Border deal is DOA

Oh Bullshit. Ukraine is a democracy fighting to remain a democracy.

This has been covered many times. If you want to fund the war pay for it. Do what Biden promised but never did. Make the "rich pay their fair share".

You are willing to bankrupt future American's over a stupid, useless war on the other side of the world.
No, because the border deal is nothing more than a fraud pushed by Biden, a low IQ carnival barker.

Addressed just a short while ago.

What parts do you think are fraud?

It's not perfect but it certainly would be a big aid in slowing the flow of refugees and is more then any other legislation has done the last few decades.

Biden endorses emerging deal to give US new power to clamp down on border crossings

We got senate republicans and Democrats saying "yes".

We got the president saying "yes".

We got house Democrats saying "yes"'.

Do house republicans really wanna own this?

What's missing from your sales pitch is that Biden, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats are attempting to manipulate the problem of their own creation at the border to extort American taxpayers for 160 billion dollars for the Ukraine and for Israel.

The tradeoff is that they'll continue to ignore enforcement of the Law regarding illegal immigration but will acquire the power to normalize the acceptance of the import of 4,999 illegals daily, should Americans be so willing to be extorted.

The ''bipartisan'' talking heads on the idiot box and the ''bipartisan'' folks participating in the coercion all over the web by compartmentalizing the matter down to the ''talking points'' you've invoked here do not seem to be very interested in telling people what I've just said, predictably.
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Don't be silly. Sen. Lankford, one of the Repubs negotiating the deal in the Senate, has already stated the aspects of the bill already agreed upon represent the most conservative measures ever taken to address immigration. Johnson is in Don's back pocket so he is helping sabotage the bill just as the Orange Rapist wants.

“It will be, by far, the most conservative border security bill in four decades,” Lankford told NBC News.
Since the mid 1960's this nation left any conservatism in its wake. It is just words. We may not even like pure conservatism in today's world. We need common sense though on the issues and agendas. And we are far from that on some if not many.
What parts do you think are fraud?

It's not perfect but it certainly would be a big aid in slowing the flow of refugees and is more then any other legislation has done the last few decades.

What elements of national security can you describe that must be tied to $ billions more dollars for Ukraine?

Why do you think illegal immigration would be slowed? Did you not see the December numbers of illegals crossing the border? They were the worst... ever.

Literally two days ago, Biden was blustering about some undisclosed actions he would take to punish Governor Abbott for placing razor wire along the Texas border.

Ayatollah Biden is now saying that with boatloads of cash for Ukraine, and with his sole authority to manage "What is being negotiated would, if it became law, be the strictest and fairest reform package designed to secure the border we've ever had in our country,"

You're OK with your intelligence being insulted and being made a fool?
What's missing from your sales pitch is that Biden, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats are attempting to manipulate the problem of their own creation at the border to extort American taxpayers for 160 billion dollars for the Ukraine and for Israel.

The tradeoff is that they'll continue to ignore enforcement of the Law regarding illegal immigration but will acquire the power to normalize the acceptance of the import of 4,999 illegals daily, should Americans be so willing to be extorted.

View attachment 893949

The ''bipartisan'' talking heads on the idiot box and the ''bipartisan'' folks participating in the coercion all over the web by compartmentalizing the matter down to the ''talking points'' you've invoked here do not seem to be very interested in telling people what I've just said, predictably.


There are a host of existing immigration laws Biden is ignoring. More laws that Biden can ignore changes nothing.
What's missing from your sales pitch is that Biden, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats are attempting to manipulate the problem of their own creation at the border to extort American taxpayers for 160 billion dollars for the Ukraine and for Israel.

The tradeoff is that they'll continue to ignore enforcement of the Law regarding illegal immigration but will acquire the power to normalize the acceptance of the import of 4,999 illegals daily, should Americans be so willing to be extorted.

View attachment 893949

The ''bipartisan'' talking heads on the idiot box and the ''bipartisan'' folks participating in the coercion all over the web by compartmentalizing the matter down to the ''talking points'' you've invoked here do not seem to be very interested in telling people what I've just said, predictably.
A, the border problem predates the Biden Administration. (it predates the tRump administration too BTW)

B. It's not "extortion" to use tax money to live up to international obligations.

C. Not even sure where you came up with that garbled fact free accusation.
What elements of national security can you describe that must be tied to $ billions more dollars for Ukraine?

This is based on if the Ukraine funding wasn't attached. You said it was fraud regardless.

Why do you think illegal immigration would be slowed? Did you not see the December numbers of illegals crossing the border? They were the worst... ever.

How can you have read the major points of the bill and still ask that question?

Literally two days ago, Biden was blustering about some undisclosed actions he would take to punish Governor Abbott for placing razor wire along the Texas border.

How is that relevant to thoughts about the bill and why you think it's fraud?

Ayatollah Biden is now saying that with boatloads of cash for Ukraine, and with his sole authority to manage "What is being negotiated would, if it became law, be the strictest and fairest reform package designed to secure the border we've ever had in our country,"

Again, Ukraine funding aside.

You're OK with your intelligence being insulted and being made a fool?
No. Why do you ask?
Republicans caused this mess. By refusing to come to the table on immigration for the last decade plus. And Trump?...well, now we see that doing worse than actually trying to solve the issue.

If someone in the Democratic party hierarchy had half a brain to run with this, they could beat the Republicans over the head with this for the next 8 months. :)
Dem leaders like biden are on the wrong side of the issue

Old Joe has OPEN BORDERS tattooed on his forehead

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