BOOYA! Republicans Declare D-SCHIFF Is Going To Have To Testify Under Oath!

He tried to bribe the Ukraine into doing him a personal political favor using our tax money
No he didn't read the transcript of the call.....

The call itself was part of the bribe. Everything was contingent on publicly announcing the investigations into the Bidens and the DNC Server/Crowdstrike.
Thousands of people were conspiring to get Biden!

It's so diabolical!

Which thousands would those be? :cuckoo:
He tried to bribe the Ukraine into doing him a personal political favor using our tax money
No he didn't read the transcript of the call.....

The call itself was part of the bribe. Everything was contingent on publicly announcing the investigations into the Bidens and the DNC Server/Crowdstrike.
Thousands of people were conspiring to get Biden!

It's so diabolical!

nah, just rw dumb fuks -

the rest of the country is up to speed -

Trump's own staff repeatedly warned him that his theory about Democrats and Ukraine had been debunked
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Americans fully understand why Schiff will refuse to testify....

....from 2+ years of falsely claiming he had direct criminal evidence against the President.... his admitting he leaked classified... his seditious / treasonous attempt to present his own fictitious authored account of the phone call as 'evidence'... his attempting to hide he is a CONTACT WITNESS... his being bought by the Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukrainian officials.

Pelosi could not have picked a greater example of 4 years of Democrat treasonous coup attempts to run this latest one than Schiff.

I guess we'll see.

In the last ten years or so, "this is the big one" has been the prediction a few thousand times.

I don't think they plan for this to be some kind of bombshell revelation, so much as the whole idea gives them a reason to masturbate.
easy is full of shit


This process still gives Democrats final say over witnesses, however, and the GOP source acknowledged it's unlikely they would go along with the efforts to call Schiff -- who is essentially leading the impeachment probe.
So they expect everyone and anyone to answer THEIR questions... But...
"House Republicans plan to call Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as one of their first witnesses in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump following the adoption of formal rules for the investigation, claiming he is a “fact witness” due to his office's early involvement with the whistleblower whose complaint sparked the proceedings."

D-Schiff and Democrats, of course, will REFUSE to allow Schiff to be called to testify, despite the fact that he is a KEY 'FACT WITNESS' in their 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' latest on-going coup attempt. They may be FORCED to have Schiff testify, but if this is the case they will demand that the other Un-Constitutional / SCAM provision of their obvious partisan coup attempt be upheld - dictating to Republicans what they can and what they can NOT ask Schiff during questioning.

My bet is that Schiff and the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call Schiff to testify. If Schiff is forced to testify they will DESTROY him and the Democrats' partisan Impeachment circus!

IF Schiff is forced to testify you can bet the GOP demands he answer:

1. Why did Schiff knowingly, intentionally LIE to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years by falsely, seditiously claiming he ad DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...and why anyone should believe anything HE says after lying to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years...

2. Why he coached a convicted Perjurer for 10 hours in how to testify AGAIN to Congress - a repeat performance of his 1st attempt in which he committed the Perjury he was on the way to prison for...

3. Why he lied to Congress and America about his direct contact with the Deep State anti-Trump CIA Whistle Blower, making him a FACT Witness which legally disqualifies him from participating in any investigation let alone in leading such an investigation....

4. Why he attempted to present a fictitious account of the President's phone call that he authored himself as 'evidence' during a live, televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment...and why anyone should believe anything he says now

5. Why he should NOT be indicted for admittedly leaking classified...or at the very minimum be immediately removed from the House Intel Committee altogether, not just as Chairman...

6. What his full connection is to a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukrainian govt officials who also donated a LARGWE amount of money to Schiff.....

And WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow Schiff to be called as a witness and / or WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to ask any of these questions, Senate Majority Leader McConnell should Immediately hold a press conference and declare that upon receiving any\thing regarding Impeachment of the President from the House the Senate will begin its own investigation & their very 1st subpoenaed witness called to testify under oath before them will be D-ADAM SCHIFF!


House Republicans plan to call Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment inquiry, say he is 'fact witness'
Yup. Republicans tearing apart the people in charge of the investigation instead of focusing on the President's actions. Just why Nancy Pelosi avoided this vote to begin with.
Well, have at it, Repubs. Schiff didn't do anything but force the damned National Security guy to shake the complaint loose he was trying to bury in the pile on his desk, I guess.

Plenty of blame to go around in all this. If the presidant can get 300 plus subpoenas, it seems reasonable that Schiff can answer one right?
"House Republicans plan to call Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as one of their first witnesses in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump following the adoption of formal rules for the investigation, claiming he is a “fact witness” due to his office's early involvement with the whistleblower whose complaint sparked the proceedings."

