Boston Marathon Bombing

I agree.

I just heard one of the runners on the radio talking about when the 2nd bomb went off and authorities were telling them to "run". She said, "Anyone who has ever ran a marathon knows that after you finish, you are unable to run!"
Adrenalin can work miracles, even when people think they're at the end of their rope.

A caller confirmed that a bunch of runners (most still in running clothes) went straight to the hospital to donate blood. :clap2: :clap2:
I'm not sure of the time parameter, but someone may have said the early finishers finished 3 hours before the attack. If that's true, they had some recuperation. If not, the hospital may have to put them on ivs if they donate and faint afterward. Just sayin. :cool:
ABC News reporting JFK incident was a mechanical fire.
Good job on keeping the thread informed, candycorn. Thanks. Some of us have no access to updates near the computer.

it was a bomb
I heard an official just a bit ago clarify they don't know at this point. They said there was a fire and explosion but don't know if the explosion could have been caused by the fire. Seems rather coincidental to me, but we will have to wait and see. Strange there has been no media showing the area of the Library.
remember that scene from The Godfather when Pacino yelled at his wife "Was It A Boy" !!! that's probably what The Powers That Be at NBC/MSNBC is asking/waiting for. "Was It A Conservative" !!!!
Obama.....didn't use the word "attack", "bomb", or "terrorism" at all.....

Will this dirtbag ever call suck attacks for what they are?

I think Obama is the kind of person who likes to have all the information first instead of shooting his mouth off like a stupid cowboy would.

But we know how much a lot of you miss Dubya, mister shoot-the-wrong-country-first and ask questions later.

If that were true, we wouldn't have had "beergate".
A lot of people were still on the course. They were rerouted and then bussed to various locations (local gyms, back to the starting line, etc.). Local colleges on lockdown. Cell service cut off in the Copley area.
ABC News reporting JFK incident was a mechanical fire.
Good job on keeping the thread informed, candycorn. Thanks. Some of us have no access to updates near the computer.

it was a bomb
You think? Terrorists wouldn't be smart to bomb the JFK Library over this. The world around would condemn them for that.

I guess we'll know when the dust settles. That could take months.

Thanks for your input. I have no tv to watch right now.
And it's so much better to politicize it from a "conservative" perspective? No one hates bed wetters more than I do, but have some decency already.
Rumor is that a Saudi national is in custody. No way would Obama or the libs admit that it was a terrorist attack. Even if it turns out to be an anti-American Muslim, we'll all be cautioned not to have a negative view of Muslims. Protecting their image is always top priority with this administration.

I wonder if the guy might have benefitted from trusted traveler status granted by Obama to the entire country of Saudi Arabia. The whole country was given that status, allowing them to bypass some airport security. Never before has this status been granted to groups or countries. It's meant for individuals.
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Yup yup.

But the important thing to remember now, according to CNN, is that there are a lot of right wing nutters who MIGHT have done something like this, maybe, well, possibly...

Cuz that's pertinent to this.
Yup yup.

But the important thing to remember now, according to CNN, is that there are a lot of right wing nutters who MIGHT have done something like this, maybe, well, possibly...

Cuz that's pertinent to this.

CNN and MSNBC are gonna try they damndest to blame right-wingers of this I have no doubts.
BBC - the two bombs were recovered at nearby hospitals.

Also several injured are getting limbs amputated.....including children...
Ok, let's turn off the politics in this thread.
I agree.

Just reported 3 dead
Lost limbs
Dozens injured

Said bombs placed in garbage cans, but that isn't for sure.
I just heard one of the runners on the radio talking about when the 2nd bomb went off and authorities were telling them to "run". She said, "Anyone who has ever ran a marathon knows that after you finish, you are unable to run!"
Adrenalin can work miracles, even when people think they're at the end of their rope.

I thought this was the true strength of compassion shining thru.

2207: NBC Sports Network

tweets: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims

BBC News - LIVE: Boston Marathon explosions
These gun grabbers just cant STFU & stop eluding to guns. Hollywood Life is saying New Town people were there. "What makes this even more tragic is that many of the families from New Town were there. They have been through so much tragedy it seems unthinkable what they had to go through today."

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