Boston Marathon Bombing

Cripes...joeB is in the abortion threads cheering because it takes attention off it's easy to understand why people might think that.

But we know that none of the pro-abortion lunatics have the balls to work with explosives.....
Not that I am accusing you of not thinking, but what message would that be? No one has claimed credit, or made any sort of statement about a message. How does one get a message out if no one knows what the message is?

I'd think because if it's lone crazy person or a small time group, the authorities already got them and is holding them until they get the story straight to release to the public. Or they're on the run right now and staying underground until it works for them to release a message.

If it's a network of people, I'm sure they're holding a message until their operatives are recovered or again they're waiting for the right time.

The test I think whether it's a crazy domestic element if we don't hear a message by April 20th. It seems foreign enemies don't usually put a message out. We'll just have to wait and see.

You think that Obama would let the FBI sit on a suspect rather than trumpet the fact that he caught the man that conducted the first successful terror attack in over a decade while he was president? Are you aware that Obama is a narcissist?

That's a pretty biased opinion. And again, I said it's also possible the suspects are still on the run or have been put on a government plane back to their home country for all I know. Again, we don't have enough definitive details to know for sure. All we know for sure right now is a date, a place, video of the event and a list of causalities.
Racist!!!! You're attacking me because I'm white!

We're watching the psychological unraveling of this person...

(I'm white too sweetie.)

I know you are. Only a bigoted white person could be so abjectly retarded on this issue.
right! how could you know...mental illness makes you clairvoyant ?
there is no credible evidence that it's not a white person also there is no credible evidence that it is a non white person.
so what is it you're defending?
Cripes...joeB is in the abortion threads cheering because it takes attention off it's easy to understand why people might think that.

But we know that none of the pro-abortion lunatics have the balls to work with explosives.....
wouldn't that make them just like the anti choice jack offs,
and just as wrong?
don't let a little thing like thinking about what you say before you post stop you.
I just find it fascinating that you loons turn everything into a race issue.

It's rather awe-inspiring. Proof that the racists have returned to the left, whence they came, and are all tucked back in all snug into the dem rolls.
Cripes...joeB is in the abortion threads cheering because it takes attention off it's easy to understand why people might think that.

But we know that none of the pro-abortion lunatics have the balls to work with explosives.....
wouldn't that make them just like the anti choice jack offs,
and just as wrong?
don't let a little thing like thinking about what you say before you post stop you.

Wouldn't..what? make .... who? .... just like the anti choice jack offs (and how?)?

What's with the cap situation? Are you aware that sentences are supposed to start with a capital letter, or are you really as stupid as you seem?
I just find it fascinating that you loons turn everything into a race issue.

It's rather awe-inspiring. Proof that the racists have returned to the left, whence they came, and are all tucked back in all snug into the dem rolls.
wrong again! you guys did that by immediately making some false and bigoted assumptions and feigning ignorance of it.
I am getting a bad feeling, usually, credit is taken by the perpetrators ( or other assorted nuts) soon there after, soon can be as soon as the attack is 'successful' or shortly there after.....if we hit tomorrow and no credit has been taken, I will be thinking domestic...

Well I don't know if that's true anymore. Terrorists have seen what happens to those who do take responsibility for attacks like this. It also might mean that they aren't finished yet.

yes I see your point.

what scares me if they have gotten smart and learned enough to just let it lie, lay up and wait for another opportunity. If its a stand alone cell that is snug and seriously organized, we are in trouble.

Terror is letting your victim dangle and build the tension until you strike again.....
The attack was horrific, whoever is responsible for it.
I just find it fascinating that you loons turn everything into a race issue.

It's rather awe-inspiring. Proof that the racists have returned to the left, whence they came, and are all tucked back in all snug into the dem rolls.
wrong again! you guys did that by immediately making some false and bigoted assumptions and feigning ignorance of it.

Such as?

Quotes and links, please.
Cripes...joeB is in the abortion threads cheering because it takes attention off it's easy to understand why people might think that.

But we know that none of the pro-abortion lunatics have the balls to work with explosives.....
wouldn't that make them just like the anti choice jack offs,
and just as wrong?
don't let a little thing like thinking about what you say before you post stop you.

Wouldn't..what? make .... who? .... just like the anti choice jack offs (and how?)?

What's with the cap situation? Are you aware that sentences are supposed to start with a capital letter, or are you really as stupid as you seem?
failed attempt at a dodge.
my syntax, spelling and punctuation are perfect, on the net caps are optional.
do like the desperate failing when you get your ass in a crack.
are you gong to answer the question or not?

Here's an image of what the bombs supposedly looked like so you can get a mental image.
Do you think the 8 year old, specifically, deserved to be blown to bits?

Or do you just wish all Americans would get blown up?
I just find it fascinating that you loons turn everything into a race issue.

It's rather awe-inspiring. Proof that the racists have returned to the left, whence they came, and are all tucked back in all snug into the dem rolls.
wrong again! you guys did that by immediately making some false and bigoted assumptions and feigning ignorance of it.

Such as?

Quotes and links, please.
no need, it's all there in this thread and everything you post.
your sudden affected ignorance is all the linkage needed.
What if I feel indifferent about what happened yesterday, like just don't care that much? Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

a touch of sociopathic tendencies perhapes
So are Americans sociopaths for not caring that attacks like this happens everyday around the world, what makes America so special?

Perhaps, but I think the American exceptionalism eminent on this thread is narcissistic. I think this is framed wrong, this isn't a terrorist "attack", it is a "reaction" to US attacks. Why should I care about this attack when attacks of a much more severe magnitude occur daily in the middle east as a result of US government direct action or indirectly as a result of the instability the US government creates. If the government wants to continue on course with these kinds of policies, this will start becoming a norm, simple as that. I refuse to feed the hysteria an accept the frame of Americans as victims and that the US government is morally infallible. Maybe I also don't care because I just consider myself an American anymore, but rather a straight conservative white dude wondering what the hell kind of society he lives in and where the hell the country his ancestors founded went.
First blood was on 9/11. My message to you is, if you don't want America attacking you back, leave us the hell alone.
First blood was on 9/11. My message to you is, if you don't want America attacking you back, leave us the hell alone.

I am going to be as sensitive and diplomatic as possible in this because I really don't want what I say to be misconstrued (but it will be) in any way shape or form. 9/11 wasn't a random attack on our nation by a group of people who are just evil. In their minds, the US has acted like an imperialistic bully bastard for a long, long time. Please - read my words carefully - I am not in any way shape or form saying they were justified. FFS, I lost friends that day - but we do ourselves a disservice as a nation if we act as if 9/11 were an "out of the blue" attack. The people who did what they did thought they were justified.

We, as a nation, need to look at how we are perceived and at how we have behaved in the past and understand that some people are angry with us and that that anger, in their minds, is justified. To blow them off as "evil" will not solve this problem. Their perception is our reality and we, as a nation, need to address that rather than write it off or blame it on their religion.

We DO sometimes act like a school yard bully. That needs to stop. We DO need to look at how others perceive us - and face it, sometimes we are jingoistic assholes.

Again, please - this doesn't justify what they did, but unless and until we examine their motives, we're just going to be stuck reacting to them. And sometimes, we will prevail and sometimes we won't.
American's all over the country need to organize and go underground and become a fine oiled machine. Be smart about it and stay out of jail and don't end up dead and get the job done.



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