Boston Marathon Bombing

2 bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon yesterday. We don't know who did it. We do know they were pressure cookers that were full of projectiles.
Do you think the 8 year old, specifically, deserved to be blown to bits?

Or do you just wish all Americans would get blown up?
another stupid remark, no one deserved to be killed, just like non combatants in other conflicts don't deserve it.

My ignore list:

2ndAmendment 2Parties 7forever 9/11 inside job Ahbleza AmericaBlows Antiderivative Ariux B. Kidd bigrebnc1775 bitterlyclingin catzmeow Cecilie1200 chesswarsnow Christophera code1211 Contumacious ConzHateUSA craner CrotchetyGeezer CrusaderFrank daveman Dissent Douger Dr.House Ed Spacer EdwardBaiamonte eots FoodStamp_Obama Freewill gallantwarrior Galnuc GEORGE ORWELL georgephillip GStarz Hillbilly Girl ihopehefails Intolerant JBeukema Katzndogz KnobbyWalsh koshergrl LoudMcCloud Martin Timothy Matthew miller Mr. H. Mr.Nick Nunz Octoldit paulitician Pho_King PhysicsExist Pingamundo pugwi Quatermass RightWingFerret Salt Jones sharia4USA Si modo skookerasbil skye Sunni Man TakeAStepBack Teals_Of_Wonder Terral The2ndAmendment Triton Truthmatters Uncensored2008 Unkotare USArmyRetired Warrior102 Wildcard WillowTree

Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.
I'd think because if it's lone crazy person or a small time group, the authorities already got them and is holding them until they get the story straight to release to the public. Or they're on the run right now and staying underground until it works for them to release a message.

If it's a network of people, I'm sure they're holding a message until their operatives are recovered or again they're waiting for the right time.

The test I think whether it's a crazy domestic element if we don't hear a message by April 20th. It seems foreign enemies don't usually put a message out. We'll just have to wait and see.

You think that Obama would let the FBI sit on a suspect rather than trumpet the fact that he caught the man that conducted the first successful terror attack in over a decade while he was president? Are you aware that Obama is a narcissist?

That's a pretty biased opinion. And again, I said it's also possible the suspects are still on the run or have been put on a government plane back to their home country for all I know. Again, we don't have enough definitive details to know for sure. All we know for sure right now is a date, a place, video of the event and a list of causalities.

What makes it biased? Be specific here, I really want to know?
So has the US ever committed an act of terrorism?

You have Augusto Pinochet as your avatar and you ask that question? For reals?

You didn't answer my question, has the US ever committed an act of terrorism?

From non-Americans' point of view? Often. You know, we bemoan and vilify Ernesto "Che" Guevera, but we created him. He was just a womanizing, asthmatic physician right up until the time he saw atrocities committed in the name of the US. We have no one but ourselves to blame for his existence. What? You think he is unique?
There was an innocent 8 year old boy named Martin Richard who was killed from an explosion. His 6 year old sister got her leg blown off and their mother is in the hospital in critical condition with brain injuries. Their father was in the race and is unharmed. At one point the little boy ran out into the street to greet his daddy and then he ran back to the sidelines where he got blown up.

CNN AC360: Government officials are basically telling us to prepare Americans to wait. We cant solve this mystery like they do in a 30 minute CSI TV show. We are still at square one & it is going to take a long time to sift through all the data coming in. "We are in no rush."
There was an innocent 8 year old boy named Martin Richard who was killed from an explosion. His 6 year old sister got her leg blown off and their mother is in the hospital in critical condition with brain injuries. Their father was in the race and is unharmed. At one point the little boy ran out into the street to greet his daddy and then he ran back to the sidelines where he got blown up.

55 Iraqis died yesterday, 300 injured, probably a couple 8 year olds in those stats as well.
Black Monday in Iraq: 55 killed, almost 300 injured in series of attacks ? RT News

It was Muslims who blew them up go talk to them.
Do you think the 8 year old, specifically, deserved to be blown to bits?

