Boston Globe calls for trump to be prosecuted

That's great - so show me what he said caused this "instigation" to already happen in the first instance then. That's what I've been asking.
And that's probably why your request keeps getting ignored. I have no special access to information you don't have. If it has not convinced you, then why would i waste my time compiling it and laying it at your feet?
My request keeps getting ignored because no-one, including you, can show me evidence he said anything like "go storm the Capitol Building"

It's so fucking obvious lolololol

Being an American you probably have better access to quotes and the like that I don't have in the UK - I know the internet and Google is a big massive place so point me in the right direction.

Go on.....
request keeps getting ignored because no-one, including you, can show me evidence he said anything like "go storm the Capitol Building"
Of course we can show it is implied in many of his words and behaviors, in our opinion. And the idiot cultists who got arrested agree with us and explicitly say so. You just don't agree. C'est la vie. Am i supposed to lose sleep over that?
The Boston Globe editorial board can call for anything they wish their opinion carries no legal weight or standing.
That is why it is called an opinion...Context matters-derpa.
That’s why I said their opinion means nothing try reading before responding derp.
There opinion does mean something to them you can't discredit their opinion anymore than you can your own.
What do you mean? Opinion is NOT news.
I never said it was news I said it was an opinion, do I need to spell it out for yous, are you still cornfused!?
And that's the rub, isn't it? A NEWS paper spouting off opinions and MAKING the news, BEING the news, rather than REPORTING the news.

Editorial Boards reporting their opinions, especially on something so banana republic, is a new low for the integrity of journalism.
The Boston Globe editorial board can call for anything they wish their opinion carries no legal weight or standing.
That is why it is called an opinion...Context matters-derpa.
That’s why I said their opinion means nothing try reading before responding derp.
There opinion does mean something to them you can't discredit their opinion anymore than you can your own.
What do you mean? Opinion is NOT news.
I never said it was news I said it was an opinion, do I need to spell it out for yous, are you still cornfused!?
And that's the rub, isn't it? A NEWS paper spouting off opinions and MAKING the news, BEING the news, rather than REPORTING the news.

Editorial Boards reporting their opinions, especially on something so banana republic, is a new low for the integrity of journalism.
An opinion can be accepted or discarded it is jut an opinion.
The Boston Globe editorial board can call for anything they wish their opinion carries no legal weight or standing.
That is why it is called an opinion...Context matters-derpa.
That’s why I said their opinion means nothing try reading before responding derp.
There opinion does mean something to them you can't discredit their opinion anymore than you can your own.
What do you mean? Opinion is NOT news.
I never said it was news I said it was an opinion, do I need to spell it out for yous, are you still cornfused!?
And that's the rub, isn't it? A NEWS paper spouting off opinions and MAKING the news, BEING the news, rather than REPORTING the news.

Editorial Boards reporting their opinions, especially on something so banana republic, is a new low for the integrity of journalism.
Its called editorializing, and you slurp it right up all day every day from your white wing media sources. So stop yer crybabying.
See this "instigating a mob" talk - how does that work when he explicitly went on TV told them to "stop, go home - this is not what we stand for"

Why do Democrats and lefties feel the need to lie constantly? it's classic fantasist stuff that they actually believe their own lies and/or repeat half-truths so much that they become 100% fact in their heads.
Sure, he told them to "stop, go home..." But that was after the mob had already stormed the Capitol bldg. Hence, the first word in your quote is "Stop.. Because they had already started the riot. The main question is what did he say before the riots started.

Since you seem to have memory challenges, I will quote you his words...

We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about. And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.

“You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen. These are the facts that you won’t hear from the fake news media. It’s all part of the suppression effort. They don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to talk about it. …

“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

When the crowd chanted...Hang Mike Pence...did your orange douche-bag of a fuhrer discourage them? Of course not. Btw, were you guys watching the news? Or, did all of you trumptards just wake up? Well, I included a Fox news link but I have a feeling you are going to say that Fox News is an MSM lib site. LOL

We have never had a president who so blatantly come after the Constitution, even to the point of instigating a mob to try and stop the certification of his opponent. trump is no better than any tin horned dictator who refused to leave office and try to rally his cult to keep him in power.

The man is a grave danger to our country. Now he will be traveling from rally to rally spewing his Big Lie. If we let this man and his lie stand, we have set precedent for future presidents to try the same thing. He must be prosecuted for his crimes!
Trump is a grave danger to our country? How?
I'd say Biden is a bigger danger to our country than Trump will ever be.
Yet it is Trump who is being investigated for criminal acts of fraud and deceit not Biden...
And that means Biden SHOULDN'T be investigated?
For what?
Aaaand, the defense rests.
Seems kinda weird to "call for prosecution".

A lot goes into prosecuting someone, including a strong confidence that you'll win. If your knowledge and interpretation of the law is such that you're not fairly sure you're going to win, you don't indict.

