Booster shots will not help much, getting the unvaccinated, vaccinated ...will help!

They are working hard to push their own agendas. They are trying hard to push their GMO humans population, that is why they have so many super mutant heroes movies. that they are encouraging the public by putting their life into the hands of Bill Gates.

Actually, a new study shows that getting the virus and developing actual immunity is better than getting the shot...

A study of 800,000 people in Israel has found that natural immunity in people who have recovered from an earlier COVID-19 infection is vastly superior to the immunity acquired by vaccination using two of the major vaccines in use. The conclusion:

Makes sense! Of course the real deal....catching it and developing antibodies would be stronger, if you survived the disease, than a measured vaccine!

The point of all the vaccines, is to give you through the process, enough antibodies to keep you alive if you are faced with it, and to do so, with little to no risk... Vs taking the chance of being infected with covid, without any antibody protection at all and chance getting really sick, hospitalized, or have other complications medically, or God forbid, die.

What I am wondering now is; Do those vaccinated, with breakthrough cases of have additional antibodies developed from having caught the actual virus
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Makes sense! Of course the real deal....catching it and developing antibodies would be stronger, if you survived the disease, than a measured vaccine!

The point of all the vaccines, is to give you through the process, enough antibodies to keep you alive if you are faced with it, and to do so, with little to no risk... Vs taking the chance of being infected with covid, without any antibody protection at all and chance getting really sick, hospitalized, or have other complications medically, or God forbid, die.

What I am wondering now is; Do those vaccinated, with breakthrough cases of have additional antibodies developed from having caught the actual virus?
You act like COVID is a death sentence. If you are under 65 and not obese youre more likely to barely notice you’ve even had COVID than you are to suffer a bad flu like reaction let alone die.

If anything COVID has amplified the fact that stuffing ho ho‘s in your face non stop is a bad health decision
You act like COVID is a death sentence. If you are under 65 and not obese youre more likely to barely notice you’ve even had COVID than you are to suffer a bad flu like reaction let alone die.

If anything COVID has amplified the fact that stuffing ho ho‘s in your face non stop is a bad health decision
You Lie!

Out of 5 of us siblings, 2 of my brothers believed that BS so their families remain unvaccinated. Then Denton, Texas schools opened where his wife teaches & children attend class. Within 2 days they were all struck down with covid-19 delta.

My vaccinated brother has been there all week helping them & only got a slight tiredness & headache for 8 hours. The kids are nearly recovered, but un-vaxed brother & wife are still on oxygen & unable to work all week.
You act like COVID is a death sentence. If you are under 65 and not obese youre more likely to barely notice you’ve even had COVID than you are to suffer a bad flu like reaction let alone die.

If anything COVID has amplified the fact that stuffing ho ho‘s in your face non stop is a bad health decision
I agree, its not a death sentence for most under 65, me included.

But this isn't about just me and you....nor about the elderly alone, but also about those younger who have medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, copd, heart disease conditions, obesity, cancer, kidney disease etc etc etc

There are about 60 million seniors, and another 30 million younger with health conditions that put them too, at high risk of severe disease from the virus and even dying as well.

Well damn! That's 90 million Americans at high risk, that we know about...diagnosed with their medical conditions, or age.... There are many more walking around with diabetes and heart conditions etc, who do not know it, because they do not see a doctor annually!

Those 90 million at a higher risk of dying, is something like a 10% chance of dying....the rest of us healthy and younger's chance is more like ZERO%...(exception being the unhealthy young)

Anyway....10% of 90 million at high risk, is 9 million deaths! Even at a 5% rate, it would be 4.5 million and even if only those in the high risk category, had just a 1% death rate, it would be 900,000 of them alone, dead! More than Vietnam! More than WWI and WWII !

It's an awful lot of Americans, dead.

I don't want to see this happen. That's why I took the vaccine shot, because it could prevent some of those deaths from happening... But know, from all the crap on the internet, it had me scared shitless as well... :eek: Which i have never been afraid of any shot or vaccine previously! ...but, I spoke with my doctor, who I love and trust, and she guided me through the facts.

And the good Lord knows I also have my own personal interest with my parents being in the high risk elderly group, and my older sister with asthma.

I wish the vaccines were better at stopping the stronger delta variant from spreading, so us vaccinated could give some protection to the unvaccinated, no doubt! But it is, what it is... Maybe a higher dose or booster or a newer shot developed, will do better?
Because the thread is about booster shots to the vaccinated, is it going to solve the overwhelming of the hospitals in hotspot areas. And as noted in my thread opening, this was not about those who had contracted covid, who have antibody protection.

Man oh man, you are really working hard at projecting yourself as a whiny little, stupid bitch on this one! :lol:
The problem is the CDC rarely if ever mentions those with natural antibodies and employers do not care. That is part of a huge problem. It’s is not whining when it’s the truth. You projecting your morality on others is annoying at best, like 90% of your posts. Your screen name says it all.
You Lie!

