Boston Marathon Bombing

Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.

A boy. Unfortunately, it looks like it is the case.
8 year old boy, bodecea.
I am watching msnbc. This is the one I usually watch.
I'll ask you being the expert on white people and all

Oh, I'm no expert. I simply have no clue why conservative whites do or say what they do and say. I'm completely baffled. It's like they have no moral compasses. No hearts. And no minds. Any ol' racist remark is liable to fall from their mouths or keystrokes. It's kinda scary. Have you read the various threads and posts? Horrific. They're going to Hell in a Handbasket.
You don't exactly live in the same reality as the rest of the world, do you?

How so? I suppose you can describe the reality of the rest of the world, that I don't live in, in detail....I'm all eyes and ears.
for the loony left wingers whining about fox news:

CBS News senior correspondent John Miller said there is “an individual in custody,” a Saudi national who was near the scene of the blast.

2 Dead, At Least 98 Hurt In Explosions At Boston Marathon Finish Line « CBS Boston


That is untrue.

The NY Post/Fox News story of a Saudi National being held in custody is not true, so says the BPD.

I don't care if it's CBS or FOX or whoever, I'm believing what the BPD says, and not the media. They're the primary source and the people who are actually dealing with this.
Now Chris Mathews of MSNBC is invoking JFK assassination, Murrah Building Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh, Ruby Ridge, Taxachusetts, Tax Day, Domestic Terrorist. He just never stops painting the mental picture of Right Wing Terrorist.

I heard the opposite earlier. He defended not jumping to conclusions by citing the JFK assassination. People blaming right wing radicals and it turning out to be Lee Harvey Oswald.
Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.

It's easy to be a right winger, all you have to do is make stuff up, then believe it as truth. I'm going to do what they do but reversed.

"I just turned on fox, and Smith said Obama and the left did it"
Oh, I'm no expert. I simply have no clue why conservative whites do or say what they do and say. I'm completely baffled. It's like they have no moral compasses. No hearts. And no minds. Any ol' racist remark is liable to fall from their mouths or keystrokes. It's kinda scary. Have you read the various threads and posts? Horrific. They're going to Hell in a Handbasket.
You don't exactly live in the same reality as the rest of the world, do you?

How so? I suppose you can describe the reality of the rest of the world, that I don't live in, in detail....I'm all eyes and ears.
Your caricature of the right is all the proof you need. Not a thing said by you about the right was accurate, or even reality based. It came strictly from your little fantasy land.

People who see the solutions to problems differently than you do, are not racists, evil, or the enemy.

Wake up.
for the loony left wingers whining about fox news:

CBS News senior correspondent John Miller said there is “an individual in custody,” a Saudi national who was near the scene of the blast.

2 Dead, At Least 98 Hurt In Explosions At Boston Marathon Finish Line « CBS Boston


That is untrue.

The NY Post/Fox News story of a Saudi National being held in custody is not true, so says the BPD.

I don't care if it's CBS or FOX or whoever, I'm believing what the BPD says, and not the media. They're the primary source and the people who are actually dealing with this.

I agree. Fox also said the newtown shooter's brother was the shooter, had his photo and facebook page front and center on their website. All they do is lie.
You think? Terrorists wouldn't be smart to bomb the JFK Library over this. The world around would condemn them for that.

I guess we'll know when the dust settles. That could take months.

Thanks for your input. I have no tv to watch right now.

It would be strange for a device to be planted 6 miles away when it is likely lightly visited due to a State Holiday (Patriot's Day). No school field trips.

Could be...but I doubt it.

FOX reports it was a fire at JFKPL


It was a fire in a non-public archival area according to WBUR-Boston
Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.

It's easy to be a right winger, all you have to do is make stuff up, then believe it as truth. I'm going to do what they do but reversed.

"I just turned on fox, and Smith said Obama and the left did it"

Shep Smith wouldn't say that, he leans left.

Why can't everyone just wait before putting stupid shit out there? (not you, BL, just people in general). Seriously, just stfu people.
What kind of sick fuck blows up a marathon race?

If this is the work of Islamic terrorists, we are going to need a President with more balls than the one we have.

To do what? Pre-emptively kill muslims?

Oh gee, I don't about enforcing border security and revising airport security procedures for behavior profiling instead of copping feels on 87 wheelchair bound grandmothers and 3 year girls?

Sorry, but it was all the conservatives after 9/11 that cried for an entity like the TSA, and boy did they like what they got... until it turned on them.

Willing to give up a lot in the name of "defending against terrorism".
group, individual, republican nut job, democratic nut job, NRA member, et al... whoever
'they" are. the truth is "they" are cowards.
btw, the pres. has more dead bad guys under his belt then any former pres. since Truman. (atom bomb)
for you conspiracy wankers and people who have to place blame to satisfy your own personal hatred stfu and remember we live in a world where shit happens...
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Man, I'm glad I read the other thread on the bombing first.

If I'd read this one first, I'd be thinking very few here had any compassion at all.

Can we wait until tomorrow to play the right-wing, left-wing blame game?

I don't know that it's a blame game because we don't know yet who did this. It's more of anticipating how the political parties will spin this. You can bet that it's being discussed as we speak by the leaders of both parties. Regardless of the pending political BS, what went wrong today that this was able to be accomplished? Are we letting our guard down? We should all be sad but at the same time we need to be vigilant until this has been sorted out. I live in CT,9/11was bad enough,then Newtown,now this. I'm sick of it. We need to figure something out and not some crappy feel good legislation like what was passed here last week. Today only proves that banning assault weapons won't stop these morons. I don't want this to happen yet again.
Are they playing the bombing videos non-stop on your Local and National News?

But they wouldn't show that Basketball player who broke his leg. (Wouldn't be right dontcha' know)
This is a tragic incident. My prayers go out to all the victims and their loved one. This is not the time to make irresponsible assertions or comments. My heart goes out to all those touched by this incident.

Those responsible need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is a sad day...
What it seems like is the right wingers making political hay out of this situation on this board.
Two threads have been started by right wingers making the claim about how the left will make it political.
Mmmmm, makes on think.

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