Boston Marathon Bombing

Law enforcement sources tell ABC News, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is awake and responding to questions. Authorities say Tsarnaev is doing so sporadically in writing to questions.

Federal agents have started questioning him about possible accomplices or other explosive devices.

Read more: FBI questions Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

hopefully they are giving him ample amounts

of gravy for the brain IV

to assist in the free flow of information
What discussing motivation what has to be taken into account is that these were brothers who may have some common experiences which may have been the source for these acts.

I find it very curious that they did not harm the man they hijacked the car from. After killings and maiming many others. If this killing spree was motivated by a religious belief that man should have been killed as well.

There is more to this story.

Terrorism has a purpose. We all pretend that it's senseless and random, but it isn't. Terrorism is a military tactic. These brothers set the bombs to destabilize American society. Killing the driver would not have offered any tactical advantage.

The left loves to say we are not at war with Islam - but Islam sure the fuck IS at war with us.
and where is the saudi guy? why is he being rapidly deported? why did obama meet with the saudi ambassador in an unscheduled meeting?
Fox News is not a news organization. It is Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda machine vomiting RNC talking points into microphones.

This is not a political statement, it is a fact known by informed students of news and media professionals. Fox viewers believe more MISinformation than from any other source. 30 reasons why Fox News is not legit | Research | Media Matters for America

Ohh, look - the hate site "Media Matters" says that Fox isn't legitimate...

ROFL - you can't BUY irony like that.
and where is the saudi guy? why is he being rapidly deported? why did obama meet with the saudi ambassador in an unscheduled meeting?

According to ICE the Saudi national they have in custody has nothing to do with Boston.......

That determination was made AFTER obama had an unscheduled meeting with the saudi ambassador.

it hss also been reported that the guy is a member of a poweful saudi family.

Is obama kissing saudi ass again? remember his bow to the king?
I listen to the scanner while the search was going on, and after it was over how they were patting each other on the back for a great job. After viewing this video they are a disgrace.
Fucking pigs.

top rated comment from that video was this at 17

MCFC1874 3 hours ago
This was a drill for martial law. They had the young man under their thumb the whole time, but he was the cover story for the cops and military to practice this drill. The media was part of the drill too. All of this for a patsy, young man who was considered a danger to society that would kill anyone. The same guy that carjacked someone, but didn't harm the guy in the car.
Exactly, a bunch of overweight low IQ pigs on a power trip who can't cut it in the private sector, I can smell the bacon from here. You are more likely to be killed by one of these SWAT assholes than a "terrorist"

I don't think there "is" a private sector anymore. Everyone went bankrupt or had to stop hiring because of the horrid economy. And if you're out of work more than 90 days, you may as well burn all your own resumes in the round file, because that's where yours will go if you send it out. I'm not being a jerk, just telling you how bad it is out there, unless you want to work at Burger Meisters or Pizza Heaven or Wally World.

Even those last three jobs are difficult to get today especially if you are over 30 and under 65. For some reason, they'd rather hire a 65 year old than a 55 year old....
the reality of the bombing

Interesting how the purpose of cops shifted from punishment to protection...

Capturing and punishing criminals (like...) DOES protect the rest of society, you stupid, greasy scumbag.

How does someone smoking a plant violate your liberties?

I guess two people live in your asshole, me and you.

I guess when your taxes have to pay for socialized health care
which includes costs of treating cancer or other conditions from smoking pot
[but does NOT include cost-cutting methods of spiritual healing that have been SHOWN to cure the causes of addiction and cancer both, as well as other diseases.]

And how does this have anything to do with the Boston Bombings?

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