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Boston Globe - Gaza Civil War Is Israel's Fault

run away little boy...keep running away.

Until you want to acknowledge the Harris Poll and the ABC/WP poll and tell ME what they mean for congressional republicans...until you want to acknowledge the Rasmussen poll about the ten key issues driving voter confidence, I will just continue to hound you about them.

but do try to keep running from them....you look so silly.:rofl:

Even liberal publications are worried............

Frustrated With Bush and the Democrats

Only one in five American voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction, and the overwhelming majority of them have lost confidence in President Bush to right the country's course.

Unfortunately for Democrats, the voters appear to be in the process of losing confidence in the opposition party to do much better than Bush.

According to the latest Associated Press/Ipsos poll, a mere 21 percent of those surveyed said the U.S. was on the right track.

Bush's approval rating, which had trended modestly upward earlier in the spring, fell back to the all-time low for AP/Ipsos surveys: 32 percent. And the number of Americans who expressed satisfaction with president's handling of the Iraq War is at just 28 percent.

That's bad news for Republicans, but it is not particularly good news for Democrats.

Americans are actually more dissatisfied with the direction of the country than they are with the president.

Translation: The Democrats who are in charge of the Congress have not created a sense that they are turning things around.

All is not well in Liberalville
keep running. congressional republicans approval ratings in the toilet and you keep running!:rofl:
The do-nothing Democrats
By Donald Lambro
Monday, May 21, 2007

Americans are giving the Democratic-run Congress failing grades after five months of bickering and stalemate that has stalled or killed their chief legislative priorities.

The Democrats' latest report card came last week in a Gallup Poll that showed their job-approval ratings had sunk to 29 percent, several points below even President Bush's low job-approval numbers, which Gallup said were "holding steady" at 33 percent since April.

Democratic strategists and independent pollsters say their party will pay a political price in next year's elections if they cannot show the American people they can do the nation's business. But as Democrats near the midway point in this first session of Congress, the prospects that anything on their must-pass list of domestic legislation will be enacted appear bleak.

An Associated Press survey reinforced Gallup's numbers, showing the Democrats' job-approval numbers had fallen five points in the past month alone. Leon Panetta, chief of staff in the Clinton White House, warned that his party will suffer in 2008, if they cannot "show they can govern."

"What people are seeing is gridlock and dashed hope for the new Congress. Voters are telling us they want the people's business done. They want solutions and cooperation," pollster John Zogby told me.

"What you are seeing (in the job-approval polls) is less ideology and partisanship among the mainstream public, and this could hurt Democrats as much as it hurt the Republicans seven months ago," he continued. "Twenty-nine percent is not bragging rights."

Democrats took control of Congress promising swift action on a broad range of reform proposals that included raising the minimum wage, cutting student-loan interest rates, negotiating lower drug prices under Medicare, funding for stem-cell research and approving the remaining homeland-security recommendations by the 9/11 Commission.

To date, none of these have been enacted, falling victim to a failure by the House Democrats to compromise on their demands or gridlock in the Senate, where Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid seems incapable of moving any legislation through that chamber, despite a 51-seat majority.

Democratic officials say the fault lies with Republicans. "Obstructionist Republicans blocking America's priorities are bound to impact the numbers," said Karen Finney, the Democratic National Committee's communications director.

But Democrats control the legislative calendars in both chambers and the committees that produce all the bills. They are fully in charge of the machinery and have sole responsibility over its operation.

For the complete article

A few old polls does not a trend make

If things are so much wosre for the Republicans, why are the liberal rags like the Nation whining?

lol....you've been ignoring both of those polls since the day they came out.

I wonder what you will do the next time a poll asks the public to differentiate between approval ratings for congressional democrats versus congressional republicans and the republicans come out on the shit end of the stick AGAIN?

Well... we both know what you will do. It is what you have always done: ignore and run away from anything that you are not intellectually equipped to deal with or to counter....which as we all know, means just about everything.
A few old polls does not a trend make

If things are so much wosre for the Republicans, why are the liberal rags like the Nation whining?

check out this TREND:

public approval ratings:
congressional democrats versus congressional republicans:

FOX 9/06
D 39
R 34

CNN 10/06
D 42
R 36

CBS 2/07
D 54
R 41

Gallup 2/07
D 41
R 33

Harris 4/07
D 35
R 22

ABC/WP 6/07
D 44
R 36

I don't know about you, but from where I sit, that looks an awful lot like a TREND to me! It looks like for the past nine months, the public thinks that congressional republicans totally SUCK when compared to congressional democrats! Explain that, please. :badgrin:
Good morning MM

