Born in the U.S. = American citizen, but not if Trump has his way

“Trump has proposed ending birthright citizenship. Okay...more nations haven't got that policy than do have that policy. So it's not as though it couldn't be implemented. But how far do we want to go with this?”

Further proof that Trump is an ignorant bigot.

The notion that citizens born in the United States should have their citizenship denied them for no other reason than the condition of their parents is as ignorant as it is un-Constitutional and wrong.

You mean the "condition" of being citizens of another nation?

Query: if an America couple is on vacation in Canada and the woman gives birth, do you deny that the child is an American?
So the Supreme Court read INTO the Constitution something that those writing the amendment never intended to be done? Got it.
No! What you got is bullshit impersonating reasoning skills and knowledge!
It is a living document. That's proven by the founders putting in a formal method to change it. Saying you think it means something those that actually wrote portions in it you don't like doesn't fit that concept. That's the bullshit argument used by those that want the judicial branch to act like the legislative branch and that damn sure wasn't what the founders intended.
The Constitution has nothing in common with any sort of organism, living or dead. It is a Social Contract which can be amended via Article V or through the checks and balance mechanisms incorporated within by those Brilliant Framers of the Great Contract! You're ignorance is showing below you skirt, precious!

What I did is make you look like a fool as if you don't do that by yourself easily.

In other words, like I said, read INTO it.

Lot of mouth for a moron.
The Constitution isn't a suicide-pact. The beaners have taken advantage of a country that's bent over backwards to be fair to the rest of the world and don't give a shit what it's cost us. The Feds owe us in Arizona almost a BILLION DOLLARS for warehousing their illegals while we get robbed, shot, and sent to the unemployment office because they'll work for peanuts. A guy like Trump appears every 30 years or so to grab the steering wheel before we go over the edge. Give the anchor babies the boot right along with their parents. If they want to come back, get in line like the rest of the world does.
"The Constitution isn't a suicide-pact".....words of those who don't like to follow our Constitution if it's HAAAARD!
This anchor baby crap has got WAY out of hand, no other country would allow this including many of you libs favorite socialist countries.
Hate the Constitution that makes us unique, eh?

You obviously don't understand the word "illegal", be gone from my sight and take your retarded thinking with you.
Illegal aliens are not the discussion...anchor babies are...they are not illegal. They were born here. Maybe you need to brush up on your English comprehension.
..... Give the anchor babies the boot right along with their parents. If they want to come back, get in line like the rest of the world does.

You can't "give the boot" to US citizens, and we are NOT going to.

Anchor babies are counterfeit citizens and yes we ARE going to now while we have the chance...when there are another 20 million it will be impossible.
No they are really hate the U.S. Constitution, don't you?
..... Give the anchor babies the boot right along with their parents. If they want to come back, get in line like the rest of the world does.

You can't "give the boot" to US citizens, and we are NOT going to.

Anchor babies are counterfeit citizens and yes we ARE going to now while we have the chance...when there are another 20 million it will be impossible.
No they are really hate the U.S. Constitution, don't you?

Just people like you that hate the Constitution.
..... Give the anchor babies the boot right along with their parents. If they want to come back, get in line like the rest of the world does.

You can't "give the boot" to US citizens, and we are NOT going to.

Anchor babies are counterfeit citizens and yes we ARE going to now while we have the chance...when there are another 20 million it will be impossible.
No they are really hate the U.S. Constitution, don't you?

If an American couple vacationing in Canada has a baby, is the baby an American?
The baby no matter where it is born is a us citizen and rightfully so...automatic as i am a citizen.
So the Supreme Court read INTO the Constitution something that those writing the amendment never intended to be done? Got it.
No! What you got is bullshit impersonating reasoning skills and knowledge!
It is a living document. That's proven by the founders putting in a formal method to change it. Saying you think it means something those that actually wrote portions in it you don't like doesn't fit that concept. That's the bullshit argument used by those that want the judicial branch to act like the legislative branch and that damn sure wasn't what the founders intended.
The Constitution has nothing in common with any sort of organism, living or dead. It is a Social Contract which can be amended via Article V or through the checks and balance mechanisms incorporated within by those Brilliant Framers of the Great Contract! You're ignorance is showing below you skirt, precious!

