Boston Globe embarrasses itself; makes Dems look like fools.

Read this right wing morons and stop parroting the right wing propaganda that fox is ordering you to do,..

Obama campaign: ‘Severe consequences’ if Romney committed felony with Bain lies | The Raw Story

Derp, do you know the difference between 'passive' and 'active'? That's what your whole cockamamie theory rests on... Was Mitt Romney ACTIVELY controlling Bain after 1999 or not? Because if, as he claims, he was the PASSIVE owner of Bain from that date, y'all got nothin'.

Truthfully, as much money as Bain has given to Dems, you'd think someone on the inside would be givin' it up, yanno?
Boston Globe runs with a story today that was debunked by almost 2 weeks ago. How sad is that?

Late on July 1, the Obama campaign issued a formal objection to this article, claiming that Romney remained at least a “part time” manager of Bain after February 1999. We strongly disagree. Both Romney and Bain have stated repeatedly that Romney “has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way” since leaving to head the Olympics. Romney stated that twice on official federal disclosure documents, where a falsehood could draw a federal felony charge and possible fines and prison time if convicted. A contemporary news account describes Romney as working 16-hour days on the Olympics. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

They reiterated it today. : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion

So Romney was still CEO?

case closed

case closed alright
Boston Globe runs with a story today that was debunked by almost 2 weeks ago. How sad is that?

Late on July 1, the Obama campaign issued a formal objection to this article, claiming that Romney remained at least a “part time” manager of Bain after February 1999. We strongly disagree. Both Romney and Bain have stated repeatedly that Romney “has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way” since leaving to head the Olympics. Romney stated that twice on official federal disclosure documents, where a falsehood could draw a federal felony charge and possible fines and prison time if convicted. A contemporary news account describes Romney as working 16-hour days on the Olympics. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

They reiterated it today. : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion

So Romney was still CEO?

case closed

Only if he was ACTIVELY involved in the day-to-day operations of the firm.
So Romney committed a felony?

Wouldn't be the first time you folks elected a lawbreaker to office.


I'll put this in large print, like a first grade reader. Maybe it will sink in with a different format.

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.
So Romney committed a felony?

Wouldn't be the first time you folks elected a lawbreaker to office.


I'll put this in large print, like a first grade reader. Maybe it will sink in with a different format.

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

Wow, not only did the Globe embarrass themselves, just look at the lefties still embarrassing themselves.
Daily Kos: BREAKING: Boston Globe just DESTROYED Romney's "I left Bain in '99" Defense! BAM!

David Axelrod just tweeted the Boston Globe article that DESTROYS Romney's "I left Bain in 1999" defense.

The Boston Globe...

The title of the article:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated
Firm’s 2002 filings identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999

David Axelrod also just tweeted:

Based on Globe report, either Bain filed false SEC statements 1999-2002 about Mitt's status, or his campaign is making false statements now.
I'll put this in large print, like a first grade reader. Maybe it will sink in with a different format.

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain &#8212; even part-time &#8212; during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

(It's on my clipboard, so when dealing with a retard, repetition is apparently required.)
Daily Kos: BREAKING: Boston Globe just DESTROYED Romney's "I left Bain in '99" Defense! BAM!

David Axelrod just tweeted the Boston Globe article that DESTROYS Romney's "I left Bain in 1999" defense.

The Boston Globe...

The title of the article:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated
Firm’s 2002 filings identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999

David Axelrod also just tweeted:

Based on Globe report, either Bain filed false SEC statements 1999-2002 about Mitt's status, or his campaign is making false statements now.


Daily Kos: BREAKING: Boston Globe just DESTROYED Romney's "I left Bain in '99" Defense! BAM!

David Axelrod just tweeted the Boston Globe article that DESTROYS Romney's "I left Bain in 1999" defense.

The Boston Globe...

The title of the article:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated
Firm’s 2002 filings identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999

David Axelrod also just tweeted:

Based on Globe report, either Bain filed false SEC statements 1999-2002 about Mitt's status, or his campaign is making false statements now.

Doh !

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

I'll put this in large print, like a first grade reader. Maybe it will sink in with a different format.

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

(It's on my clipboard, so when dealing with a retard, repetition is apparently required, again.)
Daily Kos: BREAKING: Boston Globe just DESTROYED Romney's "I left Bain in '99" Defense! BAM!

David Axelrod just tweeted the Boston Globe article that DESTROYS Romney's "I left Bain in 1999" defense.

The Boston Globe...

The title of the article:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated
Firm&#8217;s 2002 filings identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999

David Axelrod also just tweeted:

Based on Globe report, either Bain filed false SEC statements 1999-2002 about Mitt's status, or his campaign is making false statements now.


in documents from July 2000 and February 2001

Romney listed his &#8220;principal occupation&#8221;

as &#8220;Managing Director&#8221; of Bain

They count on that "a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get it's boots on..."

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