Boston Marathon Bombing

CNN is reporting that a "person of interest" is in custody and that a Penske truck is being sought that tried to access the race area and was turned away.



Well the dude on the ground has cuffs on,I hope this is over and there's not more to come.
Sure wish links were provided when showing stuff like that. That pic could be of anything, anywhere, another time.
I just googled the penske truck and from the reports I have read...police are looking for a YELLOW penske truck so they can ask questions of the driver. That truck in the pic is white. And I can't tell the race or facial features of the man kneeling...too far away. But the stance is of someone with cuffs.
That is no baseball hat..unless it is a circus one because the bill is way too huge. But nobody can see his face. NO BODY. And...that truck is WHITE. Not yellow.
Let's enter rational thought into this. Nobody knows who is responsible, and trying to lay blame on people over this attack when you don't know who did it makes you look really foolish.
I don't know who or what is worse, the guy or group who murdered two and attempted to murder over 100 or those using this to point fingers, place blame and further whatever political agenda.
There's already a Boston Marathon Truther movement. Aye carumba! The bloods still on the freaking pavement.

Haha, honestly think most inter truthers are just epic trolls.

truther is just some meaningless made up word.. history would tell us it is incumbent upon us to question the official narrative in such events

There is no official narrative yet..............DUH!

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