D-Schiff and Democrats, of course, will REFUSE to allow Schiff to be called to testify, despite the fact that he is a KEY 'FACT WITNESS' in their 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' latest on-going coup attempt. They may be FORCED to have Schiff testify, but if this is the case they will demand that the other Un-Constitutional / SCAM provision of their obvious partisan coup attempt be upheld - dictating to Republicans what they can and what they can NOT ask Schiff during questioning.

My bet is that Schiff and the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call Schiff to testify. If Schiff is forced to testify they will DESTROY him and the Democrats' partisan Impeachment circus!

IF Schiff is forced to testify you can bet the GOP demands he answer:

1. Why did Schiff knowingly, intentionally LIE to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years by falsely, seditiously claiming he ad DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...and why anyone should believe anything HE says after lying to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years...

2. Why he coached a convicted Perjurer for 10 hours in how to testify AGAIN to Congress - a repeat performance of his 1st attempt in which he committed the Perjury he was on the way to prison for...

3. Why he lied to Congress and America about his direct contact with the Deep State anti-Trump CIA Whistle Blower, making him a FACT Witness which legally disqualifies him from participating in any investigation let alone in leading such an investigation....

4. Why he attempted to present a fictitious account of the President's phone call that he authored himself as 'evidence' during a live, televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment...and why anyone should believe anything he says now

5. Why he should NOT be indicted for admittedly leaking classified...or at the very minimum be immediately removed from the House Intel Committee altogether, not just as Chairman...

6. What his full connection is to a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukrainian govt officials who also donated a LARGWE amount of money to Schiff.....

And WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow Schiff to be called as a witness and / or WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to ask any of these questions, Senate Majority Leader McConnell should Immediately hold a press conference and declare that upon receiving any\thing regarding Impeachment of the President from the House the Senate will begin its own investigation & their very 1st subpoenaed witness called to testify under oath before them will be D-ADAM SCHIFF!


House Republicans plan to call Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment inquiry, say he is 'fact witness'

And if Schiff follows Trumps lead and tells them to fuk off?
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"House Republicans plan to call Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as one of their first witnesses in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump following the adoption of formal rules for the investigation, claiming he is a “fact witness” due to his office's early involvement with the whistleblower whose complaint sparked the proceedings."

D-Schiff and Democrats, of course, will REFUSE to allow Schiff to be called to testify, despite the fact that he is a KEY 'FACT WITNESS' in their 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' latest on-going coup attempt. They may be FORCED to have Schiff testify, but if this is the case they will demand that the other Un-Constitutional / SCAM provision of their obvious partisan coup attempt be upheld - dictating to Republicans what they can and what they can NOT ask Schiff during questioning.

My bet is that Schiff and the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call Schiff to testify. If Schiff is forced to testify they will DESTROY him and the Democrats' partisan Impeachment circus!

IF Schiff is forced to testify you can bet the GOP demands he answer:

1. Why did Schiff knowingly, intentionally LIE to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years by falsely, seditiously claiming he ad DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...and why anyone should believe anything HE says after lying to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years...

2. Why he coached a convicted Perjurer for 10 hours in how to testify AGAIN to Congress - a repeat performance of his 1st attempt in which he committed the Perjury he was on the way to prison for...

3. Why he lied to Congress and America about his direct contact with the Deep State anti-Trump CIA Whistle Blower, making him a FACT Witness which legally disqualifies him from participating in any investigation let alone in leading such an investigation....

4. Why he attempted to present a fictitious account of the President's phone call that he authored himself as 'evidence' during a live, televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment...and why anyone should believe anything he says now

5. Why he should NOT be indicted for admittedly leaking classified...or at the very minimum be immediately removed from the House Intel Committee altogether, not just as Chairman...

6. What his full connection is to a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukrainian govt officials who also donated a LARGWE amount of money to Schiff.....

And WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow Schiff to be called as a witness and / or WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to ask any of these questions, Senate Majority Leader McConnell should Immediately hold a press conference and declare that upon receiving any\thing regarding Impeachment of the President from the House the Senate will begin its own investigation & their very 1st subpoenaed witness called to testify under oath before them will be D-ADAM SCHIFF!


House Republicans plan to call Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment inquiry, say he is 'fact witness'
Yup. Republicans tearing apart the people in charge of the investigation instead of focusing on the President's actions. Just why Nancy Pelosi avoided this vote to begin with.
Well, have at it, Repubs. Schiff didn't do anything but force the damned National Security guy to shake the complaint loose he was trying to bury in the pile on his desk, I guess.
They are focusing on the proper targets: the scumbags who started this circus.

Forcing someone to "shake loose" an accusation against the President is not the proper function of a committee chairman.
He knew the complaint had been filed and that the National Security dude was sitting on it. There was nothing in any way "wrong" with asking where in hell it was.
Schiff talked to him before the complaint was file.

