Boston Marathon Bombing

but wouldn't they be too busy keepin' down the black man?

I dunno. Ask them.

I'll ask you being the expert on white people and all

Oh, I'm no expert. I simply have no clue why conservative whites do or say what they do and say. I'm completely baffled. It's like they have no moral compasses. No hearts. And no minds. Any ol' racist remark is liable to fall from their mouths or keystrokes. It's kinda scary. Have you read the various threads and posts? Horrific. They're going to Hell in a Handbasket.
On Jackie Robinson Day and Tax Day, somebody must have felt they were being "patriotic" on Patriots Day for doing this.

Particularly the kind of person who is wary of black people and taxes.
If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.

All Hail Obama, lol.

He probably knew it was going to happen. One of those "don't let any death go to waste" things.

Here we go again, yet another radical right wing extremist politicizing the tragedy to blame Obama. Go to hell you piece of shit.

funny how you don't say shit when y9u and the left politicize gun deaths

Now Chris Mathews of MSNBC is invoking JFK assassination, Murrah Building Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh, Ruby Ridge, Taxachusetts, Tax Day, Domestic Terrorist. He just never stops painting the mental picture of Right Wing Terrorist.
What kind of sick fuck blows up a marathon race?

If this is the work of Islamic terrorists, we are going to need a President with more balls than the one we have.

Damn right. We need a better crusader, maybe this time we can attack and occupy Canada? They've got fresh water, oil and think of all those polar bears there for the killing.

Consider, it's tax day and patriots day - not much in it for foreign terrorists.
Yup yup.

But the important thing to remember now, according to CNN, is that there are a lot of right wing nutters who MIGHT have done something like this, maybe, well, possibly...

Cuz that's pertinent to this.

CNN and MSNBC are gonna try they damndest to blame right-wingers of this I have no doubts.

New York Times columnist has already blamed the Senate Republicans.

New York Times' Columnist Kristof Plays Politics With Boston Bombing: 'Shame on Senate Republicans'

NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted soon after the fatal bombings at the finish line of the Boston Marathon: "explosion is a reminder that ATF needs a director.

Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking apptment." After outrcry on Twitter, he took it back:

"People jumping on me for criticizing Sen Repubs for blocking ATF appointments. ok, that was low blow. i take it back."

New York Times' Columnist Kristof Plays Politics With Boston Bombing: 'Shame on Senate Republicans' | Media Research Center

will black label go off on this guy?

doubt it
I dunno. Ask them.

I'll ask you being the expert on white people and all

Oh, I'm no expert. I simply have no clue why conservative whites do or say what they do and say. I'm completely baffled. It's like they have no moral compasses. No hearts. And no minds. Any ol' racist remark is liable to fall from their mouths or keystrokes. It's kinda scary. Have you read the various threads and posts? Horrific. They're going to Hell in a Handbasket.
You don't exactly live in the same reality as the rest of the world, do you?
Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.
Yes, I heard they are holding the Saudi National then there were reports that he was injured in the blast also. Not quite sure about that.
I am sure the government controlled media will put it all in proper perspective for us soon

The gov't doesn't control the media.

The media is privately owned.

If anything, the media controls the gov't, just like Wall St. does.

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