Boston Marathon Bombing

The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.
What didn't you understand about the Bush announcement for Americans not to make a rush to judgment following the 9/11 attack?
The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.

All Hail Obama, lol.

He probably knew it was going to happen. One of those "don't let any death go to waste" things.
JFK incident was NOT a bomb - so 2 detonated and 2 undetonated that have been made public at this point.
The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.
What didn't you understand about the Bush announcement for Americans not to make a rush to judgment following the 9/11 attack?
Interpol is a asshole. That rhymes donut?
The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.

All Hail Obama, lol.

He probably knew it was going to happen. One of those "don't let any death go to waste" things.

Here we go again, yet another radical right wing extremist politicizing the tragedy to blame Obama. Go to hell you piece of shit.

You can pretty much expect this event to be the leading topic on all conservative radio shows. Here we go again, all those networks and their bigot hosts/commentators will attempt to blame this on every sector of the right. The Tea Party/GOP/Conservatives/Sarah Palin/Bush/Rush etc.
You have to wonder if Brian Ross is researching the list of all Boston Tea Party Members and bringing it to work tomorrow in hopes a "Very Common Name" Becomes The Culprit. Can you imagine if the suspects name is something like John Smith, or Mike Andrews?
Drudge is reporting a Saudi national is in custody...probably pissed off about fracking...
The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.

All Hail Obama, lol.

He probably knew it was going to happen. One of those "don't let any death go to waste" things.

You're a fucking idiot and piece of excrement. Go fuck yourself.
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Whatever, anti-American, Obama-deifying pigs.

"Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital."

In addition, Boston police have surveillance video of someone bringing multiple backpacks to blast site, according to CBS News.
Police also confirmed that there was a third explosion, at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. It was not immediately clear how much damage was done or whether it was related to the bombings at the marathon finish line.
The library bombing occurred about 4:30 p.m. and more than a mile from the marathon.
A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.
""Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital -
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Some guy in a white hat detained by police.


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