Boston Marathon Bombing

Ah. I see. An ICE official was an unreliable source because TheBlaze used him. The fact that others used the same source until ICE itself refuted the information is irrelevent. TheBlaze is of course hated with a passion by all leftists because it, like Drudge, seems to have a nose for news and is out ahead of the pack on some of this stuff. And yes, sometimes they get too far ahead of the story, but I can assure you ALL media groups look to these kinds of sources so they won't be scooped too badly.

The fact that TheBlaze prominently corrected their information once it was available to them is a credit to their sense of journalistic responsibility.

But they by no means were the only ones running with the story until it deadended with better information:

The Saudi Saga: Key Information Still Being Revealed in Case of former ?Person of Interest? Gov?t Considered Deporting

Obviously he was unreliable since he was wrong. And please find me a news site that reported on this that didn't use the The Blaze or Fox News as a source.

Sorry I can't do that since TheBlaze was the one who initially reported it and the others HAD to cite TheBlaze in order to report it at all. The fact that the others all DID report it suggests they found the story intriguing and sufficiently credible to be important. The first one out is generally cited as the source. I can't help the fact that a source you don't like happens to be better at investigation than most of the others.

And the fact that Fox News reported it is an evil thing? When so did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC? That every one of them was putting out information on this report or that report that eventually turned out to be erroneous? But no, the left's loathing for sources like TheBlaze is so prevalent that TheBlaze itself becomes the story as is anybody else the Left doesn't like who further explores it.

For instance, there is absolutely no mention of TheBlaze in this story:
Confusion over Saudis in Boston following marathon attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.
Ah. I see. An ICE official was an unreliable source because TheBlaze used him. The fact that others used the same source until ICE itself refuted the information is irrelevent. TheBlaze is of course hated with a passion by all leftists because it, like Drudge, seems to have a nose for news and is out ahead of the pack on some of this stuff. And yes, sometimes they get too far ahead of the story, but I can assure you ALL media groups look to these kinds of sources so they won't be scooped too badly.

The fact that TheBlaze prominently corrected their information once it was available to them is a credit to their sense of journalistic responsibility.

But they by no means were the only ones running with the story until it deadended with better information:

The Saudi Saga: Key Information Still Being Revealed in Case of former ?Person of Interest? Gov?t Considered Deporting

Obviously he was unreliable since he was wrong. And please find me a news site that reported on this that didn't use the The Blaze or Fox News as a source.

Sorry I can't do that since TheBlaze was the one who initially reported it and the others HAD to cite TheBlaze in order to report it at all. The fact that the others all DID report it suggests they found the story intriguing and sufficiently credible to be important. The first one out is generally cited as the source. I can't help the fact that a source you don't like happens to be better at investigation than most of the others.

And the fact that Fox News reported it is an evil thing? When so did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC? That every one of them was putting out information on this report or that report that eventually turned out to be erroneous? But no, the left's loathing for sources like TheBlaze is so prevalent that TheBlaze itself becomes the story as is anybody else the Left doesn't like who further explores it.

For instance, there is absolutely no mention of TheBlaze in this story:
Confusion over Saudis in Boston following marathon attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs
Why would there be? They reported that a Republican politician was wrong in his belief that a Saudi national was being held for deportation regarding the Boston bombing.

The Blaze should be renamed The Blaze Out. I think their track record on trying to push false stories is legendary by now.
Anyway, anyone with a lick of sense would know we weren't going to deport someone that was guilty of murdering Americans in an American city.

Do some of you people even attempt to think?
Obviously he was unreliable since he was wrong. And please find me a news site that reported on this that didn't use the The Blaze or Fox News as a source.

Sorry I can't do that since TheBlaze was the one who initially reported it and the others HAD to cite TheBlaze in order to report it at all. The fact that the others all DID report it suggests they found the story intriguing and sufficiently credible to be important. The first one out is generally cited as the source. I can't help the fact that a source you don't like happens to be better at investigation than most of the others.

