Boston Marathon Bombing

BS. I had a friend killed because he and another friend were high and fucking around. Stupidity played it's part but the stupidity may not have been there without the heavy use of THC.


Being stoned while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk. While I support the idea of legalization of pot for taxation reasons, I think we should throw the book at someone who drives drunk, stoned, or for that matter with a cell phone turned on.

I was surprised to learn that as much as a third of the pot in this country comes from Northern California. Imagine the taxes, and an end to the Mexican cartel border problems all at once! In these times of sequestered government programs, this could be the answer for our budgetary problems nationally and for the States.


Although its not a major issue with me I simply do not understand the logic in keeping pot illegal. Nearly every argument made about pot can equally, if not more, be applied to booze.

Both are drugs

Both can be addictive

Both can cause inappropriate and dangerous actions

But the only argument I ever actually see made is that if you allow people to smoke pot we only add more dangerous drivers on the road.

The logical argument is only to ban both, but that could never be...

I haven't had a toke in over 25 years, and legalizing it would not make me change that streak.

We have way to many laws on the books, this one just needs to go away.

I would agree if there were a test that the Officer who pulls someone over could give to see how much THC is in the drivers system. Until then I'm against it being legal. I'll be against it's use for ever....
The only people who are against marijuana is big business and the idiots who believe their propaganda. There are more than I thought.

BS. I had a friend killed because he and another friend were high and fucking around. Stupidity played it's part but the stupidity may not have been there without the heavy use of THC.


Being stoned while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk. While I support the idea of legalization of pot for taxation reasons, I think we should throw the book at someone who drives drunk, stoned, or for that matter with a cell phone turned on.

I was surprised to learn that as much as a third of the pot in this country comes from Northern California. Imagine the taxes, and an end to the Mexican cartel border problems all at once! In these times of sequestered government programs, this could be the answer for our budgetary problems nationally and for the States.


Humbolt country..if I reckon correctly. It's bee a very long time since I ever smoked a joint. About 40 years..give or take. But if you wanted some good pot...Humbolt.
The only people who are against marijuana is big business and the idiots who believe their propaganda. There are more than I thought.

BS. I had a friend killed because he and another friend were high and fucking around. Stupidity played it's part but the stupidity may not have been there without the heavy use of THC.


Being stoned while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk. While I support the idea of legalization of pot for taxation reasons, I think we should throw the book at someone who drives drunk, stoned, or for that matter with a cell phone turned on.

I was surprised to learn that as much as a third of the pot in this country comes from Northern California. Imagine the taxes, and an end to the Mexican cartel border problems all at once! In these times of sequestered government programs, this could be the answer for our budgetary problems nationally and for the States.


No, you idiot, it would not.
BS. I had a friend killed because he and another friend were high and fucking around. Stupidity played it's part but the stupidity may not have been there without the heavy use of THC.


Being stoned while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk. While I support the idea of legalization of pot for taxation reasons, I think we should throw the book at someone who drives drunk, stoned, or for that matter with a cell phone turned on.

I was surprised to learn that as much as a third of the pot in this country comes from Northern California. Imagine the taxes, and an end to the Mexican cartel border problems all at once! In these times of sequestered government programs, this could be the answer for our budgetary problems nationally and for the States.


No, you idiot, it would not.

If the reason to legalize pot was simply to balance the budget, I would be opposed. I don't think it would make a small dent in the billions owed by some states and trillions owed by the fed. But at some point us that really do want a smaller government must look at these laws and chose which we keep and which are simply too over burdensome. Burdensome not only to budgets, but to the population in general.

I think this is simply one of many.
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The only people who are against marijuana is big business and the idiots who believe their propaganda. There are more than I thought.

BS. I had a friend killed because he and another friend were high and fucking around. Stupidity played it's part but the stupidity may not have been there without the heavy use of THC.
One is either stupid or not stupid. Marijuana cannot make one either stupid or smart. But heavy use of marijuana typically causes one to sit down and stare blankly while the mind is racing. I've never known it to cause anyone to horse around and do stupid things.

THC is a euphoric tranquilizer. While it stimulates intellectual activity it depresses physical activity. So it may be said your friend was the extreme exception and certainly not the rule.
Pot is lethal.
There is no record in the annals of medical science of anyone ever dying from or being made sick by marijuana. None. Zero. Not one.