Out of 5 of us siblings, 2 of my brothers believed that BS so their families remain unvaccinated. Then Denton, Texas schools opened where his wife teaches & children attend class. Within 2 days they were all struck down with covid-19 delta.

My vaccinated brother has been there all week helping them & only got a slight tiredness & headache for 8 hours. The kids are nearly recovered, but un-vaxed brother & wife are still on oxygen & unable to work all week.
Denton TX, home of the Von Erichs. Are they overweight? If so then COVID19 will hit hard. Otherwise, nope. The Delta variant is not any stronger than the original.
Denton TX, home of the Von Erichs. Are they overweight? If so then COVID19 will hit hard. Otherwise, nope. The Delta variant is not any stronger than the original.
BS! They are not overweight & no chronic health issues. In fact they have been eating 100% plant base diet since 2019. So they though they were too healthy to be effected by covid.
BS! They are not overweight & no chronic health issues. In fact they have been eating 100% plant base diet since 2019. So they though they were too healthy to be effected by covid.
How is it BS? So they are just outliers? I find that very difficult to believe. Plant based or not people can still be overweight. I had the virus in March 2020 and it hit hard but not badly enough where I was incapacitated
I agree, its not a death sentence for most under 65, me included.

But this isn't about just me and you....nor about the elderly alone, but also about those younger who have medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, copd, heart disease conditions, obesity, cancer, kidney disease etc etc etc

There are about 60 million seniors, and another 30 million younger with health conditions that put them too, at high risk of severe disease from the virus and even dying as well.

Well damn! That's 90 million Americans at high risk, that we know about...diagnosed with their medical conditions, or age.... There are many more walking around with diabetes and heart conditions etc, who do not know it, because they do not see a doctor annually!

Those 90 million at a higher risk of dying, is something like a 10% chance of dying....the rest of us healthy and younger's chance is more like ZERO%...(exception being the unhealthy young)

Anyway....10% of 90 million at high risk, is 9 million deaths! Even at a 5% rate, it would be 4.5 million and even if only those in the high risk category, had just a 1% death rate, it would be 900,000 of them alone, dead! More than Vietnam! More than WWI and WWII !

It's an awful lot of Americans, dead.

I don't want to see this happen. That's why I took the vaccine shot, because it could prevent some of those deaths from happening... But know, from all the crap on the internet, it had me scared shitless as well... :eek: Which i have never been afraid of any shot or vaccine previously! ...but, I spoke with my doctor, who I love and trust, and she guided me through the facts.

And the good Lord knows I also have my own personal interest with my parents being in the high risk elderly group, and my older sister with asthma.

I wish the vaccines were better at stopping the stronger delta variant from spreading, so us vaccinated could give some protection to the unvaccinated, no doubt! But it is, what it is... Maybe a higher dose or booster or a newer shot developed, will do better?
For the love of pete. Will you people please actually look at the statistics and do a little f'ing math? Use your brain instead of your wittle feewings for a minute.

Under 50 30k people have died from COVID, the majority of those people were obese, like 80ish%. Those individuals have been making horrible health decisions for years and those decision came back to bite them in the ass. But just to put things in perspective. 40k people die every month from obesity. So 10k more people die every month from obesity than under 50 y/o from COVID over the last 18 months.

Under 65 the number of deaths is about 128k. And while all those deaths are tragic again the majority were obese. A completely preventable and easily treatable condition. Eat less and walk more. Done. COVID wont be a threat to you anymore and as a bonus the rest of society wont have to look at your fat ass waddle down the street. Win win.

650k have died over the last 18 months from COVID.

720k have died over the last 18 months from obesity....

Long term affects of eating fewer ho ho's and more spinach? Pretty sure we have that figured out. But God forbid we actually put some pressure on a fat person to lose weight.

Long term affects of this vaccine? Yeah I dont know and neither do you or anyone else.
I am 63 obese have asthma and diabetes and I got covid twice all that happened was I got light headed and passed out breaking my ankle.,

This is an extremely in depth article I just found, that explains why, mathematically tied to science, booster shots won't help in slowing the spread of covid and will not lower hospital beds in use for covid.

It's really worth reading.

Basically, the rate of infection spread of covid can not be reduced enough by giving the vaccinated a 95%+ protection rate with a booster shot, instead of the 83% protection it is running now with Delta....

Vs. Getting 25% more of the unvaccinated, vaccinated, with the 83% protection....which will reduce infection spread and hospitals capping out with patients.

The focus has to be on getting more of the unvaccinated, we all can have a near normal, lifestyle again and be able to live with covid.

(those who already have had covid don't count... they have some protection like the vaccinated.... It's getting those with no protection at all, vaccinated, that will help the most, to bring us to some resemblance of normal.)

It's fine to get a booster, it just won't help society on the whole, enough.

Please read the article, and go through the whole exercise.

