Boston Marathon Bombing

I listen to the scanner while the search was going on, and after it was over how they were patting each other on the back for a great job. After viewing this video they are a disgrace.
Fucking pigs.

top rated comment from that video was this at 17

MCFC1874 3 hours ago
This was a drill for martial law. They had the young man under their thumb the whole time, but he was the cover story for the cops and military to practice this drill. The media was part of the drill too. All of this for a patsy, young man who was considered a danger to society that would kill anyone. The same guy that carjacked someone, but didn't harm the guy in the car.
Do you have any info on the claim being made that DHS was conducting a "drill" during last Monday's marathon? Am I being paranoid to consider the possibility the authorities knew in advance about both brothers yet let the bloodshed proceed, perhaps for a demonstration effect?
Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

Fox News is not a news organization. It is Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda machine vomiting RNC talking points into microphones.

This is not a political statement, it is a fact known by informed students of news and media professionals. Fox viewers believe more MISinformation than from any other source. 30 reasons why Fox News is not legit | Research | Media Matters for America

Media Matters?


It's like the Chevy dealer telling you Fords are pieces of shit.

Gee Really?

Beach, really, you're smarter than that.
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Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

Fox News is not a news organization. It is Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda machine vomiting RNC talking points into microphones.

This is not a political statement, it is a fact known by informed students of news and media professionals. Fox viewers believe more MISinformation than from any other source. 30 reasons why Fox News is not legit | Research | Media Matters for America

Media Matters?



Fox News is not a news organization. It is Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda machine vomiting RNC talking points into microphones.

This is not a political statement, it is a fact known by informed students of news and media professionals. ]


You're an idiotic clown. This is a fact known by anyone reading the stupid shit you post here.
Exactly, a bunch of overweight low IQ pigs on a power trip who can't cut it in the private sector, I can smell the bacon from here.

And YOU will cry like a little bitch, piss yourself, and beg them to help you if the least danger ever comes your way. And they will help you despite the fact that you are an undeserving, ungrateful conspiracy idiot.
Innocent Watertown family ripped from their home at gunpoint; Police storm the property - YouTube

this is what a police state looks like!

I listen to the scanner while the search was going on, and after it was over how they were patting each other on the back for a great job. After viewing this video they are a disgrace.
Fucking pigs.

top rated comment from that video was this at 17

MCFC1874 3 hours ago
This was a drill for martial law. They had the young man under their thumb the whole time, but he was the cover story for the cops and military to practice this drill. The media was part of the drill too. All of this for a patsy, young man who was considered a danger to society that would kill anyone. The same guy that carjacked someone, but didn't harm the guy in the car.
Exactly, a bunch of overweight low IQ pigs on a power trip who can't cut it in the private sector, I can smell the bacon from here. You are more likely to be killed by one of these SWAT assholes than a "terrorist"

I don't think there "is" a private sector anymore. Everyone went bankrupt or had to stop hiring because of the horrid economy. And if you're out of work more than 90 days, you may as well burn all your own resumes in the round file, because that's where yours will go if you send it out. I'm not being a jerk, just telling you how bad it is out there, unless you want to work at Burger Meisters or Pizza Heaven or Wally World.
Exactly, a bunch of overweight low IQ pigs on a power trip who can't cut it in the private sector, I can smell the bacon from here.

And YOU will cry like a little bitch, piss yourself, and beg them to help you if the least danger ever comes your way. And they will help you despite the fact that you are an undeserving, ungrateful conspiracy idiot.

Police don't protect individuals from danger, they only respond in the aftermath, that is why I have taken precautions to adequately defend myself from violence if necessary. Cops, at least in the society, pose more of a danger to me exercising my free will as a human being than protecting it. In fact, I have had multiple friends be abused by the legal system for non-violent "offenses" like marijuana possession and had their likes greatly inconvenienced by those who supposedly "protect and serve" "the people"...

You're a greasy little punk, and it's no surprise that your druggie 'friends' and you are bitter about putting yourselves on the wrong side of the law, all the while existing thanks to protections you don't deserve. Fucking pathetic.
Police don't protect individuals from danger, they only respond in the aftermath, that is why I have taken precautions to adequately defend myself from violence if necessary. Cops, at least in the society, pose more of a danger to me exercising my free will as a human being than protecting it. In fact, I have had multiple friends be abused by the legal system for non-violent "offenses" like marijuana possession and had their likes greatly inconvenienced by those who supposedly "protect and serve" "the people"...

You're a greasy little punk, and it's no surprise that your druggie 'friends' and you are bitter about putting yourselves on the wrong side of the law, all the while existing thanks to protections you don't deserve. Fucking pathetic.
So much for land of the free, home of the brave, hur dur gotta love 'murica...

Yes, we have laws in America. When greasy little scumbags like you choose to break them, you deserve to be punished according to the law. What country do you live in, scumbag?
I still say people with this extreme level of paranoia and instability (see bugger and this new troll galnuc) should have to jump through some extra hurdles before they are allowed to walk around with guns.
I seemed to have got the wrong thread.
I thought this was about Boston bombings, not little girls calling each other silly names in the playground.
[ame=]Back to Back C-span callers - Boston Marathon Bombing a false flag to take away more rights - YouTube[/ame]

C-SPAN takes callers about Boston Marathon Bombing.

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