Boston Marathon Bombing

A number of devices have reportedly been found around the city and destroyed with water cannons.
Unlike some here... I refuse to comment before the facts are in except to say that my thoughts are with the victims and their families.
Rumor is that a Saudi national is in custody. No way would Obama or the libs admit that it was a terrorist attack. Even if it turns out to be an anti-American Muslim, we'll all be cautioned not to have a negative view of Muslims. Protecting their image is always top priority with this administration.

I wonder if the guy might have benefitted from trusted traveler status granted by Obama to the entire country of Saudi Arabia. The whole country was given that status, allowing them to bypass some airport security. Never before has this status been granted to groups or countries. It's meant for individuals.
Actually, the White House is calling this an act of terrorism.
Yup yup.

But the important thing to remember now, according to CNN, is that there are a lot of right wing nutters who MIGHT have done something like this, maybe, well, possibly...

Cuz that's pertinent to this.

CNN and MSNBC are gonna try they damndest to blame right-wingers of this I have no doubts.

New York Times columnist has already blamed the Senate Republicans.

New York Times' Columnist Kristof Plays Politics With Boston Bombing: 'Shame on Senate Republicans'

NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted soon after the fatal bombings at the finish line of the Boston Marathon: "explosion is a reminder that ATF needs a director.

Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking apptment." After outrcry on Twitter, he took it back:

"People jumping on me for criticizing Sen Repubs for blocking ATF appointments. ok, that was low blow. i take it back."

New York Times' Columnist Kristof Plays Politics With Boston Bombing: 'Shame on Senate Republicans' | Media Research Center
My prayers are with all of the victims and their loved ones. What a horrible attack.

You can pretty much expect this event to be the leading topic on all conservative radio shows. Here we go again, all those networks and their bigot hosts/commentators will attempt to blame this on every sector of the right. The Tea Party/GOP/Conservatives/Sarah Palin/Bush/Rush etc.
You have to wonder if Brian Ross is researching the list of all Boston Tea Party Members and bringing it to work tomorrow in hopes a "Very Common Name" Becomes The Culprit. Can you imagine if the suspects name is something like John Smith, or Mike Andrews?

I'm sure Ernie S. and Mondo Bongo are responsible for this terrorist attack. They're doing such a "bang up" job, in here.
What kind of sick fuck blows up a marathon race?

If this is the work of Islamic terrorists, we are going to need a President with more balls than the one we have.

To do what? Pre-emptively kill muslims?
We're injecting politics already? The blood on the sidewalk isn't even dry yet people, have some class.

Yes please. Knock it off people. This is the sad part about it all, this country is so hyper politicized that we can't even let the blood dry on the sidewalks, or let the families even ID their loved ones in the morgue or in the hospital before we start slinging political accusations at people.

Any such behavior is classless. Just shut up!!!!

Sorry,it's one of the hazards of being on a political board,with all that's been going on after Newtown and gun control,it's hard not to anticipate the fallout from this.

I know for myself no disrespect was intended toward those who were injured or killed.
I feel for all the charities out there who rely on the money that they get from the Marathon runners.
It's a huge chunk of money that they will not receive.

You can pretty much expect this event to be the leading topic on all conservative radio shows. Here we go again, all those networks and their bigot hosts/commentators will attempt to blame this on every sector of the right. The Tea Party/GOP/Conservatives/Sarah Palin/Bush/Rush etc.
You have to wonder if Brian Ross is researching the list of all Boston Tea Party Members and bringing it to work tomorrow in hopes a "Very Common Name" Becomes The Culprit. Can you imagine if the suspects name is something like John Smith, or Mike Andrews?

I'm sure Ernie S. and Mondo Bongo are responsible for this terrorist attack. They're doing such a "bang up" job, in here.

but wouldn't they be too busy keepin' down the black man?
What kind of sick fuck blows up a marathon race?

If this is the work of Islamic terrorists, we are going to need a President with more balls than the one we have.

To do what? Pre-emptively kill muslims?

Oh gee, I don't about enforcing border security and revising airport security procedures for behavior profiling instead of copping feels on 87 wheelchair bound grandmothers and 3 year girls?
Good job on keeping the thread informed, candycorn. Thanks. Some of us have no access to updates near the computer.

it was a bomb
You think? Terrorists wouldn't be smart to bomb the JFK Library over this. The world around would condemn them for that.

I guess we'll know when the dust settles. That could take months.

Thanks for your input. I have no tv to watch right now.

It would be strange for a device to be planted 6 miles away when it is likely lightly visited due to a State Holiday (Patriot's Day). No school field trips.

Could be...but I doubt it.
MSNBC is invoking the New Town Shooting because some of their people were there. An 8 year old was killed. They are dancing around Right Wing Guns.

MSNBC Chris Mathews has already said it could have been "Right Wing Extremist" & "Domestic Terrorist"
Current list of terrorist attacks..