What I did is make you look like a fool as if you don't do that by yourself easily.

In other words, like I said, read INTO it.

Lot of mouth for a moron.
How could you...I piggybacked your post to another, and made you out as the ignorant fool your post to another displayed!! Nice dodge though, given you were unable to respond to the substance I presented! Another fool that's all smoke and no fucking fire!
The baby no matter where it is born is a us citizen and rightfully so...automatic as i am a citizen.

And yet the same logic does not hold for Mexican couples "vacationing" in the US?

DO you doubt that if that couple goes home and applies for an ID card for their child that the Mexican government would grant it?
Trump has proposed ending birthright citizenship. Okay...more nations haven't got that policy than do have that policy. So it's not as though it couldn't be implemented. But how far do we want to go with this?
  • 14th Amendment
    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

  • Statelessness
It is a silly rule, but it is in the US Constitution.

So it would require a constitutional amendment to change it.

Trump is such an idiot he does not understand that.

You damned right its a silly law. We are the only country in the world that recognizes anyone born in the US as a citizen. How the hell do you think the anchor baby came about??

Amend the damned thing.

I somehow managed to pass by the idiot who doesn't know the constitution and the 14th amendment. I was shocked that the idiot didn't know the 14th amendment and what it says. Thankfully others on the thread told the idiot.

Now I come to your incredibly and embarrassingly stupid post.

For your information there are 30 nations in this world that give citizenship by birth.

If you click the link below and scroll down the page you will get the list of the nations.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship | NumbersUSA

If you click the next link you will read an article stating there's 30 nation that give citizenship by birth.

Countries that grant citizenship to those born there - Emirates 24|7

I can't believe you're that so ill informed about the world around you but then you're a conservative so you think the world revolves around you.

If I were you I would spend some time researching things before you post and make a complete and utter fool of yourself to anyone who has more than 2 working brain cells.

On a personal note, for people who scream how much they just love the constitution and they're the ONLY ones who love it. You all sure do disagree with a lot of what's in it and want to make a lot of changes to it.

One last bit of information for you, the only way you can repeal an amendment to our constitution is with a new amendment to repeal it. That requires the issue to be written as an amendment, then it needs to be passed through both chambers of congress with a super majority. Then the president needs to sign it but even then it's no more an amendment than wallpaper. Then it has to go to the states to be ratified in a certain amount of time. A super majority of the states have to ratify it.

Where were you in school when you were supposed to learn these things? I learned that very basic constitutional procedure when I was in grade school.
Trump has proposed ending birthright citizenship. Okay...more nations haven't got that policy than do have that policy. So it's not as though it couldn't be implemented. But how far do we want to go with this?
  • 14th Amendment
    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

  • Statelessness
It is a silly rule, but it is in the US Constitution.

So it would require a constitutional amendment to change it.

Trump is such an idiot he does not understand that.

You damned right its a silly law. We are the only country in the world that recognizes anyone born in the US as a citizen. How the hell do you think the anchor baby came about??

Amend the damned thing.

I somehow managed to pass by the idiot who doesn't know the constitution and the 14th amendment. I was shocked that the idiot didn't know the 14th amendment and what it says. Thankfully others on the thread told the idiot.

Now I come to your incredibly and embarrassingly stupid post.

For your information there are 30 nations in this world that give citizenship by birth.

If you click the link below and scroll down the page you will get the list of the nations.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship | NumbersUSA

If you click the next link you will read an article stating there's 30 nation that give citizenship by birth.

Countries that grant citizenship to those born there - Emirates 24|7

I can't believe you're that so ill informed about the world around you but then you're a conservative so you think the world revolves around you.