So your notion that marijuana is lethal is utterly false and misleading.

Booze is dangerous.

Booze is lethal -- far more than occasionally. In fact, just for openers, drinking alcohol causes 20,000 deaths from pancreatic cancer, alone, every year. Alcohol causes 20,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. annually - CBS News

That's in addition to how many violent deaths it causes, and how many lives it ruins because of alcoholism. So to say booze is dangerous is a serious understatement.

Can anyone name an alcoholic terrorist?
Beverage alcohol has caused more death and misery in America over the years than the most ambitious terrorist could hope to emulate.
I guess when your taxes have to pay for socialized health care which includes costs of treating cancer or other conditions from smoking pot[...]
There is not a single record anywhere of anyone being made sick or dying from using marijuana. If you doubt that, look for evidence to support your belief.

You won't find any.
I guess when your taxes have to pay for socialized health care which includes costs of treating cancer or other conditions from smoking pot[...]
There is not a single record anywhere of anyone being made sick or dying from using marijuana. If you doubt that, look for evidence to support your belief.

You won't find any.

Yes there are. Few drugs have been more extensively studied than marijuana and, while most people using it moderately don't have lasting negative effects, just as most people can drink alcohol in moderation with no lasting negative effects, there is plenty of evidence that some are made quite ill by marijuana use.
Marijuana | National Institute on Drug Abuse

However, that topic is best moved to another forum and a different thread. This one should be focusing on developing events related to the Boston bombing.
Well it looks like the post that one of our Administrators or Mods put by Anonymous just might be right after all.
I can't remember which one I think it was Cereal Killer.
Anyway. One of them put up a post that said Anonymous;
I can't tell who I am because I will lose my job.
Then went on to say that the bomber would be arrested on Friday and that he would be young.
That they will then introduce laws about our guns and not to let them get away with it.
Well there was an arrest on Friday.
Now I'm learning that Sen. Frank Lautenberg is going to introducing 2 bills on gun powder laws.

Did anyone else read that post or remember reading it?
I have looked for it but can't find it. (I know I should have written it down) My BAD :(
There was so many threads on the Bombing on Monday and Tuesday. I can't remember if it was put up on Tuesday or Wednesday.
But who ever Anonymous was, was totally correct.

I remember it.

Do you remember where it was?

Surprising that so many Americans here are ignoring the clear video evidence that this was a 100% False Flag .
Yeah except it wasn't.

I guess when your taxes have to pay for socialized health care which includes costs of treating cancer or other conditions from smoking pot[...]

There is not a single record anywhere of anyone being made sick or dying from using marijuana. If you doubt that, look for evidence to support your belief.

You won't find any.

Someone blew some in my face once and it made me throw up.

CaféAuLait;7135516 said:

But this was related to the Boston Marathon bombing? That doesn't make any sense given that the terrorists didn't use guns to commit that horror. I do fully expect to see somebody in government or other talking heads propose regulation of pressure cooker sales any time now though.
CaféAuLait;7135516 said:

But this was related to the Boston Marathon bombing? That doesn't make any sense given that the terrorists didn't use guns to commit that horror. I do fully expect to see somebody in government or other talking heads propose regulation of pressure cooker sales any time now though.

The person said reloading powder not guns.
Reloading powder is gun powder Foxfyre and that is what they used in the pressure cooker.
Sen. Lautenberg now has 2 gun powder bills coming out.
CaféAuLait;7135516 said:

But this was related to the Boston Marathon bombing? That doesn't make any sense given that the terrorists didn't use guns to commit that horror. I do fully expect to see somebody in government or other talking heads propose regulation of pressure cooker sales any time now though.

The person said reloading powder not guns.
Reloading powder is gun powder Foxfyre and that is what they used in the pressure cooker.
Sen. Lautenberg now has 2 gun powder bills coming out.

Ah, okay. Well who was it, Raum Immanuel?, who said never let a good crisis go to waste. Just once, though, I wish our government would focus on the bad guys instead of taking more and more rights away from law abiding citizens on the pretext that this will somehow make them safer.
I used to smoke Mother Nature and now I'm against it. I'm not big business, I'm not an idiot, and don't believe the propaganda. :eusa_whistle:

Similar story here. Pot makes people stupid. I haven't smoked it in 25 years, and will never smoke it again.

BUT, I strongly support legalization. It does me no harm for others to get stupid.

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