Or do you just wish all Americans would get blown up?
another stupid remark, no one deserved to be killed, just like non combatants in other conflicts don't deserve it.

My ignore list:

2ndAmendment 2Parties 7forever 9/11 inside job Ahbleza AmericaBlows Antiderivative Ariux B. Kidd bigrebnc1775 bitterlyclingin catzmeow Cecilie1200 chesswarsnow Christophera code1211 Contumacious ConzHateUSA craner CrotchetyGeezer CrusaderFrank daveman Dissent Douger Dr.House Ed Spacer EdwardBaiamonte eots FoodStamp_Obama Freewill gallantwarrior Galnuc GEORGE ORWELL georgephillip GStarz Hillbilly Girl ihopehefails Intolerant JBeukema Katzndogz KnobbyWalsh koshergrl LoudMcCloud Martin Timothy Matthew miller Mr. H. Mr.Nick Nunz Octoldit paulitician Pho_King PhysicsExist Pingamundo pugwi Quatermass RightWingFerret Salt Jones sharia4USA Si modo skookerasbil skye Sunni Man TakeAStepBack Teals_Of_Wonder Terral The2ndAmendment Triton Truthmatters Uncensored2008 Unkotare USArmyRetired Warrior102 Wildcard WillowTree

Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.

Damn, I did not make the list!
Do you think the 8 year old, specifically, deserved to be blown to bits?

Or do you just wish all Americans would get blown up?
another stupid remark, no one deserved to be killed, just like non combatants in other conflicts don't deserve it.

My ignore list:

2ndAmendment 2Parties 7forever 9/11 inside job Ahbleza AmericaBlows Antiderivative Ariux B. Kidd bigrebnc1775 bitterlyclingin catzmeow Cecilie1200 chesswarsnow Christophera code1211 Contumacious ConzHateUSA craner CrotchetyGeezer CrusaderFrank daveman Dissent Douger Dr.House Ed Spacer EdwardBaiamonte eots FoodStamp_Obama Freewill gallantwarrior Galnuc GEORGE ORWELL georgephillip GStarz Hillbilly Girl ihopehefails Intolerant JBeukema Katzndogz KnobbyWalsh koshergrl LoudMcCloud Martin Timothy Matthew miller Mr. H. Mr.Nick Nunz Octoldit paulitician Pho_King PhysicsExist Pingamundo pugwi Quatermass RightWingFerret Salt Jones sharia4USA Si modo skookerasbil skye Sunni Man TakeAStepBack Teals_Of_Wonder Terral The2ndAmendment Triton Truthmatters Uncensored2008 Unkotare USArmyRetired Warrior102 Wildcard WillowTree

Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.

Damn Candy, you're nearly talking to yourself.....
They already know quite a bit about whoever it was that built the bombs from the way the bombs were built. It's not like they have nothing to go on.
how's that? knowing how the bombs were built is no real indication of who built them.
it's not as if the maker left some sort of I.D. in the fragments.
if "they" did it would not be announced until "they" were caught.
nice use of logic there sport!

You have never heard of a bomb's signature? Look it up.
another stupid remark, no one deserved to be killed, just like non combatants in other conflicts don't deserve it.

My ignore list:

2ndAmendment 2Parties 7forever 9/11 inside job Ahbleza AmericaBlows Antiderivative Ariux B. Kidd bigrebnc1775 bitterlyclingin catzmeow Cecilie1200 chesswarsnow Christophera code1211 Contumacious ConzHateUSA craner CrotchetyGeezer CrusaderFrank daveman Dissent Douger Dr.House Ed Spacer EdwardBaiamonte eots FoodStamp_Obama Freewill gallantwarrior Galnuc GEORGE ORWELL georgephillip GStarz Hillbilly Girl ihopehefails Intolerant JBeukema Katzndogz KnobbyWalsh koshergrl LoudMcCloud Martin Timothy Matthew miller Mr. H. Mr.Nick Nunz Octoldit paulitician Pho_King PhysicsExist Pingamundo pugwi Quatermass RightWingFerret Salt Jones sharia4USA Si modo skookerasbil skye Sunni Man TakeAStepBack Teals_Of_Wonder Terral The2ndAmendment Triton Truthmatters Uncensored2008 Unkotare USArmyRetired Warrior102 Wildcard WillowTree

Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.

