Border Boletín: Sheriff Dever says illegal immigrants likely started Monument Fire


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
http:Border Boletín: Sheriff Dever says illegal immigrants likely started Monument Fire

We really need to bring the troops home from Iraq and Afganistan and put them on the Mexican border. No people or drugs should come north and no guns or drug profits should go south. And add to it a public campaign on the harmful effects of drugs, followed by a gradual legalization with medical help to the addicts.
It on the surface seems a good thing to do, but there is a concern here about using the military in domestic issues where errors could result in lawsuits. The concern is Posse Comitatus. An explanation: What of Posse Comitatus?

However, if the returning soldiers of Afghanistan want police jobs, they can apply for jobs on the border, but not as soldiers, as police. Soldiers are trained to kill first, ask questions later. Police have to know a bazillion things about not firing at a suspect unless a threat to his or his partner's life is endangered by a suspect.

Enjoy the read.

... dey was prob'ly cookin' tamales...

... when a wind off the desert...

... scattered the coals of their campfire...

... either that or one of their cartel victims...

... escaped after bein' set on fire.
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