Boston Bomber: Saudi Suspect HAS Al Qaeda TIES!!!

This thread is utterly retarded. A wnd article that's using two day old information from the initial panic the NY Post (Fox owners) was trying to spread? The Saudi has already been cleared and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"My hunch? This is homegrown. ...I don't think this is orchestrated by Al Qaeda or any of their offshoots in Africa or other places from there. I think, frankly, if it was, we would have picked it up because it would have had to have been communicated internationally and the coverage now is immense. Sounds to me like this was more homegrown."

CaféAuLait;7104188 said:
If he was never a suspect how the heck did law enforcement get search warrents to search his apartment then?

Roommate: Cops searched home of Saudi student injured by shrapnel | Boston Herald

He may have been cleared but he obviosuly was a suspect at some point.

All of the sources that I've found say that he gave the police permission to search his house, making a search warrant unnecessary.

During the interview the interviewer asked if he signed a search warrent and he said yes he did. Either way, the point is the police thought this man was a suspect at one point or they would not have spent 5 hours at his home. They suspected he was involved for what reasons we do not know. If this poor kid was pinpointed because of his color, religion or whatever ( for the wrong reasons obviosly) , he was suspected of being involved someway.
Boston Bomber: Saudi Suspect HAS Al Qaeda TIES!!!

"Authorities investigating the Boston Marathon bombing said Wednesday they have the face but not the name of someone seen on video leaving a black bag near the scene of the blasts."


Al Qaeda TIES????!!
Last edited:'s lookin' like NBC has.....


He was NEVER a suspect either.

The OP is just lying

Since they tore his apartment apart looking for evidence im pretty sure they considered him one. They just didn't tell YOU he was.

Yea, they wouldn't search witnesses apartments.

They have watched video footage from the many businesses in the area and they should have some idea about who placed the bags containing the bombs.
It must suck to be "Middle Eastern looking" when a bomb goes off nearby. You stand there and do nothing and you will look suspicious. You run like everybody else and you will look suspicious.

It must suck to be "Middle Eastern looking" when a bomb goes off nearby. You stand there and do nothing and you will look suspicious. You run like everybody else and you will look suspicious.


Sometimes the PCness needs to be tossed out the window! 90% of terrorist attacks around the world are committed by Muslims. Therefore, they are the first suspects. He was in the area, he has Al Qaeda family (yep family ties do not mean everything see the Son of the Hamas founder and one of Bin Laden's sons) and people reported he looked suspiciously.

America acted perfectly towards him. They took him to the hospital (NOT JAIL), nursed him back to health, questioned him, searched his house and within 24 hours of the event cleared him and set him free!

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