Boston Marathon Bombing

Ahhhh crap!

Will you even listen to yourselves?

During and after the London bombings, I didn't see Brits bickering left/right politics.

Left and right, you absolutely should be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm done with this.

Oooh..big surprise, left wing douchebag is disgusted with Americans. I will alert the media, when they're done scrambling over the bombings.
Ok, let's turn off the politics in this thread.
I agree.

Just reported 3 dead
Lost limbs
Dozens injured

Said bombs placed in garbage cans, but that isn't for sure.
I just heard one of the runners on the radio talking about when the 2nd bomb went off and authorities were telling them to "run". She said, "Anyone who has ever ran a marathon knows that after you finish, you are unable to run!"
Obama.....didn't use the word "attack", "bomb", or "terrorism" at all.....

Will this dirtbag ever call suck attacks for what they are?

I think Obama is the kind of person who likes to have all the information first instead of shooting his mouth off like a stupid cowboy would.

But we know how much a lot of you miss Dubya, mister shoot-the-wrong-country-first and ask questions later.
What was it you didn't understand when Bush asked people to please postpone their rush to judgment after 9/11?
I'm not calling the Boston police. I wouldn't believe anything they said, anyway.
NOBOAMA is coming on the TV now be interesting to hear what he say about his muslim buddys who may have been behind this attack he can kiss there ass as much as he likes and he does often , but they will still attack us until muslims control the earth

I've got no love for Islam but my money is on domestic terrorism with this attack.
Whatever, anti-American, Obama-deifying pigs.

"Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital."

In addition, Boston police have surveillance video of someone bringing multiple backpacks to blast site, according to CBS News.
Police also confirmed that there was a third explosion, at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. It was not immediately clear how much damage was done or whether it was related to the bombings at the marathon finish line.
The library bombing occurred about 4:30 p.m. and more than a mile from the marathon.
A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.
""Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital -

The Boston Police Chief has denied that story.

NBC has that too.

(Jim Miklaszewski is Chief Pentagon Correspondent for NBC News)

Pretty vague comment though. Still early.
you can just imagine what Brian Ross would say on ABC with that dufass Georgy Poopaloopalus if the suspects name was something like "Micheal McArthy". Ross: Well George, I checked the list of over 9000 members of the Boston Tea Party and I did find "3 Michael McArhty's On The List".
Caution Carnage Video! Man missing legs.

[ame=""]Boston bombing mans legs blown off![/ame]

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