Leave it in the hands of the those DA's. They don't tell you what stories to cover.
Where have you been, Mac? Bravo. Welcome back.

We have never had a president who so blatantly come after the Constitution, even to the point of instigating a mob to try and stop the certification of his opponent. trump is no better than any tin horned dictator who refused to leave office and try to rally his cult to keep him in power.

The man is a grave danger to our country. Now he will be traveling from rally to rally spewing his Big Lie. If we let this man and his lie stand, we have set precedent for future presidents to try the same thing. He must be prosecuted for his crimes!
Trump is a grave danger to our country? How?
I'd say Biden is a bigger danger to our country than Trump will ever be.
Yet it is Trump who is being investigated for criminal acts of fraud and deceit not Biden...
And that means Biden SHOULDN'T be investigated?
For what?
Aaaand, the defense rests.
Do you guys always have problems with communication?
request keeps getting ignored because no-one, including you, can show me evidence he said anything like "go storm the Capitol Building"
Of course we can show it is implied in many of his words and behaviors, in our opinion. And the idiot cultists who got arrested agree with us and explicitly say so. You just don't agree. C'est la vie. Am i supposed to lose sleep over that?

Ah so it's implied now.

Implied is heavily subjective btw.

Implied isn't concrete proof - hence the reason why some folk will never get an indictment against him.

Out of interest can you show me these quotes where it's implied?

We have never had a president who so blatantly come after the Constitution, even to the point of instigating a mob to try and stop the certification of his opponent. trump is no better than any tin horned dictator who refused to leave office and try to rally his cult to keep him in power.

The man is a grave danger to our country. Now he will be traveling from rally to rally spewing his Big Lie. If we let this man and his lie stand, we have set precedent for future presidents to try the same thing. He must be prosecuted for his crimes!
Trump is a grave danger to our country? How?
I'd say Biden is a bigger danger to our country than Trump will ever be.
Yet it is Trump who is being investigated for criminal acts of fraud and deceit not Biden...
And that means Biden SHOULDN'T be investigated?
For what?
Aaaand, the defense rests.
Do you guys always have problems with communication?
No, you just suck at understanding simple shit.
See this "instigating a mob" talk - how does that work when he explicitly went on TV told them to "stop, go home - this is not what we stand for"

Why do Democrats and lefties feel the need to lie constantly? it's classic fantasist stuff that they actually believe their own lies and/or repeat half-truths so much that they become 100% fact in their heads.
Sure, he told them to "stop, go home..." But that was after the mob had already stormed the Capitol bldg. Hence, the first word in your quote is "Stop.. Because they had already started the riot. The main question is what did he say before the riots started.

Since you seem to have memory challenges, I will quote you his words...

We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about. And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.

“You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen. These are the facts that you won’t hear from the fake news media. It’s all part of the suppression effort. They don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to talk about it. …

“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

When the crowd chanted...Hang Mike Pence...did your orange douche-bag of a fuhrer discourage them? Of course not. Btw, were you guys watching the news? Or, did all of you trumptards just wake up? Well, I included a Fox news link but I have a feeling you are going to say that Fox News is an MSM lib site. LOL
Thanks for providing the quotes.

Not giving up, not taking it anymore, not letting it happen, fighting like hell.

None of that to anyone normal equates to "storm the Capitol Building and be all violent"

It just doesn't.

I would agree that he should have toned the rhetoric down - he's too brash for a man who had all that responsibility.

But that's not inciting anything. Sorry but it isn't.

Some folk just see what they want to see when it comes to this stuff.
We will never give up.
Not incitement to violence.
We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about.
Still not incitement to violence.
We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about.
we will stop the steal.
still nothing
we can’t let that happen
if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.
In context, no reasonable person would understand that to mean that they should become violent. Otherwise, every high school football game has thousands of inciters, yelling "Go, FIGHT, win."

The SCOTUS has been quite clear on it. It can only be called incitement to lawless action if:
(1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,
(2) is likely to incite or produce such action

NOTHING in the words you highlight poses a clear and present danger to anyone.
See this "instigating a mob" talk - how does that work when he explicitly went on TV told them to "stop, go home - this is not what we stand for"

