BOOM: Trey Gowdy Just Made a HUGE Announcement About Donald Trump

Even MORE information backing up Trumps claims!

Border Reports Back Up Trump's 'Rapists' Claim

MRC TV ^ | July 3, 2015 | By Ben Graham
Donald Trump has been under fire for remarks he made on illegal immigrants during the announcement of his candidacy. "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems," He said. "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." While the remarks are certainly blunt, they're not inherently wrong. Border Patrol seized just under $3.5M worth of marijuana from...

You could have the mexican invaders rape their own daughters and they'd still claim they were here to do the jobs Americans wont do.
I say let the beaners have at it...but woe to them if they darken the door to my home.
I'll fill em so full of lead they can use their tiny beaner dicks as #2 pencils.
Well, in England one has to be at the mercy of government even to own a musket… so there you have it..
As though there are not whole classes of people forbidden muskets in the US.
WTF are you talking about? We are supposed to be free people and only free people can "gird the sword." Subjects are at the mercy of their sovereigns. Go get your cup of tea, read the Daily and don't worry about American muskets and who can own them freely.
When Trump drops out of the race will you people be pretending you knew all along he would?
Why would he drop out of the race?

Because he has no plans on becoming President. He played you as a fool last time to pitch The Apprentice, and he's doing the same this time. Eat it up, retards.

really? and Obama played all you for a fool, he lied in your face to pass ObamaCare, he hired a man to work on OscamCare who called all you Stupid and you tell people they are being played. and you on the left still sit and eat up the Democrats BS . so who's the fools exactly? You people have some nerve. your party just lost Congress and you sit here runing the Republicans down. We see who the fools are
The fools are the same as always, the morons who vote for and believe the greedy idiot lying megarich GOP. We'll see when the people vote for president, not just the dupes. Have to admit the GOP is great at making people sick of politics. Great job!
OP- ANOTHER bs website paid for by Pub billionaires and fools. Breaking for hater dupes: In 2007, 94% of illegal men worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% owned homes.
OP- ANOTHER bs website paid for by Pub billionaires and fools. Breaking for hater dupes: In 2007, 94% of illegal men worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% owned homes.

You have gone fully RETARD! How would anyone know how many illegals worked, paid taxes or owned homes WHEN EVEN THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T KNOW HOW MANY ARE HERE!!!.... Shitface here caught in ANOTHER LIE... Francostein, doesn't have the brain of Frankenstein!


CDC official called Obama ‘Marxist,’ ‘amateur’ over 2014 border surge

Fox ^ | 7/6/2015
A federal health official dealing with the surge of illegal immigrants last year at the southern U.S. border ripped President Obama for the months-long crisis, calling him a "Marxist" and “the worst pres we have ever had,” according to newly released internal emails. The emails, obtained and published by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, show a June 9, 2014, exchange between Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logistics specialist George Roark and agency public health adviser William Adams. Roark begins by writing: “Unreal, no country in the world would allow this.” Adams responds: “Well, in ten years or less,...
Here's some REAL numbers you dumbass...

More Than 347,000 Convicted Criminal Immigrants At Large In U.S.

Breitbart ^ | 7 Jul 2015

Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes. According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News, there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the U.S. Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large. While the vast majority were not in custody some were detained — namely 6,220 criminal immigrants facing final...
About 60,000 people have died in northern Mexico from he drug war. Yet, you people think it is sane to have a open border to it?

What open border?

After the 9/11 attacks and for years afterwards, our Southern border continued to be less secure than it is today.

Suddenly after Obama was elected, Conservatives seemed to suddenly notice that somehow illegal immigrants were coming into the United States- and despite fewer coming in under Obama than under George Bush- suddenly they find God in securing our border.

I am perfectly fine with securing our Southern Border- Republicans control Congress- go ahead and fund a wall- fund an increased Border Patrol- why isn't Congress doing anything?
Have the Ebola infected ISIS fighters coming over the border arrived yet? The right wing reactionaries here were freaking out about them last year but I haven't heard any updates.

Conservatives are hoping and praying that they show up.
Gowdy is still being a gutless illegal panderer. He suggests most illegals are law abiding...what the hell? Were they obeying our laws by sneaking into our country illegally? Are they obeying our laws committing fraud and lying to obtain drivers licenses and documents? Are a third of them who file for tax refunds they are not legally entitled to obeying the law? Are they obeying our laws by not going through our legal immigration process?
Here's some REAL numbers you dumbass...

More Than 347,000 Convicted Criminal Immigrants At Large In U.S.

Breitbart ^ | 7 Jul 2015

Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes. According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News, there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the U.S. Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large. While the vast majority were not in custody some were detained — namely 6,220 criminal immigrants facing final...
Mostly from overstaying visas, same reason a fence won't work, dimwit hater dupe. Breitbart lol.

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