May 26, Iraq: a suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills six U.S. soldiers and wounds 18 others in Tarmiya.
June 24, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills at least 20 people, including three U.S. Marines, at a meeting between sheiks and Americans in Karmah, a town west of Baghdad.
June 12, Afghanistan: four American servicemen are killed when a roadside bomb explodes near a U.S. military vehicle in Farah Province.
July 13, Afghanistan: nine U.S.soldiers and at least 15 NATO troops die when Taliban militants boldly attack an American base in Kunar Province, which borders Pakistan. It's the most deadly against U.S. troops in three years.
Aug. 18 and 19, Afghanistan: as many as 15 suicide bombers backed by about 30 militants attack a U.S. military base, Camp Salerno, in Bamiyan. Fighting between U.S. troops and members of the Taliban rages overnight. No U.S. troops are killed.
Sept. 16, Yemen: a car bomb and a rocket strike the U.S. embassy in Yemen as staff arrived to work, killing 16 people, including 4 civilians. At least 25 suspected al-Qaeda militants are arrested for the attack.
Nov. 26, India: in a series of attacks on several of Mumbai's landmarks and commercial hubs that are popular with Americans and other foreign tourists, including at least two five-star hotels, a hospital, a train station, and a cinema. About 300 people are wounded and nearly 190 people die, including at least 5 Americans.
Feb. 9, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills four American soldiers and their Iraqi translator near a police checkpoint.
April 10, Iraq: a suicide attack kills five American soldiers and two Iraqi policemen.
June 1, Little Rock, Arkansas: Abdulhakim Muhammed, a Muslim convert from Memphis, Tennessee, is charged with shooting two soldiers outside a military recruiting center. One is killed and the other is wounded. In a January 2010 letter to the judge hearing his case, Muhammed asked to change his plea from not guilty to guilty, claimed ties to al-Qaeda, and called the shooting a jihadi attack "to fight those who wage war on Islam and Muslims."
Dec. 25: A Nigerian man on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit attempted to ignite an explosive device hidden in his underwear. The explosive device that failed to detonate was a mixture of powder and liquid that did not alert security personnel in the airport. The alleged bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, told officials later that he was directed by the terrorist group Al Qaeda. The suspect was already on the government's watch list when he attempted the bombing; his father, a respected Nigerian banker, had told the U.S. government that he was worried about his son's increased extremism.
Dec. 30, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills eight Americans civilians, seven of them CIA agents, at a base in Afghanistan. It's the deadliest attack on the agency since 9/11. The attacker is reportedly a double agent from Jordan who was acting on behalf of al-Qaeda.
May 1, New York City: a car bomb is discovered in Times Square, New York City after smoke is seen coming from a vehicle. The bomb was ignited, but failed to detonate and was disarmed before it could cause any harm. Times Square was evacuated as a safety precaution. Faisal Shahzad pleads guilty to placing the bomb as well as 10 terrorism and weapons charges.
May 10, Jacksonville, Florida: a pipe bomb explodes while approximately 60 Muslims are praying in the mosque. The attack causes no injuries.
Oct. 29: two packages are found on separate cargo planes. Each package contains a bomb consisting of 300 to 400 grams (11-14 oz) of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism. The bombs are discovered as a result of intelligence received from Saudi Arabia's security chief. The packages, bound from Yemen to the United States, are discovered at en route stop-overs, one in England and one in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Jan. 17, Spokane, Washington: a pipe bomb is discovered along the route of the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial march. The bomb, a "viable device" set up to spray marchers with shrapnel and to cause multiple casualties, is defused without any injuries.

Sept. 11, Benghazi, Libya: militants armed with antiaircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades fire upon the American consulate, killing U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other embassy officials. U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton said the U.S. believed that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a group closely linked to Al Qaeda, orchestrated the attack.
Feb. 1, Ankara, Turkey: Ecevit Sanli detonates a bomb near a gate at the U.S. Embassy. Sanli dies after detonating the bomb. One Turkish guard is also killed. Didem Tuncay, a respected television journalist, is injured in the blast. Unlike the bombing at the embassy in Benghazi last September, the U.S. government immediately calls the bombing a terrorist attack. According to Turkish officials, the attack is from the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, which has been labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. and other nations.

See also U.S.-Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations; Suspected al-Qaeda Terrorist Acts.
1. On Oct. 29, 2003, New York officials reduced the number of people killed at the World Trade Center in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States by 40 names. The list of casualties dropped to 2,752 from 2,792 for a variety of reasons: some people initially reported missing have been found, there were duplicate names, there was no proof that a person was at the World Trade Center that day, and because of fraud. On January 2004, the number was reduced by 3 more to 2,749.Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans |

You can pretty much expect this event to be the leading topic on all conservative radio shows. Here we go again, all those networks and their bigot hosts/commentators will attempt to blame this on every sector of the right. The Tea Party/GOP/Conservatives/Sarah Palin/Bush/Rush etc.
You have to wonder if Brian Ross is researching the list of all Boston Tea Party Members and bringing it to work tomorrow in hopes a "Very Common Name" Becomes The Culprit. Can you imagine if the suspects name is something like John Smith, or Mike Andrews?

I'm sure Ernie S. and Mondo Bongo are responsible for this terrorist attack. They're doing such a "bang up" job, in here.

but wouldn't they be too busy keepin' down the black man?

I dunno. Ask them.

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