Boston Marathon Bombing

No, wait! Background checks for all bomb purchases....


Well after the Texas knife attack I've been expecting my kitchen knives to be declared an assault weapon and banned. All joking aside this proves that if a nutjob wants to kill he doesn't need an AR-15 and the recent gun ban isn't going to do squat.

My prayers and sympathies to all the injured and families of those who died.
Which is exactly right. My comments are precisely focused for the USMB progressives, as they are no doubt looking for ways to turn this against Conservatives while the rest of the nation grieves for Boston.

It is also why I have been extremely careful not to blame ANYONE in power for this. The only blame that happens here is to the person who did this.

Yet, in the days to come....many will make it about everything but the person who did this.
I don't buy the story that they don't have suspects either. Clearly they're going to keep any information they have under wraps until they're confident that releasing that information won't hamper future investigation or safety concerns.

You can pretty much expect this event to be the leading topic on all conservative radio shows. Here we go again, all those networks and their bigot hosts/commentators will attempt to blame this on every sector of the right. The Tea Party/GOP/Conservatives/Sarah Palin/Bush/Rush etc.
You have to wonder if Brian Ross is researching the list of all Boston Tea Party Members and bringing it to work tomorrow in hopes a "Very Common Name" Becomes The Culprit. Can you imagine if the suspects name is something like John Smith, or Mike Andrews?
Drudge is reporting a Saudi national is in custody...probably pissed off about fracking...

You know, I hate it when people say, "DRUDGE is reporting..."

The thing is, DRUDGE does very, very little "reporting." They do a whole hell of a lot of "linking," but little to no reporting...

A more accurate statement might be that DRUDGE has a link to a NYPost story...
Ok, let's turn off the politics in this thread.
I agree.

Just reported 3 dead
Lost limbs
Dozens injured

Said bombs placed in garbage cans, but that isn't for sure.
I just heard one of the runners on the radio talking about when the 2nd bomb went off and authorities were telling them to "run". She said, "Anyone who has ever ran a marathon knows that after you finish, you are unable to run!"
Adrenalin can work miracles, even when people think they're at the end of their rope.
The press is already moving to use it to push gun control:

Boston Athletic Association president Joanne Flaminio previously said there was "special significance" to the fact that the race is 26.2 miles long and 26 people died at Sandy Hook Elementary school."

News from The Associated Press
Ok, let's turn off the politics in this thread.
I agree.

Just reported 3 dead
Lost limbs
Dozens injured

Said bombs placed in garbage cans, but that isn't for sure.
I just heard one of the runners on the radio talking about when the 2nd bomb went off and authorities were telling them to "run". She said, "Anyone who has ever ran a marathon knows that after you finish, you are unable to run!"
Adrenalin can work miracles, even when people think they're at the end of their rope.

A caller confirmed that a bunch of runners (most still in running clothes) went straight to the hospital to donate blood. :clap2: :clap2:
Obama.....didn't use the word "attack", "bomb", or "terrorism" at all.....

Will this dirtbag ever call suck attacks for what they are?

I think Obama is the kind of person who likes to have all the information first instead of shooting his mouth off like a stupid cowboy would.

But we know how much a lot of you miss Dubya, mister shoot-the-wrong-country-first and ask questions later.

He's waiting for more information? What, he doesn't have enough to know that explosions are caused by bombs? That using a bomb is an attack? That an attack on such a public event is a terrorist act?

I'm not expecting him to blame anyone you asswipe, I just expect our President to not be afraid to use the actual words that most accurately describe what happened.
We're injecting politics already? The blood on the sidewalk isn't even dry yet people, have some class.

Yes please. Knock it off people. This is the sad part about it all, this country is so hyper politicized that we can't even let the blood dry on the sidewalks, or let the families even ID their loved ones in the morgue or in the hospital before we start slinging political accusations at people.

Any such behavior is classless. Just shut up!!!!
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We just heard from friends in Boston who are among the crowds for the Boston Marathon almost every year, but this year they decided not to go or they would have likely been in the crowds near the finish line. They say the reports coming in on the local Boston news are horrendous though.
What kind of sick fuck blows up a marathon race?

If this is the work of Islamic terrorists, we are going to need a President with more balls than the one we have.

Left wing forums are blaming american right wing gun nuts.
Right wing forums are blaming muslims.

No one knows so it's stupid to blame anyone until we do.

More. Given we know this attack has caused death, injury and misery, I find it more than a bit disgusting, posters are using this to support a political view without the slughtest idea based on fact.

Frankly, you are just one step below the bastards who planted the bombs, regardless of who they are.

Whoever did this, muslim, right wingers or whoever, I pray they arr arrested, tried and executed ASAP.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

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