Boris gets his arse kicked for the first time this week.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
The government has lost a key brexit vote with the help of 20 odd rebel tory MPs.
Johnson has sacked all of them from the tory party and therby lost any majority he had.

The next few days are too complicated to explain at this time of night. But it is step one on the road to sanity. Britain can be saved.

Nb Johnson has just sacked Churchills grandson, two former Chancellors and the Father of the House. We are seeing the dissolving of the tory party. I am enjoying a glass of something fruity (European), please join me.
Odds are still 1/3 that the Tories will win the next election.
Odds are still 1/3 that the Tories will win the next election.
Depends when it happens. I cant see the party surviving this.

Actually the can consolidate power absorbing the Brexit Party MP's if there is a Snap Election. Doubt there will be one. Labour would chance loosing seats and precondition support for the election on no no deal brexit. At this point, I think ye olde leftist cannot see the forest for the trees. Today's drama just pretty much guarantees there will be a no-deal brexit come what 7 weeks or so.
Odds are still 1/3 that the Tories will win the next election.
Depends when it happens. I cant see the party surviving this.

Actually the can consolidate power absorbing the Brexit Party MP's if there is a Snap Election. Doubt there will be one. Labour would chance loosing seats and precondition support for the election on no no deal brexit. At this point, I think ye olde leftist cannot see the forest for the trees. Today's drama just pretty much guarantees there will be a no-deal brexit come what 7 weeks or so.
No, pretty much the oppksite. Johnson has limited option s now. He doesn't have the numbers to call an election now and the mps control the house. It isn't a done deal but we are getting there. BTW the brexit party doesn't have any mps so they are irrelevant.
Lol. He has a way with words.

Clown Prince Johnson cowers in the face of the Rebel Alliance

John Crace

“Pifflepafflewifflewaffle,” yelled Johnson, after the defeat had been declared by Obi Wan Bercow, the Rebel Alliance’s Jedi knight. His mouth opened and closed but only empty words emerged. The merest hint of bravado for a deal that didn’t exist. Scraps for his crestfallen troops, many of whom looked shell-shocked. History first as tragedy, then as hubris.

He pleaded for the election he said he didn’t want, but none of the opposition leaders obliged. Thanks, but no thanks. The prime minister could go whistle. If it was all the same to Boris, they’d wait until Her Maj had signed off the bill before going to the polls. His reputation for dishonesty preceded him.
Lol. He has a way with words.

Clown Prince Johnson cowers in the face of the Rebel Alliance

John Crace

“Pifflepafflewifflewaffle,” yelled Johnson, after the defeat had been declared by Obi Wan Bercow, the Rebel Alliance’s Jedi knight. His mouth opened and closed but only empty words emerged. The merest hint of bravado for a deal that didn’t exist. Scraps for his crestfallen troops, many of whom looked shell-shocked. History first as tragedy, then as hubris.

He pleaded for the election he said he didn’t want, but none of the opposition leaders obliged. Thanks, but no thanks. The prime minister could go whistle. If it was all the same to Boris, they’d wait until Her Maj had signed off the bill before going to the polls. His reputation for dishonesty preceded him.
Its a moot point. His lack of integrity means that nobody will give him an inch in any negotiations.
His lack of integrity means that nobody will give him an inch in any negotiations.
Oh, that's a given, Shirley? That nobody will bother negotiating with him. As with Individual1, it's pointless to come to any arrangement without the means to compel its fulfilment, in which case negotiation is not necessary.
His lack of integrity means that nobody will give him an inch in any negotiations.
Oh, that's a given, Shirley? That nobody will bother negotiating with him. As with Individual1, it's pointless to come to any arrangement without the means to compel its fulfilment, in which case negotiation is not necessary.
He has no majority to force anything through. He lost 22 MPs last night. No doubt he will be studying some arcane measure to subvert the power of parliament but it isnt clear what that might be.

Basically he is fucked.
Today he will get his flabby arse kicked a second time.
PM in new Brexit battle after Commons vote defeat

Firstly a bill will be passed calling for an extension to brexit.

Then he will try and pass a bill calling for an election. This will be defeated and he will be forced to squirm at the pleasure of the opposition parties.

It promises to be good tv.
The government has lost a key brexit vote with the help of 20 odd rebel tory MPs.
Johnson has sacked all of them from the tory party and therby lost any majority he had.

The next few days are too complicated to explain at this time of night. But it is step one on the road to sanity. Britain can be saved.

Nb Johnson has just sacked Churchills grandson, two former Chancellors and the Father of the House. We are seeing the dissolving of the tory party. I am enjoying a glass of something fruity (European), please join me.

That wasn't a "key vote" - just parliament assuming a right parliaments in the developed world take for granted - controlling their own agenda. That this has to be hotly debated, and that it takes an extra vote, and that this vote wasn't unanimous, is both ludicrous and deplorable.

Also, if anyone thought that the Queen, at BoJo's behest, sending parliament home for five weeks was anything other than the self-humiliation of any parliamentary democracy, they should have their head examined. Thoroughly. That's not a parliament, that's just a bunch of self-important but impotent lackeys. The very notion there cannot be a parliament in session during a "Queen's note" - some old biddy reading a message written by others - piles a slew of well-deserved insults on the injury.

Moreover, the crucial vote, the one that is supposed to matter, is supposed to come today, making crashing out of the EU without a deal illegal. As of my reading, no one appears to know how that can be done, whether it would work, and whether it is even possible to constrain BoJo, the Joke. That, of course, is ridiculous.

