing that a Special Prosecutor believes he is above the law of the land and above his authority being challenged because he was given authorities in a SECRET / SEALED document he guards so tightly, attempting to keep it secret. He says he has the authority to do things but can not prove it because the documents giving him those authorities are 'sealed'.... a 'license to do whatever he wants to anyone he wants to accomplish the mission -

I agree with the Judge who responded to Mueller's team 1st saying they would not give him the document by saying, ā€œWe donā€™t want anyone with unfettered powerā€
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You donā€™t really care about Mr. Manafortā€™s bank fraud,ā€ Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. ā€œYou really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.ā€
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
ā€œIā€™m not saying itā€™s illegitimate,ā€ Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


You missing the point. It doesn't matter what the judge said during the proceedings. The question before the court is whether the Mueller charges against Manafort are within the scope of the investigation....and they obviously are.

Manafort will lose again.
you just make shit up? would seem so.

"You donā€™t really care about Mr. Manafortā€™s bank fraud," Ellis said. "You really care about what information he might give you about Mr. Trump and what might lead to his impeachment or prosecution."

the judges quote, not mine. the point is the judge sees this as a reach around to try and get to trump via any means necessary. in this case -

"Ellis said he's concerned Mueller is only pursuing charges against Manafort (and presumably other individuals) to pressure them into turning on Trump. The Judge added that the charges brought against Manafort didn't appear to stem from Mueller's collusion probe. Instead, they appeared to be the work of an older investigation into Manafort that was eventually dropped."
I feel like we're in the Return of the Jedi phase of this sordid Swamp Opera.
"Ellis said he's concerned Mueller is only pursuing charges against Manafort (and presumably other individuals) to pressure them into turning on Trump. The Judge added that the charges brought against Manafort didn't appear to stem from Mueller's collusion probe. Instead, they appeared to be the work of an older investigation into Manafort that was eventually dropped."

This judge just lost any chance of ever becoming a 9th Circuit Court Judge. :p
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You donā€™t really care about Mr. Manafortā€™s bank fraud,ā€ Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. ā€œYou really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.ā€
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
ā€œIā€™m not saying itā€™s illegitimate,ā€ Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Muellerā€™s mandate from Republican DOJ officials allows him to go after any issue that arises from his investigation:

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

Whether it hurts Trump or not is immaterial.
And that is not legal under law.

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