Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities

Wow. Isn't this a high form of treason?

Listen to this one:

Most recently, Berkeley’s City Council in California approved an ordinance that would ban it from contracting with companies involved in the construction.

The proposal, drafted by Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Councilmembers Ben Bartless, Sophie Hahn and Cheryl Davila, argues that the wall would harm California’s prosperity.

Arreguin called the border wall a “highly impractical response to America’s broken immigration system, and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of Mexican and Latin American descent.”

Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities

Not to worry Lying Trump supporters. Your dear leader will soon need a wall all the way around the US as he makes America an utter mockery on the world stage. And of course you can always head down to Taxus or Alabama where they are actually tearing down a wall between science and religion. Because remember, Jesus rode on the backs of dinosaurs.

The gravity of the open border is obviously lost on you...ironically.
Open borders?
There’s been more Mexicans leaving the US than coming in since 2013.
Trump lied to you again because he knows you’re such useful idiots.

Well in all honesty, considering the state of the economy, who can blame them? With Trump looking at 3%+, you can expect many more want to come to America. As a person who believes in the honest execution of the law, they should consider applying to enter legally, rather than illegally.
Any entry point into the US should be secure.

We should vet all persons immigrating to the USA.

Entry should be based on merit.

It’s not that tough.

For Libs.,,,pretend the USA is the pussy march on Washington. Only those who were vetted by the left were allowed to participate.
Wow. Isn't this a high form of treason?

Listen to this one:

Most recently, Berkeley’s City Council in California approved an ordinance that would ban it from contracting with companies involved in the construction.

The proposal, drafted by Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Councilmembers Ben Bartless, Sophie Hahn and Cheryl Davila, argues that the wall would harm California’s prosperity.

Arreguin called the border wall a “highly impractical response to America’s broken immigration system, and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of Mexican and Latin American descent.”

Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities
Idiots, there is already a fence along most of California's southern border, has been for years.

You mean this fence?
Who's the idiots now?
Please extract your head from your ass.....Thank you...much appreciated.
Wow. Isn't this a high form of treason?

Listen to this one:

Most recently, Berkeley’s City Council in California approved an ordinance that would ban it from contracting with companies involved in the construction.

The proposal, drafted by Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Councilmembers Ben Bartless, Sophie Hahn and Cheryl Davila, argues that the wall would harm California’s prosperity.

Arreguin called the border wall a “highly impractical response to America’s broken immigration system, and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of Mexican and Latin American descent.”

Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities
Idiots, there is already a fence along most of California's southern border, has been for years.

You mean this fence?
Who's the idiots now?
Please extract your head from your ass.....Thank you...much appreciated.

Wow, what a fence. Looks like swiss cheese, no deterrent at all.

I was watching a decent documentary on CBC (one of the few things they do well along with the BBC, good documentaries). In this, there was a guy with a farm in Texas who rides on horse to the border, as it's on his land. He showed the "obstruction" in place. It looks like those metal buffers that were placed on the beaches of Normandy when the allies landed. In short, it had no effect.

Though based on the location and the desert heat getting there many hundreds have died trying to cross into the U.S in these remote parts. There were some Americans who leave bottles of water in bins because they feel bad for those who die of thirst.

In an ironic twist to those against the fence, putting it up may in fact save lives, as if people feel they cannot get over they won't risk the long trek to areas outside of surveillance, and they won't die along the way. It is sad really. They should never have been encouraged in the first place to enter America illegally. People encouraging this are not doing anyone any favors in my opinion.
Wow. Isn't this a high form of treason?

Listen to this one:

Most recently, Berkeley’s City Council in California approved an ordinance that would ban it from contracting with companies involved in the construction.

The proposal, drafted by Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Councilmembers Ben Bartless, Sophie Hahn and Cheryl Davila, argues that the wall would harm California’s prosperity.

Arreguin called the border wall a “highly impractical response to America’s broken immigration system, and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of Mexican and Latin American descent.”

Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities
Idiots, there is already a fence along most of California's southern border, has been for years.

You mean this fence?
Who's the idiots now?
Please extract your head from your ass.....Thank you...much appreciated.
The idiots were the Berkley City Council and the Mayor. Your fence pick is in the Wilderness Area of the Jacumba Wilderness Area. Not much illegal traffic through there, if any at all. SMFH
Americans prefer hard working illegal aliens over the shuffling lower class trash of the alt right.
I bet you live in a gated community
He doesn't seem to grasp the fact that there is not a single field of work that is majority illegal immigrant. That means every field of work has less illegals in it then actual citizens and legal workers, and yet he calls citizens and legal workers lower class trash. watafuknmoron
He doesn't seem to grasp the fact that there is not a single field of work that is majority illegal immigrant. That means every field of work has less illegals in it then actual citizens and legal workers, and yet he calls citizens and legal workers lower class trash. watafuknmoron
Yup, you are that. Begin with Purdue OWL: Logic in Argumentative Writing

This is about quality not quantity. Your fallacy of false clarification collapses on the silly lie that I was talking about "majority" anything.

I prefer hard working illegal alien immigrants to lower class alt right workers, many of whom are opioid fiends and on government welfare. Many of the trash live in the southeastern red states.
Every Liberal should sponsor an illegal immigrant family to stay in their home.

I’d be fine with that. They can use their new tax savings to help feed clothe and house the illegal immigrant family.
Wow. Isn't this a high form of treason?

Listen to this one:

Most recently, Berkeley’s City Council in California approved an ordinance that would ban it from contracting with companies involved in the construction.

The proposal, drafted by Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Councilmembers Ben Bartless, Sophie Hahn and Cheryl Davila, argues that the wall would harm California’s prosperity.

Arreguin called the border wall a “highly impractical response to America’s broken immigration system, and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of Mexican and Latin American descent.”

Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities
Idiots, there is already a fence along most of California's southern border, has been for years.

You mean this fence?
Who's the idiots now?
Please extract your head from your ass.....Thank you...much appreciated.
this fence
Wow. Isn't this a high form of treason?

Listen to this one:

Most recently, Berkeley’s City Council in California approved an ordinance that would ban it from contracting with companies involved in the construction.

The proposal, drafted by Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Councilmembers Ben Bartless, Sophie Hahn and Cheryl Davila, argues that the wall would harm California’s prosperity.

Arreguin called the border wall a “highly impractical response to America’s broken immigration system, and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of Mexican and Latin American descent.”

Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities
Idiots, there is already a fence along most of California's southern border, has been for years.

You mean this fence?
Who's the idiots now?
Please extract your head from your ass.....Thank you...much appreciated.
View attachment 167449this fence View attachment 167450

Yep...that fence meets up with this fence....

This is fun...huh?
Americans prefer hard working illegal aliens over the shuffling lower class trash of the alt right.
I bet you live in a gated community
You know City Creek, so it is a vaulted community.
Like your avatar
Looks like Clive bunch being released from jailready to put the curb stomp on you
Nah, the Bundys are craven punks, so they are no problem. Let's see what the jury selection is like next time, and let's make sure the defense does get all the documents and info it should get.
He doesn't seem to grasp the fact that there is not a single field of work that is majority illegal immigrant. That means every field of work has less illegals in it then actual citizens and legal workers, and yet he calls citizens and legal workers lower class trash. watafuknmoron
Yup, you are that. Begin with Purdue OWL: Logic in Argumentative Writing

This is about quality not quantity. Your fallacy of false clarification collapses on the silly lie that I was talking about "majority" anything.

I prefer hard working illegal alien immigrants to lower class alt right workers, many of whom are opioid fiends and on government welfare. Many of the trash live in the southeastern red states.
So you're nothing more than an ideological idiot. gotit SMFH

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