Boston Marathon Bombing

BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.
It is people like you who wish to keep repeating the countless failures of the American system of government.

As to my ideas, they have nothing to do with the bushy-bearded author you seem to imagine. They do not derive from the 19th century (nor from the 18th century, as yours do). They are ideas appropriate to the conditions of the 21st century, and beyond.

My ideas are far, far beyond your limited ability to comprehend. They require far more education than you can even dream of.
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BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.
It is people like you who wish to keep repeating the countless failures of the American system of government.

As to my ideas, they have nothing to do with the bushy-bearded author you seem to imagine. They do not derive from the 19th century (nor from the 18th century, as yours do). They are ideas appropriate to the conditions of the 21st century, and beyond.

My ideas are far, far beyond your limited ability to comprehend. They require far more education than you can even dream of.
it reeks of hubris and arrogance in here....don't date much, do you?
BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.
It is people like you who wish to keep repeating the countless failures of the American system of government.

As to my ideas, they have nothing to do with the bushy-bearded author you seem to imagine. They do not derive from the 19th century (nor from the 18th century, as yours do). They are ideas appropriate to the conditions of the 21st century, and beyond.

My ideas are far, far beyond your limited ability to comprehend. They require far more education than you can even dream of.

Good grief. :rolleyes:
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Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
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^^^These lil' Van Jones Jr's are funny.

Cripes they're nuts. Their parents must be so proud.

Body of mistaken Boston bomber possibly found...
Efforts on to identify body possibly of Sunil Tripathi
Thursday 25th April, 2013 - US authorities are trying to determine if a body pulled from Providence river is missing Indian origin student Sunil Tripathi, who was erroneously linked on social media to the Boston bombings last week.
The Rhode Island medical examiner's office is conducting an autopsy on the body, but so far no positive identification has been made, ABC News reported citing spokesperson Dara Chadwick. The body appeared to be a male in his twenties and had "been in the water for a while," said Commander Thomas Oates of the Providence Police Department. Tripathi, a 22-year-old philosophy major at Brown University, was last seen on March 16 but ignited a social media firestorm last week after the FBI released a photograph of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects wearing a white baseball cap.

A Brown rowing coach reported a body in the river near India Point Park, CNN reported citing Lindsay Lague, a spokesperson for the Providence Police Department. Lague said authorities may be able to identify the body as soon as Thursday morning. The Tripathi family's search for the missing student has been detailed on a Facebook page, "Help us find Sunil Tripathi." "He was seen on the 15th, Friday, hanging out with his friends, talking to family members, all normal activities, nothing out of the ordinary that anyone detected," his brother Ravi told CNN affiliate WPRI on April 10. Since then a desperate search has been on for Tripathi, known to family and friends as "Sunny."

When he went missing, Tripathi, who had been struggling with depression, was on approved leave from the Ivy League school, meaning that he had requested and was granted time off but remained a student there. Sunil had taken the time off to figure out exactly what he wanted to do, Ravi told WPRI. A moving video was posted on YouTube on April 8, simply titled "For Sunny," in which family and friends appeal for him to come home, telling him how much they love him and want to see him. The family "want to know that he's safe," Ravi told WPRI just six days before the Boston bombing. "All we really want to know is that he's around and that he's okay.

Efforts on to identify body possibly of Sunil Tripathi | Big News Network
Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
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Penis Envy^^^^^^^^^
A man that has a little teeny tiny pee wee.
A woman to ugly and fat too find a man with a dick.
BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.
It is people like you who wish to keep repeating the countless failures of the American system of government.

As to my ideas, they have nothing to do with the bushy-bearded author you seem to imagine. They do not derive from the 19th century (nor from the 18th century, as yours do). They are ideas appropriate to the conditions of the 21st century, and beyond.

My ideas are far, far beyond your limited ability to comprehend. They require far more education than you can even dream of.
With all this brilliance we had an economical collapse? what the fuck is wrong with the world that they could not see how wonderful you are? :gay:
Signs of long-term deindustrialization and exploding poverty/inequality rates in the US homeland lead some to suspect the coming economic collapse poses a bigger risk to this Republic than Marx and Rand combined. If we are living inside the biggest debt bubble in all history and totally dependent on "defense" spending to maintain the US Empire, what happens when the US can no longer afford to borrow enough money to wage war on the opposite side of the planet? Will we face the same choice the British faced two generations ago: Empire or Democracy?
Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
· ·

Penis Envy^^^^^^^^^
A man that has a little teeny tiny pee wee.
A woman to ugly and fat too find a man with a dick.
you talking penis envy is completely ironic considering what's shown in you avatar pic, and I don't mean the dog.
if I had to guess, you own a pick up with the over compensation package (pun intended).
BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.
It is people like you who wish to keep repeating the countless failures of the American system of government.

As to my ideas, they have nothing to do with the bushy-bearded author you seem to imagine. They do not derive from the 19th century (nor from the 18th century, as yours do). They are ideas appropriate to the conditions of the 21st century, and beyond.