The whole thing is a scam.

Who do you imagine you're fooling?
The only one being fooled is you. I rely on the facts.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
They are focusing on the proper targets: the scumbags who started this circus.

Forcing someone to "shake loose" an accusation against the President is not the proper function of a committee chairman.
He knew the complaint had been filed and that the National Security dude was sitting on it. There was nothing in any way "wrong" with asking where in hell it was.
Schiff talked to him before the complaint was file.

The whole thing is a scam.

Who do you imagine you're fooling?

You can make up anything you want. When did they meet?
Whistleblower contacted Schiff's committee before filing complaint: report

Thank you for the link confirmation that Chairman Schiff did not talk to the Whistle blower.

"After concerns about how the internal CIA process was proceeding, the whistleblower then reportedly spoke to an Intelligence Committee staff member who suggested that the person hire a lawyer and file a complaint.

The staffer shared part of the whistleblower's concerns with the committee's chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), but did not share the person's identity with anyone, according to the Times."
he is the whistleblower. without a name it must be him.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
sure it is. you're still confused.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
well it is sworn testimony.

It's fake and it's fked, but it is sworn testimony.
well it is sworn testimony. It's fake and it's fked, but it is sworn testimony.
'Sworn Testimony'?

Former Obama US AG Eric Holder was bi-partisanly Censured by Congress for committing Felony Perjury for giving false 'sworn testimony' under oath before Congress regarding Fast and Furious.

Former Obama NSA Director Clapper was caught twice committing Perjury for giving false 'sworn testimony'.

Former Obama CIA Director Brennan was caught not only illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC Justices, but he was also caught committing Felony Perjury when he also gave false 'sworn testimony' before Congress about it - he was forced to appear before Congress, admit to it, apologize, and swear never to do it again to escape Indictment.

Former Obama FBI Director Comey testified under oath to Congress that HRC lied under oath to Congress when she gave 'sworn testimony' before Congress. Comey, himself, is not bing investigated by the US IG for 'discrepancies' in his own 'sworn testimony' before Congress.

Former FBI IRS Director Koskinen was caught committing Felony Perjury while giving 'sworn testimony' before Congress - his own previous lies were played back to him on VIDEO as he sat there in front of Congress the 2nd time....but he, like all of Obama's corrupt perjurous administration officials, escaped Indictment....because Obama OWNED the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI.... Barry knew 'It's great to be the king'....or, in his words to the GOP after he won the Presidency: "I WON. Losing elections have consequences."

There is a reason why / how the Obama administration set a record for the most illegal, non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, why he got away with more crimes / as the most criminal administration in US history. They refused to comply with the FOIA and FRA. Almost every one of his Cabinet Members and Directors had aliases and used personal cell phones, e-mails, and servers to conduct official govt business - Obama used an alias to e-mail HRC on her server. And when they were forced to testify under oath they simply LIED - committed Perjury - as the records show.

Brennan testified he knew nothing of the Dossier....until days later when Congressional records showed he signed into Congress and briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier.

Professional liars, spies, and spooks who do not recognize / acknowledge any laws, restrictions, or boundaries - as Comey declared and other Deep State officials have echoed, he felt it was 'HIS RESPONSIBILITY' to act against the President 'to save the country'....and to hell with anything and everything else.

'Sworn testimony' when given by Democrats / the Deep State means nothing. They seem to echo the beliefs of Islamic Extremists / Muslims - It is not only OK to LIE but also a duty to hide the true objectives / goals of the 'faith' / 'religion'.
Rep. Jordan willing to move to Intel Committee for potential grilling of Adam Schiff under oath

"One of the ways you determine someone's credibility... they need to be under oath"

D-Adam Schiff does not need to be testify under oath for it to be proven he has ZERO CREDIBILITY:
- He lied to Congress and the American people Wfor 2+ years, falsely, knowingly claiming he had DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President. He did not.
--- The definition of 'Sedition' is speech or actions taken to incite a rebellion and/or unwarranted removal of a leader from office. This is EXACTLY what Schiff was doing, knowingly, for 2 years - part of his attempt to have the President Impeached.

Schiff lied to America and Congress about having direct contact with the Whistle Blower, making him a Contact Witness, which should have disqualified him from participating in this investigation - especially leading it

Schiff presented his own fictitious account of Trump's phone call as 'evidence' during a televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment....

Schiff has also admittedly leaked classified.

No way Schiff will agree to and / or the Democrats will allow Schiff to testify.....

And THIS corrupt, lying asshole is the one running the sham investigation / latest coup attempt:

"It's still a sham process," he said. "Adam Schiff is still in control. He gets to decide the witnesses. ... We have to provide a witness list, but Adam Schiff decides if they get to come or not."
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