Boston Bombing Update: Fellow Muslim Jihadi Conspirators Arrested

You make no sense..there was ample prior knowleadge...Muslims where the ones to alert the FBI...if terrorism cant be stopped when every red flag imaginable has been raised then there is little seems muslims did more to try and protect us from terroism than the FBI did...its so clear you are nothing more than a propaganda agent for Israel who loves to drag the U.S into its mess and delight in such attacks as an opportunity to spread their hate and paranoia

I fail to see where the 'conclusion' above is in any way logical or reasonable: it sounds like conspiranutter BS crap to me.
His conclusions are limited to his education and knowledge, and of course what the youtube clips command him to say. What do you expect?
Three Muslims, two of them "students" helped throw away the laptop and other critical evidence. One more was an engineering student who may helped build the bomb. The reason I put students in quotations is one of them had violated his visa terms and no longer enrolled in school. They were both from Borat's hometown of Khazakestan. Last I checked Americans were not involved in any kind of conflict with Khazakestan.

So what we have here is proof that whether we like it or not, Islam and Muslims as a whole are at war with the US and the West whether we like it or not.

The sooner America wakes up and stops calling these Islamic terrorists "radicals" or "extremists", the safer Americans will be.
You don't see any US conflict with Khazakestan?
Why don't you check for US and Saudi presence in the North Caucasus.
Then hop on your flying carpet and look for the Mossad in Georgia and Turkmenistan.
Maybe a few Russian/Zionist oligarchs can educated you on Israeli/CIA terror in Chechyna?
Your constant shilling for "creeping annexation" in Palestine is becoming pathetic.
Three Muslims, two of them "students" helped throw away the laptop and other critical evidence. One more was an engineering student who may helped build the bomb. The reason I put students in quotations is one of them had violated his visa terms and no longer enrolled in school. They were both from Borat's hometown of Khazakestan. Last I checked Americans were not involved in any kind of conflict with Khazakestan.

So what we have here is proof that whether we like it or not, Islam and Muslims as a whole are at war with the US and the West whether we like it or not.

The sooner America wakes up and stops calling these Islamic terrorists "radicals" or "extremists", the safer Americans will be.
You don't see any US conflict with Khazakestan?
Why don't you check for US and Saudi presence in the North Caucasus.
Then hop on your flying carpet and look for the Mossad in Georgia and Turkmenistan.
Maybe a few Russian/Zionist oligarchs can educated you on Israeli/CIA terror in Chechyna?
Your constant shilling for "creeping annexation" in Palestine is becoming pathetic.
Still don't see any conflict between the US and Khazakestan. Other than the jabber wacky mumbo jumbo nonsense you just posted.
Maybe the vanity license plate should have been a clue.


Azamat Tazhayakov, 20, and Dias Kadyrbayev, 19, shared this BMW with the vanity plate reading "TERRORISTA #1.


Three collared in Boston Marathon bombing case for tampering*with evidence and lying to investigators* - NY Daily News

The FBI saw the plate and thought it was...cute..and that russian and saudi warnigs had no merit...they dropped the ball ...failed to connect the dots...never Imagined people would use pressure cookers as bombs

[ame=]9 11 Prior Knowledge Using Planes As Weapons Compilation of Clips cut from Core of Corruption - YouTube[/ame]
Well to be honest, the Saudis warned the FBI about a year after the Russian warning. These spy agencies all talk to each other bartering information.
Three Muslims, two of them "students" helped throw away the laptop and other critical evidence. One more was an engineering student who may helped build the bomb. The reason I put students in quotations is one of them had violated his visa terms and no longer enrolled in school. They were both from Borat's hometown of Khazakestan. Last I checked Americans were not involved in any kind of conflict with Khazakestan.

So what we have here is proof that whether we like it or not, Islam and Muslims as a whole are at war with the US and the West whether we like it or not.

The sooner America wakes up and stops calling these Islamic terrorists "radicals" or "extremists", the safer Americans will be.
You don't see any US conflict with Khazakestan?
Why don't you check for US and Saudi presence in the North Caucasus.
Then hop on your flying carpet and look for the Mossad in Georgia and Turkmenistan.
Maybe a few Russian/Zionist oligarchs can educated you on Israeli/CIA terror in Chechyna?
Your constant shilling for "creeping annexation" in Palestine is becoming pathetic.
Still don't see any conflict between the US and Khazakestan. Other than the jabber wacky mumbo jumbo nonsense you just posted.
Have Ziggy explain it:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski..."

"Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States. In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence.

"Much of his analysis is concerned with geostrategy in Central Asia, focusing on the exercise of power on the Eurasian landmass in a post-Soviet environment. In his chapter dedicated to what he refers to as the 'Global Balkans'."

The Grand Chessboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The CIA/Mossad/Turkish terrorism central teams have been active in the Caucasus since before the Cold War ended. They are still active today, and it's at least as likely, the Boston Bombers were used as assets in the ongoing struggle over Caspean oil and gas reserves.

Once again, if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, violence levels from Chechnya to Boston would be much less today.
Official: Arrested student entered US without visa
1 hour ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — One of three college students arrested Wednesday in the Boston Marathon bombings case was allowed to return to the United States from Kazakhstan in January despite not having a valid student visa, a federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

Authorities charged the student — a friend and classmate of one of the men accused of setting off the deadly explosions — with helping after the attacks to remove a laptop and backpack from the bombing suspect's dormitory room before the FBI searched it.

The government acknowledged that U.S. Customs and Border Protection was unaware that the student was no longer in school when he was let back into the United States.

Anyone surprised?

Official: Arrested student entered US without visa | General Headlines | Comcast

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