Damn Candy, you're nearly talking to yourself.....

Not saying a whole lot, I know, but I'm smarter than most on the list and the conversation is more informative. LOL
So are Americans sociopaths for not caring that attacks like this happens everyday around the world, what makes America so special?

Perhaps, but I think the American exceptionalism eminent on this thread is narcissistic. I think this is framed wrong, this isn't a terrorist "attack", it is a "reaction" to US attacks. Why should I care about this attack when attacks of a much more severe magnitude occur daily in the middle east as a result of US government direct action or indirectly as a result of the instability the US government creates. If the government wants to continue on course with these kinds of policies, this will start becoming a norm, simple as that. I refuse to feed the hysteria an accept the frame of Americans as victims and that the US government is morally infallible. Maybe I also don't care because I just consider myself an American anymore, but rather a straight conservative white dude wondering what the hell kind of society he lives in and where the hell the country his ancestors founded went.
First blood was on 9/11. My message to you is, if you don't want America attacking you back, leave us the hell alone.

What about our troops in Saudi Arabia, or our sanctions on Iraq resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children. That isn't first blood?
Link to the "hundreds of thousands of children" hoax you are perpetrating, please.
another stupid remark, no one deserved to be killed, just like non combatants in other conflicts don't deserve it.

My ignore list:

2ndAmendment 2Parties 7forever 9/11 inside job Ahbleza AmericaBlows Antiderivative Ariux B. Kidd bigrebnc1775 bitterlyclingin catzmeow Cecilie1200 chesswarsnow Christophera code1211 Contumacious ConzHateUSA craner CrotchetyGeezer CrusaderFrank daveman Dissent Douger Dr.House Ed Spacer EdwardBaiamonte eots FoodStamp_Obama Freewill gallantwarrior Galnuc GEORGE ORWELL georgephillip GStarz Hillbilly Girl ihopehefails Intolerant JBeukema Katzndogz KnobbyWalsh koshergrl LoudMcCloud Martin Timothy Matthew miller Mr. H. Mr.Nick Nunz Octoldit paulitician Pho_King PhysicsExist Pingamundo pugwi Quatermass RightWingFerret Salt Jones sharia4USA Si modo skookerasbil skye Sunni Man TakeAStepBack Teals_Of_Wonder Terral The2ndAmendment Triton Truthmatters Uncensored2008 Unkotare USArmyRetired Warrior102 Wildcard WillowTree

Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.

Damn, I did not make the list!

Who are you?
Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.

I never understood the point of making one's ignore list public. Skim and scroll works just fine for me.

No point really...

I do wonder why people bother engaging the "drunk at the end of the bar" which applies to nearly 1 in 5 here I would estimate.

Of course some would say the same about me.

I don't ignore those people all of the time; mostly it's a reminder that there is probably nothing to be gained by reading the hidden posts. It also helps skim and scroll by limiting the page length.
I am talking about from your point of view, as an American, has the US Government ever committed an act of terrorism?

Not that I'm aware of - we just invade countries who pose no threat to us. Does that count?
You obviously failed to read Madeline Albright's State Department Notes on foreign countries which were made available online from 1996-January 2001. Pity.
I am talking about from your point of view, as an American, has the US Government ever committed an act of terrorism?

Not that I'm aware of - we just invade countries who pose no threat to us. Does that count?
You obviously failed to read Madeline Albright's State Department Notes on foreign countries which were made available online from 1996-January 2001. Pity.

I was thinking more in terms of 1951 - 1986 and 2001 - 2013. My bad.

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