Boston Marathon Bombing

this is a tragic incident. My prayers go out to all the victims and their loved one. This is not the time to make irresponsible assertions or comments. My heart goes out to all those touched by this incident.

Those responsible need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is a sad day...

Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.
sorry it's true.
I watch msnbc, cnn, cbs ,nbc and though I hate to admit it, faux (usually just for laughs)
the point is by watching a bit of all of it you get a more well rounded picture of events.
Now Chris Mathews of MSNBC is invoking JFK assassination, Murrah Building Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh, Ruby Ridge, Taxachusetts, Tax Day, Domestic Terrorist. He just never stops painting the mental picture of Right Wing Terrorist.

I heard the opposite earlier. He defended not jumping to conclusions by citing the JFK assassination. People blaming right wing radicals and it turning out to be Lee Harvey Oswald.

Why has he never mentioned any left wing communist attacks. He names every Right Wing incident he can attribute to this. He covers it with not jumping to conclusions but keeps up the subliminal brainwashing. He keeps steering it to the words: A lone wolf, right winger, hates taxes & JFK.

In a 2 minute ramble Mathews said the words: JFK assassination, Murrah Building Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh, Ruby Ridge, Taxachusetts, Tax Day, Domestic Terrorist.
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for the loony left wingers whining about fox news:

CBS News senior correspondent John Miller said there is “an individual in custody,” a Saudi national who was near the scene of the blast.

2 Dead, At Least 98 Hurt In Explosions At Boston Marathon Finish Line « CBS Boston


That is untrue.

The NY Post/Fox News story of a Saudi National being held in custody is not true, so says the BPD.

I don't care if it's CBS or FOX or whoever, I'm believing what the BPD says, and not the media. They're the primary source and the people who are actually dealing with this.

reread what i said....what i said is true...about people claiming it is false simply because fox reported it
The words used was that no one had been arrested. There are many other methods to hold someone other than be under arrest. What I'm hearing is that a person of interest was under guard and severely injured.
Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.

It's easy to be a right winger, all you have to do is make stuff up, then believe it as truth. I'm going to do what they do but reversed.

"I just turned on fox, and Smith said Obama and the left did it"

Shep Smith wouldn't say that, he leans left.

Why can't everyone just wait before putting stupid shit out there? (not you, BL, just people in general). Seriously, just stfu people.

Now you know what a big assed liar black label is, Shepard Smith would never say a thing like that. ask the asswarp black label for a link, I dare ya! :eusa_whistle:
for the loony left wingers whining about fox news:

CBS News senior correspondent John Miller said there is “an individual in custody,” a Saudi national who was near the scene of the blast.

2 Dead, At Least 98 Hurt In Explosions At Boston Marathon Finish Line « CBS Boston


That is untrue.

The NY Post/Fox News story of a Saudi National being held in custody is not true, so says the BPD.

I don't care if it's CBS or FOX or whoever, I'm believing what the BPD says, and not the media. They're the primary source and the people who are actually dealing with this.

I agree. Fox also said the newtown shooter's brother was the shooter, had his photo and facebook page front and center on their website. All they do is lie.

and bitter left wing hack proves my point

he claims it is a lie because fox reported also reported it

what a tool
When does Issa start the endless investigation of why Obama ignored Boston's appeals for help against terrorists? Blah blah

This is not the place for you and your partisan bullshit, you callous, inappropriate fuck. Give that shit a rest for two seconds, asshole. Not everything is about YOU and your political feelings. Try being a real human just for a little while.
It's easy to be a right winger, all you have to do is make stuff up, then believe it as truth. I'm going to do what they do but reversed.

"I just turned on fox, and Smith said Obama and the left did it"

Shep Smith wouldn't say that, he leans left.

Why can't everyone just wait before putting stupid shit out there? (not you, BL, just people in general). Seriously, just stfu people.

Now you know what a big assed liar black label is, Shepard Smith would never say a thing like that. ask the asswarp black label for a link, I dare ya! :eusa_whistle:

I don't need one, because I'm thinking like a right winger. All you have to do is make shit up, then believe it as truth. :up:
Your caricature of the right is all the proof you need. Not a thing said by you about the right was accurate, or even reality based. It came strictly from your little fantasy land.

People who see the solutions to problems differently than you do, are not racists, evil, or the enemy.

Wake up.

You're so wrong...

Those of us who oppose the agenda of criminally insane bed wetting aborigines like "poet" are the enemy. Make no mistake about it, they are programmed to hate us. The dream of a day we don't exist, and they don't care how the means to that end develop.

They haven't the cognitive skills to even consider the possibility that they're the racists, the bigots, or the haters. They exist in a delusional reality that all morality is based on what is good for a collective they envision themselves as managers of. If they ever considered the possibility they themselves might have to live under the rules and regulations they endorse they wouldn't be leftist parasites anymore.
Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.

Sorry but I've heard both an 8 year old girl and then 5 minutes later an 8 year old boy....

Chances are there was an 8 year old child killed...........
USMB impotent rage folks and fringe trolls:

THIS is how real people respond to a tragedy like this.


It's not too late for you to strive toward this ideal.
Boston PD denies having someone in custody, but the FBI says they are intensively questioning one young man. The FBI has a couple people of interest.
Interesting all those people who, on one hand claim that no one watches MSNBC....and on the other hand, claim they are watching it but lie about what is being said......

I hope that's not true about an 8 year old girl.

Sorry but I've heard both an 8 year old girl and then 5 minutes later an 8 year old boy....

Chances are there was an 8 year old child killed...........

These things just break my heart!
This is a tragic incident. My prayers go out to all the victims and their loved one. This is not the time to make irresponsible assertions or comments. My heart goes out to all those touched by this incident.

Those responsible need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is a sad day...

I saw this post in a quote, and I wouldn't have since you're on my ignore list, but I wanted to say thanks for a very thoughtful and appropriate post. You've raised the bar.
CNN is reporting that a "person of interest" is in custody and that a Penske truck is being sought that tried to access the race area and was turned away.

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