Boston Marathon Bombing

My heart goes out to the families of those who were killed, lost limbs, were injured and traumatized by this incident.

Also to all the people of Boston who are innocent of anything that caused this terrible incident from a marathon fitness enthusiasts have enjoyed for over 100 years.

The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon hosted by several cities in Greater Boston in eastern Massachusetts. It is always held on Patriots' Day, the third Monday of April. Begun in 1897, inspired by the success of the first modern-day marathon competition in the 1896 Summer Olympics,[1] the Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon, and ranks as one of the world's best-known road racing events. It is one of six World Marathon Majors.
Since 1897, the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has managed this event.[2] Amateur and professional runners from all over the world compete in the Boston Marathon each year, braving the hilly New England terrain and varying weather to take part in the race.
The event attracts 500,000 spectators each year, making it New England's most widely viewed sporting event.[3] Though starting with 18 participants in 1897, the event now attracts an average of about 20,000 registered participants each year, with 26,895 people entering in 2011.[4] The Centennial Boston Marathon in 1996 established a record as the world's largest marathon with 38,708 entrants, 36,748 starters, and 35,868 finishers.[3]

More at Wikipedia: Boston Marathon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reports that it may have been an accident.

No, it wasn't an accident - 2 explosions, one right after the other and then there was a 3rd incident at the JFK library @ 220 Morrissey Blvd. about 8.7 miles driving distance SSE from the Boston Public Library (first bomb was across the st from the Boston Public Library). There is a red line stop at the JFK library there so I'm wondering if someone took the 'T' (subway) from the Boylston st area because 3rd explosion was some time later than the first two. I also heard there were two bombs that did not detonate, but that hasn't been confirmed yet.
[ame=""]Bombing - Raw Street Level Video[/ame]
According to the Commisioner of Police, in Boston, the incident at the JFK library was a bomb that went off and was related to the two at the marathon.

Third explosion confirmed at JFK library | Boston Herald

A third explosion occurred just after 3 this afternoon at John F. Kennedy library in what is now being called another confirmed attack.

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said “a third incident — explosion — was at the JFK Library” on Columbia Point.
This sort of feels like the bombing at the Atlanta games 17 years ago.

If the culprit is an American, do you think Rand Paul would be against droning him now?
According to the Commisioner of Police, in Boston, the incident at the JFK library was a bomb that went off and was related to the two at the marathon.

Third explosion confirmed at JFK library | Boston Herald

A third explosion occurred just after 3 this afternoon at John F. Kennedy library in what is now being called another confirmed attack.

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said “a third incident — explosion — was at the JFK Library” on Columbia Point.

That means we're dealing with a network instead of a crazy individual. This country is about to lose it's shit.
Manufacturing Terrorism: The Danger of Using Informants as Agents Provocateurs



Since Sept. 11, counterterrorism has surpassed organized crime as the FBI’s top priority, consuming $3.3 billion of its approximately $8 billion budget. A great deal of that money is spent on maintaining informants — many of whom are placed within the American Muslim community. The FBI currently has more than 15,000 informants, approximately three times as many as it had in the 1980’s. Many of the informants are used conventionally — i.e. to observe wrongdoing and draw the FBI’s attention to it. However, the FBI has been increasingly using informants as “agents provocateurs,” that is, the informants provide the means and opportunity for individuals to commit acts of terrorism, often going to great lengths to convince suspects to engage in terrorist acts.
Opinion | The Cornell Daily Sun

just sayin..
Go away asshole. Let's let the facts come out before the paranoid lies assigning blame to imaginary enemies begins.

Matthews said it. He is the asshole. he is a stinking piece of cat shit trying to make this a political issue.

until we blow the radical muslims up to allah, this will continue to happen.

No, he didn't. You right wing pieces of shit, as usual, are politicizing tragedies and making crap up to blame the left. Go to hell.

cry us a fucking river, that's exactly what you assholes did when Gabby Giffords got shot.
We should find someone to blame before we know the facts..:dunno:

If it's a terrorist attack on Obama's watch. We can't blame them...let's start with Bush.

Amanda Marcotte pointed out that after Newtown, the wrong person's picture was plastered all over the media. Careful folks.

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