June 20, 2007
Congressional Job Approval Dips Again This Month
Democrats, Republicans now almost equally likely to disapprove of Congress

by Joseph Carroll

PRINCETON, NJ -- The honeymoon phase is over for the new Congress, as the public's ratings of Congress are down again this month. The latest congressional job approval rating (24%) is the lowest for the institution since Democrats took control of both houses in January, and is far below the 37% registered in February. The decline has been most evident among Democrats, whose ratings of Congress now match those of Republicans. Congressional job approval ratings are typically not positive, but ratings as low as the current one are uncommon. The poll also finds that only about one in four Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in this country, little changed since last month but still at its lowest point in over a decade.

check out this TREND:

public approval ratings:
congressional democrats versus congressional republicans:

FOX 9/06
D 39
R 34

CNN 10/06
D 42
R 36

CBS 2/07
D 54
R 41

Gallup 2/07
D 41
R 33

Harris 4/07
D 35
R 22

ABC/WP 6/07
D 44
R 36

I don't know about you, but from where I sit, that looks an awful lot like a TREND to me! It looks like for the past nine months, the public thinks that congressional republicans totally SUCK when compared to congressional democrats! Explain that, please. :badgrin:

I am waiting for your analysis of this trend.
I understand you do not want to discuss the CURRENT polls MM

you ignored those polls when they WERE current...one of them IS very current... THEY, unlike yours, differentiate between D's and R's...and you REFUSE to discuss it. It really is quite comical.

Look at the "trend".... every single poll since before the '06 elections that differentiate between democrats and republicans in congress continue to give republicans shitty approval ratings...and you continue to run away from that trend.:rofl:
you ignored those polls when they WERE current...one of them IS very current... THEY, unlike yours, differentiate between D's and R's...and you REFUSE to discuss it. It really is quite comical.

Look at the "trend".... every single poll since before the '06 elections that differentiate between democrats and republicans in congress continue to give republicans shitty approval ratings...and you continue to run away from that trend.:rofl:

Mood of the Nation

It's likely that displeasure with Congress is part of a more general frustration with conditions in the United States that is also evident in ratings of George W. Bush and the economy. Overall, only 24% of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country at the present time, while 74% are dissatisfied. Americans' satisfaction with the state of the nation shows little change since last month, but is still lower than at any other point this year. In fact, satisfaction has not been 24% since January 1996, and has not been below that mark since 1992. It has been below the 30% mark only six times since 1996.

Who won the 06 elections and was to change things? Hmmmmmmmm?
Mood of the Nation

It's likely that displeasure with Congress is part of a more general frustration with conditions in the United States that is also evident in ratings of George W. Bush and the economy. Overall, only 24% of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country at the present time, while 74% are dissatisfied. Americans' satisfaction with the state of the nation shows little change since last month, but is still lower than at any other point this year. In fact, satisfaction has not been 24% since January 1996, and has not been below that mark since 1992. It has been below the 30% mark only six times since 1996.

Who won the 06 elections and was to change things? Hmmmmmmmm?

another rant from the hate democrats crowd.
Back to the topic at hand.

Another example of the liberal media and their "reporting" of the news in Gaza

CNN Shills For Hamas: ‘This is Law and Order in the New Gaza’
Posted by Noel Sheppard on June 22, 2007 - 14:23.
Last week, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas took over Gaza in what was described by many as a bloodbath.

Just days later, CNN’s Ben Wedeman filed a report from the region in which he glowingly praised these terrorists’ efforts to bring “law and order in the new Gaza.”

In a video segment that was aired at various times Thursday, Wedeman exclusively interviewed Gaza residents who seemed thrilled now that Hamas has wrested control of the region.

At the same time, no mention was given to: the killing that preceded his interviews, or the number of injured waiting for medical assistance and/or to be evacuated.

Maybe even worse, not one disgrunted resident was questioned (video available here, h/t NB member Allanf):

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Sergeant (INAUDIBLE) has a daunting task to teach Gaza's troublesome donkey cart drivers and unruly motorists a bit of manners. Cooperate with us he tells them. This is the executive course, a militia formed by Hamas now expectedly the local police force.

In recent years, Gaza became synonymous with chaos, a place where respect for the law was optional. Now that's set to change. Sergeant (INAUDIBLE) explains to watermelon vendors to move their goods off the road. I'm writing this down in my book, he says. You need to do it today. When I come back later I want all of this out of here.

Vendor (INAUDIBLE) tells me he's happy to obey the new sheriff in town. Before there was no security, he says. Now, thank God there is and we're happy. In America, it's doughnuts, in Gaza, a cup of coffee helps win over the cops. This is law and order in the new Gaza, men who a week ago were busy in battle are now trying to remind the people of this city of long forgotten traffic rules.

And in a place where guns, lots of them, were regularly paraded and fired in the streets, these men say they're trying to change old ways. We have orders to stop and arrest anyone with weapons in the street who is not a policemen, says Sergeant (INAUDIBLE).

This is the easy part, a terrorist organization in the eyes of the United States and Israel, Hamas now has to organize life for the 1.5 million people living here.

for the complete article


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