And the fact that Fox News reported it is an evil thing? When so did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC? That every one of them was putting out information on this report or that report that eventually turned out to be erroneous? But no, the left's loathing for sources like TheBlaze is so prevalent that TheBlaze itself becomes the story as is anybody else the Left doesn't like who further explores it.

For instance, there is absolutely no mention of TheBlaze in this story:
Confusion over Saudis in Boston following marathon attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.
Sorry I can't do that since TheBlaze was the one who initially reported it and the others HAD to cite TheBlaze in order to report it at all. The fact that the others all DID report it suggests they found the story intriguing and sufficiently credible to be important. The first one out is generally cited as the source. I can't help the fact that a source you don't like happens to be better at investigation than most of the others.

And the fact that Fox News reported it is an evil thing? When so did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC? That every one of them was putting out information on this report or that report that eventually turned out to be erroneous? But no, the left's loathing for sources like TheBlaze is so prevalent that TheBlaze itself becomes the story as is anybody else the Left doesn't like who further explores it.

For instance, there is absolutely no mention of TheBlaze in this story:
Confusion over Saudis in Boston following marathon attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

I am sorry you were proven wrong.
And their source was probably Joe Blow in the Fargo office. Instead of doing more research, they ran with a false story.
Sorry I can't do that since TheBlaze was the one who initially reported it and the others HAD to cite TheBlaze in order to report it at all. The fact that the others all DID report it suggests they found the story intriguing and sufficiently credible to be important. The first one out is generally cited as the source. I can't help the fact that a source you don't like happens to be better at investigation than most of the others.

And the fact that Fox News reported it is an evil thing? When so did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC? That every one of them was putting out information on this report or that report that eventually turned out to be erroneous? But no, the left's loathing for sources like TheBlaze is so prevalent that TheBlaze itself becomes the story as is anybody else the Left doesn't like who further explores it.

For instance, there is absolutely no mention of TheBlaze in this story:
Confusion over Saudis in Boston following marathon attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

And I would have honed in on CNN but I can't find where they ran the story. I could only find Fox, Yahoo, The Blaze, and Brietbart.
I am sorry I don't lap up mainstream media like you do. Plus I was smart enough to realize a. Emerson made it up or b. it was some lowly field agent who was confused.
True journalism would have figured this out before running the story.
The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

And I would have honed in on CNN but I can't find where they ran the story. I could only find Fox, Yahoo, The Blaze, and Brietbart.
I am sorry I don't lap up mainstream media like you do. Plus I was smart enough to realize a. Emerson made it up or b. it was some lowly field agent who was confused.
True journalism would have figured this out before running the story.

I'll give you credit for that when I see you condemning CNN or ABC or CBS etc. for running something that later needs to be corrected and when you discount them as a credible source if they get ahead of the story. Until then I will have to assume you didn't even read the initial story in the Blaze or their subsequent stories folllowing it. I did. Also, as much as possible, what everybody else was reporting too. I am a dedicated media watcher who has also held press credentials. So I sort of know how this stuff happens. I don't fault them for getting it wrong when there is no harm and no foul. I DO fault them for failure to correct what they get wrong and do so as prominently as the information they got wrong. TheBlaze does that every single time. Most of the others, not so much.
Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

And I would have honed in on CNN but I can't find where they ran the story. I could only find Fox, Yahoo, The Blaze, and Brietbart.
I am sorry I don't lap up mainstream media like you do. Plus I was smart enough to realize a. Emerson made it up or b. it was some lowly field agent who was confused.
True journalism would have figured this out before running the story.

I'll give you credit for that when I see you condemning CNN or ABC or CBS etc. for running something that later needs to be corrected and when you discount them as a credible source if they get ahead of the story. Until then I will have to assume you didn't even read the initial story in the Blaze or their subsequent stories folllowing it. I did. Also, as much as possible, what everybody else was reporting too. I am a dedicated media watcher who has also held press credentials. So I sort of know how this stuff happens. I don't fault them for getting it wrong when there is no harm and no foul. I DO fault them for failure to correct what they get wrong and do so as prominently as the information they got wrong. TheBlaze does that every single time. Most of the others, not so much.