My ideas are far, far beyond your limited ability to comprehend. They require far more education than you can even dream of.
With all this brilliance we had an economical collapse? what the fuck is wrong with the world that they could not see how wonderful you are? :gay:
another sign of tiny dick syndrome, the use of gay slurs or symbols.

yeah, numan is a pretentious dick so why imitate him?
Signs of long-term deindustrialization and exploding poverty/inequality rates in the US homeland lead some to suspect the coming economic collapse poses a bigger risk to this Republic than Marx and Rand combined. If we are living inside the biggest debt bubble in all history and totally dependent on "defense" spending to maintain the US Empire, what happens when the US can no longer afford to borrow enough money to wage war on the opposite side of the planet? Will we face the same choice the British faced two generations ago: Empire or Democracy?
[emphasis added]

In the case of the U.S.A., it will be both loss of Empire and loss of democracy!

Not that there was ever much democracy in the U.S.A. to begin with, of course.
They are a regular crime family.

Tsarnaev's Mother started relating a conspiracy theory, saying she thought the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon were created by the U.S. government to foment hatred for Muslims. “My son knows all about it,” Tsarnaeva said, according to the blog. “You can read about it on the Internet.”

In June, Mom Tsarnaev was accused of trying to steal seven designer dresses, valued at $1,600, from a Lord & Taylor department store in suburban Natick. She skipped bail and, in October, a court issued a warrant for her arrest.

"He was very image-oriented,” Stuber said. Tamerlan drove a silver C-Class Mercedes-Benz, and when he wasn’t wearing workout gear, he chose “boisterous, fancy clothes.”

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is suspected of killing 3 including his good friend in a drug deal.

Bombing suspects' Mom was also in terror database. Tamerlan Tsarnaev's wife & mother are also wanted for shoplifting. Tamerlan Tsarnaev's wife called him to warned him that the FBI was looking for him. That call was just before he & his brother tried to escape Boston by stealing a car.

"I used to warn Dzhokhar that Tamerlan was up to no good," their cousin, Zaur Tsarnaev, 26, told the Boston Globe. "[Tamerlan] was always getting in trouble. He was never happy, never cheering, never smiling. He used to strike his girlfriend. ... He was not a nice man."

In 2009, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery for assaulting his girlfriend in Cambridge, police records show.
"Girlfriend called 911 on her cell phone indicating that she was beat up by her boyfriend," the police report states. The woman was described as "crying hysterically" and told police that she had been yelling at Tsarnaev "because of another girl." When asked if he had hit his girlfriend, Tsarnaev told the officer on duty, "Yes, I slapped her," the police report states. (His father, Anzor, confirmed the report but told the New York Times that Tamerlan only "hit her lightly.")

Dan Magnarelli, who often sparred with Tsarnaev at Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts in Boston, said he was taken aback when Tsarnaev set down a blanket beside a treadmill and started praying. By 2010, Tsarnaev seemed more interested in discussing Islam, Pollard said.
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My word of encouragement for the day
I dunno. Ask them.
I'll ask you being the expert on white people and all
Oh, I'm no expert. I simply have no clue why conservative whites do or say what they do and say. I'm completely baffled. It's like they have no moral compasses. No hearts. And no minds. Any ol' racist remark is liable to fall from their mouths or keystrokes. It's kinda scary. Have you read the various threads and posts? Horrific. They're going to Hell in a Handbasket.
You are quite right. They (or I should say "we" [but I'm fighting against it, trying to stave it off]) aren't really humans anymore; we have been taken over by Aliens from Outer Space -- in the form of advertising, entertainment, news and other forms of totalitarian brainwashing.

They have become more and more zombie robots, repeating pre-recorded messages which their Nazoid masters have inserted in their brains.

Where is it going to stop? I don't know, but you can be sure it will be one of the greatest, most horrific disasters of the 21st century.
My word of encouragement for the day
I'll ask you being the expert on white people and all
Oh, I'm no expert. I simply have no clue why conservative whites do or say what they do and say. I'm completely baffled. It's like they have no moral compasses. No hearts. And no minds. Any ol' racist remark is liable to fall from their mouths or keystrokes. It's kinda scary. Have you read the various threads and posts? Horrific. They're going to Hell in a Handbasket.
You are quite right. They (or I should say "we" [but I'm fighting against it, trying to stave it off]) aren't really humans anymore; we have been taken over by Aliens from Outer Space -- in the form of advertising, entertainment, news and other forms of totalitarian brainwashing.

They have become more and more zombie robots, repeating pre-recorded messages which their Nazoid masters have inserted in their brains.

Where is it going to stop? I don't know, but you can be sure it will be one of the greatest, most horrific disasters of the 21st century.

Can anyone today truly be that stupid? Nazoid? really? You have a guy who wants to believe that all Whites are prejudiced and hate blacks, and you label them Nazoids.....
The two of you are going to hell in a handbasket.......

Damn I hate racist punks.........
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
· ·

Penis Envy^^^^^^^^^
A man that has a little teeny tiny pee wee.
A woman to ugly and fat too find a man with a dick.
you talking penis envy is completely ironic considering what's shown in you avatar pic, and I don't mean the dog.
if I had to guess, you own a pick up with the over compensation package (pun intended).

Is numun your girlfriend that you feel the need to defend it's idiotic comments?
Penis Envy^^^^^^^^^
A man that has a little teeny tiny pee wee.
A woman to ugly and fat too find a man with a dick.
you talking penis envy is completely ironic considering what's shown in you avatar pic, and I don't mean the dog.
if I had to guess, you own a pick up with the over compensation package (pun intended).

Is numun your girlfriend that you feel the need to defend it's idiotic comments?
another ignorant rant from you, I'm not defending his comments. just pointing out your homophobia and lack of creativity.

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