There are more jokes in this - none of them good ones - in the form of an inconsequential "Fixed Parliament Act", or that cute debate about blackmailing the EU by threatening economic suicide and how that could work, but... All told, I had hoped that this whole Brexit soap opera would spurn the House of Commons to rise to the occasion, and create a glorious, shining moment for parliamentary democracy.

Odds are still 1/3 that the Tories will win the next election.
Depends when it happens. I cant see the party surviving this.

Actually the can consolidate power absorbing the Brexit Party MP's if there is a Snap Election. Doubt there will be one. Labour would chance loosing seats and precondition support for the election on no no deal brexit. At this point, I think ye olde leftist cannot see the forest for the trees. Today's drama just pretty much guarantees there will be a no-deal brexit come what 7 weeks or so.
No, pretty much the oppksite. Johnson has limited option s now. He doesn't have the numbers to call an election now and the mps control the house. It isn't a done deal but we are getting there. BTW the brexit party doesn't have any mps so they are irrelevant.

Yes Brexit is a done deal.
The government has lost a key brexit vote with the help of 20 odd rebel tory MPs.
Johnson has sacked all of them from the tory party and therby lost any majority he had.

The next few days are too complicated to explain at this time of night. But it is step one on the road to sanity. Britain can be saved.

Nb Johnson has just sacked Churchills grandson, two former Chancellors and the Father of the House. We are seeing the dissolving of the tory party. I am enjoying a glass of something fruity (European), please join me.

That wasn't a "key vote" - just parliament assuming a right parliaments in the developed world take for granted - controlling their own agenda. That this has to be hotly debated, and that it takes an extra vote, and that this vote wasn't unanimous, is both ludicrous and deplorable.

Also, if anyone thought that the Queen, at BoJo's behest, sending parliament home for five weeks was anything other than the self-humiliation of any parliamentary democracy, they should have their head examined. Thoroughly. That's not a parliament, that's just a bunch of self-important but impotent lackeys. The very notion there cannot be a parliament in session during a "Queen's note" - some old biddy reading a message written by others - piles a slew of well-deserved insults on the injury.

Moreover, the crucial vote, the one that is supposed to matter, is supposed to come today, making crashing out of the EU without a deal illegal. As of my reading, no one appears to know how that can be done, whether it would work, and whether it is even possible to constrain BoJo, the Joke. That, of course, is ridiculous.

There are more jokes in this - none of them good ones - in the form of an inconsequential "Fixed Parliament Act", or that cute debate about blackmailing the EU by threatening economic suicide and how that could work, but... All told, I had hoped that this whole Brexit soap opera would spurn the House of Commons to rise to the occasion, and create a glorious, shining moment for parliamentary democracy.

It really was a great moment. 21 tories put the country before their party. Amazing scenes.
Odds are still 1/3 that the Tories will win the next election.
Depends when it happens. I cant see the party surviving this.

Actually the can consolidate power absorbing the Brexit Party MP's if there is a Snap Election. Doubt there will be one. Labour would chance loosing seats and precondition support for the election on no no deal brexit. At this point, I think ye olde leftist cannot see the forest for the trees. Today's drama just pretty much guarantees there will be a no-deal brexit come what 7 weeks or so.
No, pretty much the oppksite. Johnson has limited option s now. He doesn't have the numbers to call an election now and the mps control the house. It isn't a done deal but we are getting there. BTW the brexit party doesn't have any mps so they are irrelevant.

Yes Brexit is a done deal.
We shall see.
Odds are still 1/3 that the Tories will win the next election.
Depends when it happens. I cant see the party surviving this.

Actually the can consolidate power absorbing the Brexit Party MP's if there is a Snap Election. Doubt there will be one. Labour would chance loosing seats and precondition support for the election on no no deal brexit. At this point, I think ye olde leftist cannot see the forest for the trees. Today's drama just pretty much guarantees there will be a no-deal brexit come what 7 weeks or so.
No, pretty much the oppksite. Johnson has limited option s now. He doesn't have the numbers to call an election now and the mps control the house. It isn't a done deal but we are getting there. BTW the brexit party doesn't have any mps so they are irrelevant.

Yes Brexit is a done deal.
We shall see.
You will. The bill abdicating parliament to the EU to decide is tantamount to electing a dictator, especially considering the EU's offers have been unacceptable for going on 3 years. All the remainers are doing is keeping the PM from being able to reach any new deal in his October 17 meeting. The EU isn't going to extend this by a few months yet again because they do not want to seat the UK reps. They will stick to the October 31 date regardless of your side's shenanigans and tantrums. If Johnson won't have the votes for a snap election this week, he certainly will have them in November.
Today he will get his flabby arse kicked a second time.
PM in new Brexit battle after Commons vote defeat

Firstly a bill will be passed calling for an extension to brexit.

Then he will try and pass a bill calling for an election. This will be defeated and he will be forced to squirm at the pleasure of the opposition parties.

It promises to be good tv.

Will be even better theater if the bill passes and Boris Johnson refuses to send it to the Queen for Royal assent, thereby rendering it pointless.
It really was a great moment. 21 tories put the country before their party. Amazing scenes.

21 out of hundreds - quite the rebellion that one was. The vast, overwhelming majority left the rebels out there in the cold - as far as I have seen with not so much as a frown over the rebels' treatment.

Making do with small consolations, aren't you?
The government has lost a key brexit vote with the help of 20 odd rebel tory MPs.
Johnson has sacked all of them from the tory party and therby lost any majority he had.

The next few days are too complicated to explain at this time of night. But it is step one on the road to sanity. Britain can be saved.

Nb Johnson has just sacked Churchills grandson, two former Chancellors and the Father of the House. We are seeing the dissolving of the tory party. I am enjoying a glass of something fruity (European), please join me.
So how does it look for Brexit?

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