I actually did, a friend posted it on Facebook.
And I just condemned all journalism including MSNBC a few posts back. I am sorry you didn't catch it. People are really having a hard time following threads today.
Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

And I would have honed in on CNN but I can't find where they ran the story. I could only find Fox, Yahoo, The Blaze, and Brietbart.
I am sorry I don't lap up mainstream media like you do. Plus I was smart enough to realize a. Emerson made it up or b. it was some lowly field agent who was confused.
True journalism would have figured this out before running the story.

I'll give you credit for that when I see you condemning CNN or ABC or CBS etc. for running something that later needs to be corrected and when you discount them as a credible source if they get ahead of the story. Until then I will have to assume you didn't even read the initial story in the Blaze or their subsequent stories folllowing it. I did. Also, as much as possible, what everybody else was reporting too. I am a dedicated media watcher who has also held press credentials. So I sort of know how this stuff happens. I don't fault them for getting it wrong when there is no harm and no foul. I DO fault them for failure to correct what they get wrong and do so as prominently as the information they got wrong. TheBlaze does that every single time. Most of the others, not so much.

What I posted in this thread. Post #1680
"And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore."
The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

And I would have honed in on CNN but I can't find where they ran the story. I could only find Fox, Yahoo, The Blaze, and Brietbart.
I am sorry I don't lap up mainstream media like you do. Plus I was smart enough to realize a. Emerson made it up or b. it was some lowly field agent who was confused.
True journalism would have figured this out before running the story.

Do you remember CNNs coverage during the 2000 election? When Carol Roberts of Palm Beach County announced on live television something to the effect of "We're not going home until Gore wins." CNN aired that live but never mentioned it again. No other news source picked up on it. It was pretty much then that I realized our media isn't what it used to be. No one really cares about the truth or justice, they all have their own agendas and both CNN and Fox are the same in that just like the dems and reps are the same.

Read my signature....any idea why no news station ever picked up on that? That man should have been expelled from this country, he was a spokesperson for the Mexican government. Our government should have gone to the UN and insisted that Mexico declare it's intentions towards us but instead, they all ignored it. Do you really think it went away?
Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

And I would have honed in on CNN but I can't find where they ran the story. I could only find Fox, Yahoo, The Blaze, and Brietbart.
I am sorry I don't lap up mainstream media like you do. Plus I was smart enough to realize a. Emerson made it up or b. it was some lowly field agent who was confused.
True journalism would have figured this out before running the story.

Do you remember CNNs coverage during the 2000 election? When Carol Roberts of Palm Beach County announced on live television something to the effect of "We're not going home until Gore wins." CNN aired that live but never mentioned it again. No other news source picked up on it. It was pretty much then that I realized our media isn't what it used to be. No one really cares about the truth or justice, they all have their own agendas and both CNN and Fox are the same in that just like the dems and reps are the same.

Read my signature....any idea why no news station ever picked up on that? That man should have been expelled from this country, he was a spokesperson for the Mexican government. Our government should have gone to the UN and insisted that Mexico declare it's intentions towards us but instead, they all ignored it. Do you really think it went away?

Um that's my point. Do you guys bother to read posts?
There's something missing from this thread.
Something that says a lot about politics.

No one has expressed any real thought concerning the victims.
Nothing of vslue at all.

They've been used as political footballs but no one seems bothered about them as people.
Bit disgusting.
There's something missing from this thread.
Something that says a lot about politics.

No one has expressed any real thought concerning the victims.
Nothing of vslue at all.

They've been used as political footballs but no one seems bothered about them as people.
Bit disgusting.