If I were you I would spend some time researching things before you post and make a complete and utter fool of yourself to anyone who has more than 2 working brain cells.

On a personal note, for people who scream how much they just love the constitution and they're the ONLY ones who love it. You all sure do disagree with a lot of what's in it and want to make a lot of changes to it.

One last bit of information for you, the only way you can repeal an amendment to our constitution is with a new amendment to repeal it. That requires the issue to be written as an amendment, then it needs to be passed through both chambers of congress with a super majority. Then the president needs to sign it but even then it's no more an amendment than wallpaper. Then it has to go to the states to be ratified in a certain amount of time. A super majority of the states have to ratify it.

Where were you in school when you were supposed to learn these things? I learned that very basic constitutional procedure when I was in grade school.
All that needs to be done is to get SCOTUS to re-interpret the 14th...
Trump has proposed ending birthright citizenship. Okay...more nations haven't got that policy than do have that policy. So it's not as though it couldn't be implemented. But how far do we want to go with this?
  • 14th Amendment
    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

  • Statelessness

If the parents sneak in illegally to give birth, the child should be considered a citizen of their home country.
Trump has proposed ending birthright citizenship. Okay...more nations haven't got that policy than do have that policy. So it's not as though it couldn't be implemented. But how far do we want to go with this?
  • 14th Amendment
    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

  • Statelessness

What part are you not understanding?

Babies born to foreign parents are citizens of their parents nations, not America.

Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. All this arguing does not change in any way the FACT that many babies were born in many parts of the US to many kinds of parents today and EVERY one of them is a US citizen; every bit as much and every bit as legitimately and fully a true and legal US citizen as anyone posting on this thread. A true, legal, indisputable FACT.

If some people think the Constitution should be amended, get to work trying to see it happen; but all the typing, harping, hating, and disrespecting that may be posted here won't change a thing.
..... Give the anchor babies the boot right along with their parents. If they want to come back, get in line like the rest of the world does.

You can't "give the boot" to US citizens, and we are NOT going to.

Anchor babies are counterfeit citizens and yes we ARE going to now while we have the chance...when there are another 20 million it will be impossible.
No they are really hate the U.S. Constitution, don't you?

If an American couple vacationing in Canada has a baby, is the baby an American?

And if a Canadian couple visiting America has a baby, it's American and Canadian, unless some very odd things are on about.
I somehow managed to pass by the idiot who doesn't know the constitution and the 14th amendment. I was shocked that the idiot didn't know the 14th amendment and what it says. Thankfully others on the thread told the idiot.

Now I come to your incredibly and embarrassingly stupid post.

For your information there are 30 nations in this world that give citizenship by birth.


This is off topic for the thread, but I have to say this because it's a behavior, a phenomenon or trend, that sadly I see in the comments on USMB, and not just once or twice, but in droves.

You have hit squarely on the head one of the easiest ways to know just what kind of person you are dealing with from the instant they make the first remark. This is how you know you have found yourself in a discussion with someone (1) doesn't know what the hell they are talking about and (2) doesn't actually give a damn whether they do or not.

But how can one know that for this particular thread? For two points of data:
  • The 14th Amendments immigration section, Section 1 of that amendment, is quoted in the OP.
  • The very first linked supplemental content is the OP takes one to an article that says, "30 countries of the world's 194 have a policy of birthright citizenship."
The instant you see inaccurate remarks about those two things, you know it's only about what they think and what they want to believe, in spite of the fact there's no reason to believe it. Individuals like that neither confirmed their own beliefs nor read the content provided and laid at their feet to facilitate their participation in a mature and honest discussion.


The instant you see someone making remarks are just not factually accurate, and for which there's no reason at all for them to have done so because the information they needed in order not to do so is made available right there in the post to which they respond, you know you are dealing with someone who neither displays the barest bit of respect for their readers, nor shows any intellectual or discursive integrity and thus respect for themselves. And that's the saddest thing about it. And those are the people who blame everything they think is wrong in the world and in their lives on someone else, usually their political adversary (person or party).

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