Border Patrol union mocks Biden over Texas visit: ‘Call a lid, hit beach, take nap’

So after more than 3 freaking years, xiden finally decides it's a serious problem. A day late and billions of dollars short, if you ask me.


Just to remind you......P01135809 wanted to kill the border security bill to use as talking point against Mr. Biden. Try telling the truth.
HR2 was a partisan joke. It was never intended to pass

The Senate Bill on the other hand was a serious bipartisan effort

Republicans won’t pass it because they want to keep the issue alive for political purposes
Why did Biden SUE to end Trump's Remain in Mexico policy???
Just to remind you......P01135809 wanted to kill the border security bill to use as talking point against Mr. Biden. Try telling the truth.
Fake news.

The border security bill proposed in the senate is a joke.

If they can't close the border NOW, how are they going to "shut it down" at 5000 illegal aliens a day?

Liberals are idiots who have NO INTENTION of solving the illegal immigration crisis.

We HAVE LAWS that require asylum seekers PRESENT THEMSELVES at a US Port of Entry to apply for asylum.

Anyone else illegally entering the country is a criminal alien subject to arrest, imprisonment followed by IMMEDIATE deportation.

And if we had been doing this for the last 45 years since Reagan amnesty, we definitely wouldn't be having this problem today.

If Trump were president...we wouldn't be having this problem today.

If Trump could do it...why can'y Biden?
So in your opinion because Biden took too long… you would prefer to wait at least another year to deal with immigration

That’s “Trumper logic” folks

Exactly where did I say that commie, all I said is xiden finally quit lying about the border being secure after more than 3 years and billions spent on what he finally admits is a "serious problem". All he had to do 3 years ago is pretty much nothing, border security was progressing nicely under Trump. Just admit xiden fucked things up again and it was intentional.

Just to remind you......P01135809 wanted to kill the border security bill to use as talking point against Mr. Biden. Try telling the truth.

Liar, it was a do nothing bill, all I said is xiden finally quit lying about the border being secure after more than 3 years and billions spent on what he finally admits is a "serious problem". All he had to do 3 years ago is pretty much nothing, border security was progressing nicely under Trump. Just admit xiden fucked things up again and it was intentional.

Exactly where did I say that commie, all I said is xiden finally quit lying about the border being secure after more than 3 years and billions spent on what he finally admits is a "serious problem". All he had to do 3 years ago is pretty much nothing, border security was progressing nicely under Trump. Just admit xiden fucked things up again and it was intentional.

Better late than never.

You however are on the “never” camp
Better late than never.

You however are on the “never” camp

The demented old fool isn't going to do a damn thing about this "serious problem", he'll just blame others, because that's what his puppeteers are telling him to say. He'll never admit he intentionally caused this "serious problem, because his puppeteers told him to do it. The great thing is the general electorate is seeing through this regimes lies.

The demented old fool isn't going to do a damn thing about this "serious problem", he'll just blame others, because that's what his puppeteers are telling him to say. He'll never admit he intentionally caused this "serious problem, because his puppeteers told him to do it. The great thing is the general electorate is seeing through this regimes lies.

He’ll sign the bipartisan Senate bill

But Republicans will never let it get to his desk
He’ll sign the bipartisan Senate bill

But Republicans will never let it get to his desk

Yeah, they tend to reject phony sham bullshit. Here's a thought, enforce the laws on the books. Trump didn't need the sham senate bill to get crossings to a 50 year low. xiden has the same tools, if he'd use them. You're being gaslighted child.

Yeah, the tend to reject phony sham bullshit. Here's a thought, enforce the laws on the books. Trump didn't need the sham senate bill to get crossings to a 50 year low. You're being gaslighted child.

The laws on the books allow for anyone asking for asylum to get a court hearing

The Senate Bill would change that
Joe Walsh...Joe, that name sounds so familiar...

Oh yeah...he ran for the Republican nomination against Trump in 2020 for like 15 --- 20 minutes! 😂🤣😂

View attachment 911541

Of course he wasn't polling high, and had to drop out: the RNC and Trump rigged the election.

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

“Trump and his allies and the Republican National Committee are doing whatever they can do to eliminate primaries in certain states and make it very difficult for primary challengers to get on the ballot in a number of states,” said former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), who recently launched his primary campaign against the president. “It’s wrong, the RNC should be ashamed of itself, and I think it does show that Trump is afraid of a serious primary challenge because he knows his support is very soft.”

“Primary elections are important, competition within parties is good, and we intend to be on the ballot in every single state no matter what the RNC and Trump allies try to do,” Walsh added. “We also intend to loudly call out this undemocratic bull on a regular basis.”
So after more than 3 freaking years, xiden finally decides it's a serious problem. A day late and billions of dollars short, if you ask me.

Why are you so impressed with performances from politicians? I couldn't give a fuck if he ever went to the border. He learns nothing from traveling there than he already knows.
The laws on the books allow for anyone asking for asylum to get a court hearing

The Senate Bill would change that

It is not however a get into the interior pass either, that's xidens doing. You got no winners here commie, give it up.

Why are you so impressed with performances from politicians? I couldn't give a fuck if he ever went to the border. He learns nothing from traveling there than he already knows.

WTF are you smoking, xiden is the least impressive politician, EVER! It only took him 3 years to figure out his fuck ups caused a "serious problem". Of course he just believed his handlers lies. He's not in charge of a damn thing.

He did not. Stop lying

He said WE

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