Boston Marathon Bombing

We should find someone to blame before we know the facts..:dunno:

If it's a terrorist attack on Obama's watch. We can't blame them...let's start with Bush.

Amanda Marcotte pointed out that after Newtown, the wrong person's picture was plastered all over the media. Careful folks.

And remember that poor guy that the media ruined over the Olympic bombing.
Suspicious vehicle found in Beacon Street is running, unattended, CT plates. Authorities responding...very carefully I would imagine.
We should find someone to blame before we know the facts..:dunno:

If it's a terrorist attack on Obama's watch. We can't blame them...let's start with Bush.

Amanda Marcotte pointed out that after Newtown, the wrong person's picture was plastered all over the media. Careful folks.

And remember that poor guy that the media ruined over the Olympic bombing.

Richard Jewel I believe his name was (From 96 Olympics). I had a relative that was on the ACOG...she was sure it wasn't him but nobody would listen to her--me included as I recall.
Matthews said it. He is the asshole. he is a stinking piece of cat shit trying to make this a political issue.

until we blow the radical muslims up to allah, this will continue to happen.

No, he didn't. You right wing pieces of shit, as usual, are politicizing tragedies and making crap up to blame the left. Go to hell.

cry us a fucking river, that's exactly what you assholes did when Gabby Giffords got shot.

Why do you support politicizing tragedies? Oh that's right, you are an extremists piece of shit.
We should find someone to blame before we know the facts..:dunno:

If it's a terrorist attack on Obama's watch. We can't blame them...let's start with Bush.

Amanda Marcotte pointed out that after Newtown, the wrong person's picture was plastered all over the media. Careful folks.

After the shooting in Aurora the left plastered some poor jerk's name and address all over the internet. After Trayvon Martin got his, the address of some elderly couple was plastered all over the internet and they were almost killed. They had to flee for their lives.

Fake information is the bread and butter of the left.
The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

Let's wait and see what happens before we all jump to conclusions. There's a lot of people in Boston and a lot of people monitoring the emergency channels. I find it hard to believe they'll be able to lie too much about this. I'm hopeful that this incident is so shocking and sick that it's going to pull us together. :eusa_pray:
[ame=""]Moment of the EXPLOSIONS at BOSTON MARATHON[/ame]
The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

If the government was being led by neo-cons, for sure. They'd use this to go after North Korea.

But this is Obama at the helm, and unlike Bush, he tends to gather information and facts, and actually thinks before he acts.

So I don't see anyone getting bombed in the Middle East, particularly if this is a domestic incident involving yet another crazy person who hates government and community.

You can pretty much expect this event to be the leading topic on all conservative radio shows. Here we go again, all those networks and their bigot hosts/commentators will attempt to blame this on every sector of the right. The Tea Party/GOP/Conservatives/Sarah Palin/Bush/Rush etc.
You have to wonder if Brian Ross is researching the list of all Boston Tea Party Members and bringing it to work tomorrow in hopes a "Very Common Name" Becomes The Culprit. Can you imagine if the suspects name is something like John Smith, or Mike Andrews?
We should find someone to blame before we know the facts..:dunno:

If it's a terrorist attack on Obama's watch. We can't blame them...let's start with Bush.

Amanda Marcotte pointed out that after Newtown, the wrong person's picture was plastered all over the media. Careful folks.

After the shooting in Aurora the left plastered some poor jerk's name and address all over the internet. After Trayvon Martin got his, the address of some elderly couple was plastered all over the internet and they were almost killed. They had to flee for their lives.

Fake information is the bread and butter of the left.

Which is why all the incorrect reports are coming from the NY Post, a Rupert Murdoch (FOX) owned newspaper. Seriously, it's retarded to make this a left/right thing right now.

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