I'm heading to the sack, will respond tomorrow!
Whats it to you? First it was 2 weeks to keep hospitals from being overrun. That never came close, so it’s forever controlling your personal medical lives with you Leftards.
Trump should mandate no abortions allowed for the health of children when he returns.
For the love of pete. Will you people please actually look at the statistics and do a little f'ing math? Use your brain instead of your wittle feewings for a minute.

Under 50 30k people have died from COVID, the majority of those people were obese, like 80ish%. Those individuals have been making horrible health decisions for years and those decision came back to bite them in the ass. But just to put things in perspective. 40k people die every month from obesity. So 10k more people die every month from obesity than under 50 y/o from COVID over the last 18 months.

Under 65 the number of deaths is about 128k. And while all those deaths are tragic again the majority were obese. A completely preventable and easily treatable condition. Eat less and walk more. Done. COVID wont be a threat to you anymore and as a bonus the rest of society wont have to look at your fat ass waddle down the street. Win win.

650k have died over the last 18 months from COVID.

720k have died over the last 18 months from obesity....

Long term affects of eating fewer ho ho's and more spinach? Pretty sure we have that figured out. But God forbid we actually put some pressure on a fat person to lose weight.

Long term affects of this vaccine? Yeah I dont know and neither do you or anyone else.
It’s not about science nor care for anyone’s health. It’s all about Orwellian Big Brother controlling every aspect of your life.
It’s not about science nor care for anyone’s health. It’s all about Orwellian Big Brother controlling every aspect of your life.


- the unwarranted or delusional belief that one is being persecuted, harassed, or betrayed by others, occurring as part of a mental condition


- the unwarranted or delusional belief that one is being persecuted, harassed, or betrayed by others, occurring as part of a mental condition
your thread is nothing but Paranoia and misinformation
How is it BS? So they are just outliers? I find that very difficult to believe. Plant based or not people can still be overweight. I had the virus in March 2020 and it hit hard but not badly enough where I was incapacitated
Did you test positive for Covid-19 in March 2020? Because Covid-19 had barely started infecting US citizens in the later half of March.
I agree, its not a death sentence for most under 65, me included.

But this isn't about just me and you....nor about the elderly alone, but also about those younger who have medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, copd, heart disease conditions, obesity, cancer, kidney disease etc etc etc

There are about 60 million seniors, and another 30 million younger with health conditions that put them too, at high risk of severe disease from the virus and even dying as well.

Well damn! That's 90 million Americans at high risk, that we know about...diagnosed with their medical conditions, or age.... There are many more walking around with diabetes and heart conditions etc, who do not know it, because they do not see a doctor annually!

Those 90 million at a higher risk of dying, is something like a 10% chance of dying....the rest of us healthy and younger's chance is more like ZERO%...(exception being the unhealthy young)

Anyway....10% of 90 million at high risk, is 9 million deaths! Even at a 5% rate, it would be 4.5 million and even if only those in the high risk category, had just a 1% death rate, it would be 900,000 of them alone, dead! More than Vietnam! More than WWI and WWII !

It's an awful lot of Americans, dead.

I don't want to see this happen. That's why I took the vaccine shot, because it could prevent some of those deaths from happening... But know, from all the crap on the internet, it had me scared shitless as well... :eek: Which i have never been afraid of any shot or vaccine previously! ...but, I spoke with my doctor, who I love and trust, and she guided me through the facts.

And the good Lord knows I also have my own personal interest with my parents being in the high risk elderly group, and my older sister with asthma.

I wish the vaccines were better at stopping the stronger delta variant from spreading, so us vaccinated could give some protection to the unvaccinated, no doubt! But it is, what it is... Maybe a higher dose or booster or a newer shot developed, will do better?

Then the people in those categories should be the ones getting the vaccine, wearing a mask, staying at home, etc... otherwise, there should be no reason to push a vaccine, masks, quarantines, etc... on the remaining population. You don't quarantine healthy people, or force them to take an experimental vaccine. How many otherwise healthy people have been injured or died due the the vaccine, why are those losses acceptable to you? They may have never gotten covid, or had a very mild response to it, yet now they are permanently injured or dead due to the vaccine. I pray every day that you people don't eat your words years down the road if God forbid, there are lethal long term effects from these vaccines. I have loved ones in their 20's that buy into the message that you're selfish for not being willing to give up your God given rights to have the final say in your own healthcare, having that message pushed on them day and night, conditioning them to give up who knows what rights down the road so they're not seen as 'selfish'. I pray every day that it doesn't turn out that something horrible comes from these vaccines. You simply do not have the right to tell other people how to conduct their own healthcare, especially with something that has such a low mortality rate. You throw out numbers like they're facts, yet the reality doesn't even come close to what you're saying it would be, and you have no proof that it would. Yet you're willing to stand on the moral high ground, like you're some God, telling people what they must do. I hope you have answers for that once you're standing in front of God Himself, cause I think you're going to need them.

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