Why do Democrats and lefties feel the need to lie constantly? it's classic fantasist stuff that they actually believe their own lies and/or repeat half-truths so much that they become 100% fact in their heads.
He had been lying for months about election fraud....AND THE DUMB SOB IS STILL LYING ABOUT IT! The MAGA crowd is just stupid enough to tryin another January 6th. It is just a matter of time.
There was massive and obvious fraud. Trump is not lying, that is why you hate him.
Even in the US you must have proof and through all the trials and tribulations there is no proof of election fraud nor has any election been stolen, which is impossible because it is an illogical contextual fallacy.
Kind of like you having no proof of Trump starting a riot. There is no proof of your lie as it is a contextual fallacy. Trump told his supporters to protest PEACEFULLY. Yet you lie, run from the subject, then accuse another poster of running from your deflection. Typical.
The Boston Globe editorial board can call for anything they wish their opinion carries no legal weight or standing.
Yup and its a lefty rag and always has been.
That is called freedom of the press.
And if a right leaning publication called for Obozo and Xiden to be prosecuted for their actual crimes, you would be here crying for their license to be revoked. OR calling them bigots. Or any of your thousand other excuses for your TDS.
request keeps getting ignored because no-one, including you, can show me evidence he said anything like "go storm the Capitol Building"
Of course we can show it is implied in many of his words and behaviors, in our opinion. And the idiot cultists who got arrested agree with us and explicitly say so. You just don't agree. C'est la vie. Am i supposed to lose sleep over that?
Trump been arrested yet loon? You still show nothing. As usual.
request keeps getting ignored because no-one, including you, can show me evidence he said anything like "go storm the Capitol Building"
Of course we can show it is implied in many of his words and behaviors, in our opinion. And the idiot cultists who got arrested agree with us and explicitly say so. You just don't agree. C'est la vie. Am i supposed to lose sleep over that?
Trump been arrested yet loon? You still show nothing. As usual.

I have never seen the Left more fearful of another human being than they are of Trump.
See this "instigating a mob" talk - how does that work when he explicitly went on TV told them to "stop, go home - this is not what we stand for"

Why do Democrats and lefties feel the need to lie constantly? it's classic fantasist stuff that they actually believe their own lies and/or repeat half-truths so much that they become 100% fact in their heads.
He had been lying for months about election fraud....AND THE DUMB SOB IS STILL LYING ABOUT IT! The MAGA crowd is just stupid enough to tryin another January 6th. It is just a matter of time.
There was massive and obvious fraud. Trump is not lying, that is why you hate him.
Even in the US you must have proof and through all the trials and tribulations there is no proof of election fraud nor has any election been stolen, which is impossible because it is an illogical contextual fallacy.
Kind of like you having no proof of Trump starting a riot. There is no proof of your lie as it is a contextual fallacy. Trump told his supporters to protest PEACEFULLY. Yet you lie, run from the subject, then accuse another poster of running from your deflection. Typical.

.....and we actually have Democrat officials encouraging riots....

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

“Rep. Ayanna Pressley calls for 'unrest in the streets' ahead of election “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, there’s plenty to go around,” the Massachusetts Democrat and member of the so-called “Squad” told MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.” Ayanna Pressley calls for ‘unrest in the streets’ ahead of election

The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble“ [On] January 5, 2021, an unknown individual placed two pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the RNC … and the other was placed at the headquarters of the DNC,” the FBI said.

NBC News reported that the FBI and the NYPD alerted the Capitol Police in advance as to the possibility that there would be violence and rioting on the day of Trump’s speech. Such news countered previous assertions by federal law enforcement officials that they were unaware of any intelligence suggesting protesters would become violent and possibly storm the Capitol.

The Democrats’ chief argument against Trump is that he “incited” rioters with his speech. It’s always been a specious argument at best. But if all of this was preplanned – and it’s becoming more obvious by the day that it was, their case falls apart.” The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble

"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

These Fascists….Democrats….are really upset about the Capitol riot, the one seeded by Biden voters….but they all have newsheimers… memory of

1. ….hundreds of riots across the country, the ones they supported leading up to the election

2. ….of thousands of police officers injured

3. …of the $billions in damage done by their voters

4. …burning city blocks

5. …of the phony CNN news media people like Ali Velshi, telling us it’s mostly peaceful, while he is standing in front of what looks like Dresden.

6. So they noticed one riot of the hundreds, and as a result militarized Washington, DC, with thousands of troops.

7. “Animus mounts inside Capitol…Fears of violence from Trump supporters grow” The Washington Post

8. Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for months….and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riots….but the yellow press was silent.​

9. "28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

10. Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.
If the Globe was serious in it's assumed responsibility of "future proofing the presidency" it would call for the prosecution of the governor of NY for his direct responsibility in the deaths of about 10,000 nursing home residents. Than again the Globe will most likely spend another three years "future proofing " only republicans for alleged tax violations.

We have never had a president who so blatantly come after the Constitution, even to the point of instigating a mob to try and stop the certification of his opponent. trump is no better than any tin horned dictator who refused to leave office and try to rally his cult to keep him in power.

The man is a grave danger to our country. Now he will be traveling from rally to rally spewing his Big Lie. If we let this man and his lie stand, we have set precedent for future presidents to try the same thing. He must be prosecuted for his crimes!
No.....but we did have a president that spied on his replacement .....used the FBI to conduct a sting operation in hopes of throwing him out of office on a made up Russian Collusion scam....used the IRS to attack his opponents and critics.....and threw people in prison for doing the same. We also have a current president that bribed a foreign country into dropping an investigation on his kid and is currently race-baiting people into a race war....possibly leading the way into committing genocide against his political opposition.

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