I think we all expressed our sympathy for the victims in the beginning. If not in this thread than elsewhere. How many times do we need to keep saying it? Do you really think we are all so heartless?

Considering that the poor guy who got his legs blown off already has nearly $500,000 donated to him, I think it's clear that Americans are sympathetic for the most part. It's just too bad that no amount of money in the world is going to bring his legs back. I feel for all those that were hurt on that day, don't you?
Well TheBlaze cited their sources. A responsible debater would rebut erroneous information with more reliable sources or simply say they don't trust the source without further documentation. A numbnut just attacks the source with nothing of substance other than they don't like the source.

The Blaze subsequently did report this:

The problem is with the sources they use. Or the sources they claim they have.
Once I see them using a terrible source or print a false source I tend to not believe anything they print or use them as a source for any information. That is what a responsible person tends to do.
Once I read the article I looked up other sources, which is how I knew The Blaze once again had it wrong. It's pretty simple.

Then show how the Blaze had it wrong. All they did is report what they had been told as everybody else has been doing. And when they found out that what they had been told was wrong, they corrected it as I have reported. In my view, that is not irresponsible journalism. Nor is the Blaze generally a 'terrible source' because they do generally have a source for what they report.

We can reasonably argue whether it is responsible to report what is being reported to the media, but until you can show that others were more responsible, to single out TheBlaze as a 'bad source' doesn't really hold up.

But Hannity had on an expert who said the same thing. Beck continued on with this bullshit.

All this AFTER it was disproved.

[ame=]Innocent Watertown family ripped from their home at gunpoint; Police storm the property - YouTube[/ame]

this is what a police state looks like!
Sorry I can't do that since TheBlaze was the one who initially reported it and the others HAD to cite TheBlaze in order to report it at all. The fact that the others all DID report it suggests they found the story intriguing and sufficiently credible to be important. The first one out is generally cited as the source. I can't help the fact that a source you don't like happens to be better at investigation than most of the others.

And the fact that Fox News reported it is an evil thing? When so did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC? That every one of them was putting out information on this report or that report that eventually turned out to be erroneous? But no, the left's loathing for sources like TheBlaze is so prevalent that TheBlaze itself becomes the story as is anybody else the Left doesn't like who further explores it.

For instance, there is absolutely no mention of TheBlaze in this story:
Confusion over Saudis in Boston following marathon attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

Fox News is not a news organization. It is Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda machine vomiting RNC talking points into microphones.

This is not a political statement, it is a fact known by informed students of news and media professionals. Fox viewers believe more MISinformation than from any other source. 30 reasons why Fox News is not legit | Research | Media Matters for America
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I listen to the scanner while the search was going on, and after it was over how they were patting each other on the back for a great job. After viewing this video they are a disgrace.
Fucking pigs.

top rated comment from that video was this at 17

MCFC1874 3 hours ago
This was a drill for martial law. They had the young man under their thumb the whole time, but he was the cover story for the cops and military to practice this drill. The media was part of the drill too. All of this for a patsy, young man who was considered a danger to society that would kill anyone. The same guy that carjacked someone, but didn't harm the guy in the car.
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The fact that others used The Blaze as their source without doing their own research is exactly what is wrong with journalism. Thank you for proving my point.
And don't worry, I don't just hate The Blaze, I don't watch MSNBC for the same reason. There is no responsibility in journalism anymore.

Well you disliked it enough to immediately make TheBlaze (and Fox News) the source of your contempt when, if you were not biased against most or all conservative sources, you would more likely hone in on the information itself and be curious abut whether an ICE official DID tell somebody that before ICE denied it. And THAT is the difference between true journalism and picking and choosing information according to who you like or dislike.

Fox News is not a news organization. It is Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda machine vomiting RNC talking points into microphones.

This is not a political statement, it is a fact known by informed students of news and media professionals. Fox viewers believe more MISinformation than from any other source. 30 reasons why Fox News is not legit | Research | Media Matters for America

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