Border Patrol union decries hiring of immigrant ‘public advocate’


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
he Obama administration’s appointment of a public advocate for immigrant concerns about law enforcement policies makes a “mockery of the laws of the United States,” the National Border Patrol Council said Wednesday.

“The Obama administration took its next step toward amnesty for illegal aliens by naming an advocate for illegal aliens and those concerned about immigration issues,” said NBPC Vice President Shawn P. Moran, whose group represents all 17,000 nonsupervisory U.S. Border Patrol agents. “Amnesty is not the answer to the immigration problems of the United States and should not be an option.

“What is next? Will drug dealers band together decrying their prosecutions in one voice?” asked Mr. Moran, himself a veteran Border Patrol agent. “Will these unlicensed pharmacists be given an advocate and the [Drug Enforcement Administration] ordered to release these criminals?”

Mr. Moran said that instead of doing what is right, the Obama administration is showing that it is willing to “pander to special interest groups for purely political reasons. The squeaky wheel clamoring for reduced enforcement of immigration laws is truly getting the grease by this action.”

The Obama administration announced Tuesday that Andrew Lorenz-Strait would be the new public advocate charged with listening to immigrants’ concerns about law enforcement policies - a move Republicans said amounted to an official mouthpiece for illegal immigrants about to be deported.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the advocate will “serve as a point of contact for individuals, including those in immigration proceedings, [nongovernmental organizations] and other community and advocacy groups, who have concerns, questions, recommendations or other issues they would like to raise.”

Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said that meant elevating the concerns of illegal immigrants.

“It’s outrageous that the Obama administration has appointed a taxpayer-funded activist for illegal and criminal immigrants who are detained or ordered deported. The administration all too often acts more like a lobbying firm for illegal immigrants than as an advocate for the American people,” Mr. Smith said.

Border Patrol union decries hiring of immigrant 'public advocate' - Washington Times
This advocate will make sure that the border patrol and the individual agents are sued when they make an apprehension.

It's all about stopping apprehensions so the regime can claim illegal immigration is down because there are fewer apprehensions.,
Is there really a "border patrol union"? They must be among the worst affiliated unions in the Country.
Is there really a "border patrol union"? They must be among the worst affiliated unions in the Country.

Yea go figure I don't remember hearing much from them on the Brian Terry muder:confused:
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